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If they invest some dollars in Pakistan you will curse Hitler for that and escort Bibi's aircraft with thunders!

You are bestie of india so why you are pointing fingers at Pakistan? KSA is a Muslim nation with holiest sites, India is not.
You are bestie of india so why you are pointing fingers at Pakistan? KSA is a Muslim nation with holiest sites, India is not.

A Muslim nation with bloody hands !

Holy sites mean nothing if you close your eyes about the truth !
If the yahood want another holocaust this is the way to start it.

Stay away from Pakistan if you want to live. :sniper:
If they invest some dollars in Pakistan you will curse Hitler for that and escort Bibi's aircraft with thunders!

So Iran is enemy and Israel is love ! :)

Nothing wrong with Israel. It's the only same country in that region.
But Israel is Saudi's friend ... You can't hurt them !
This is no issue...

Indian are mostly Hindu which are pagan mortal enemies of the believers of One God. (Jews, Christians and Muslims). However they have survived so far but they know at the end they will need to convert or face their mortal enemies. The best way to survive is to create Fitna. So they did in fact no believer be it Christian, Jew or Muslim were spared. Go through the history of Hindus and you will find how they fought and how they massacred still the Muslims ruled them.
The Hindus only talk about one king AKBAR because he was brainwashed into believing that if he wanted to rule he must consider believers and non believers as one. That worked till the British Christians came over and then an other chapter began, this time the Christian believers were told to divide the Muslims.

Conclusion is Every one is an enemy but some how contract is formed to co-exist. Remember there was an agreement between Maccaa and Muslims but when that was broken Muslims moved in from all direction to take control of Maccaa.

The Jews in Israel can make all the accords for now but they are the ones who would break them as well because that is what they require in order to reach the day of Judgement.

but iran is also india friends.
It is an alliance not based on roses

If they invest some dollars in Pakistan you will curse Hitler for that and escort Bibi's aircraft with thunders!

So Iran is enemy and Israel is love ! :)
My friend we choose our friends but enemy is never chosen.

A Muslim nation with bloody hands !

Holy sites mean nothing if you close your eyes about the truth !
Yet you are bound to protect its existence. How Ironic!!
Anglo-imperialists can't stand the fact that darkies non whites have advanced weapons.
Pakistan isn't only in their list,NK is there then it's india and then it's china.
israel can keep it's weapons because they are white and not sub-human.
Most of his "work" even if we can call it that is mostly intrepretations of hadith and quran according to his mood and unfolding international events. He criticises angraiz/gora people and yet tries very hard himself to be a gora dude and hide he is Pakistani/Indian.

Other scholars hace spoken about the same issues. But they don't spice things up just so the British Pakistanis are pleased with them.

Show me which scholar has spoken about International monetary policies and riba in such detail? No one has...

He doesn't try to pretend to be gora lol...show me evidence. He himself has spoken against India and in favor of Pakistan on many, the OP's video being one of them.

He also has a MBA or some other kind of degree on the topic he speaks about, along with being a well respected scholar. He was a host of Al-Azhar University of Karachi (or some other Uni in Karachi) for a long time.

So yea, he doesn't "hate" Pakistanis and yes, he speaks with much experience & knowledge, something I'm sure neither of us or anyone else speaking against him does with. :)
Anglo-imperialists can't stand the fact that darkies non whites have advanced weapons.
Pakistan isn't only in their list,NK is there then it's india and then it's china.
israel can keep it's weapons because they are white and not sub-human.

It is an ostensibly attractive explanation, but, luckily for mankind, knowledge only serves those who work hard to harness it regardless of skin color.
It is an ostensibly attractive explanation, but, luckily for mankind, knowledge only serves those who work hard to harness it regardless of skin color.

In the face of reality, it is the only possible explanation.

Why else would the West & Israel/Mossad be hell bent on having Iran stay clear of getting nukes?

Why else would the West & Israel like to see Pakistan, along with North Korea denuclearized?

What's not wrong with the Israeli's having them? Why is no one harping 24/7 about Israeli nukes!?

The only explanation then becomes the one provided by @Mugwop :D
In the face of reality, it is the only possible explanation.

Why else would the West & Israel/Mossad be hell bent on having Iran stay clear of getting nukes?

Why else would the West & Israel like to see Pakistan, along with North Korea denuclearized?

What's not wrong with the Israeli's having them? Why is no one harping 24/7 about Israeli nukes!?

The only explanation then becomes the one provided by @Mugwop :D

Except, as I mentioned, knowledge serves those who work hard to get it.

If any of the countries you mention are determined to get such weapons, no one can stop them. Look at Pakistan as an example. It has nukes, and it will keep them, even with huge social costs. No one from the outside can change that.

Hence, that explanation fails.
Except, as I mentioned, knowledge serves those who work hard to get it.

If any of the countries you mention are determined to get such weapons, no one can stop them. Look at Pakistan as an example. It has nukes, and it will keep them, even with huge social costs. No one from the outside can change that.

Hence, that explanation fails.
Pakistan needs them, Regan and kissinger know it very well why so.
Pakistan needs them, Regan and kissinger know it very well why so.

Of course. And it developed them despite all odds and obstacles. Knowledge serves those who work hard to harness it, regardless of skin color, as I said.
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