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Rotherham Industrialized Rape Triggers Nationwide Nationalist Demonstrations

So anyway. When is europe finally going to deport all the wack job muslims from their lands? They come to europe and start raping women and trying to change european culture into some weird caveman beheading woman enslaving culture. And then when you comfront them with it. They try and play the i know you are but what am i game like some retarded children

Its easy.....if our countries are so bad...why do you come? Because you know your shithole countries are 10000 times worse.....hopefully europe will close its borders on these troglodytes soon. Let them kill each other in the desert just like their head hunter allah or mohamed or whoever wanted them to.

Keep your disgusting culture IN YOUR OWN COUNTRIES.

Why are you here? Go back to the shithole where You came from. This is a Pakistani forum and we want to deport you back to the dark corner of the internet where you crawled out from. :lol:
WTF why am i getting this : This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors.

Battylicker notgoodenough can spout he's racist shit on here the Indians can chat shiyt about my faith but why cant i respond .
WTF why am i getting this : This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors.

I am getting the same message ( and my post is struck up for hours ) even though not a single line of my post is condescending.

Does this forum has a policy of blocking content without rhyme or reason?
Sorry but notgoodenough you were the one that took people to task when posters here, especially other Americans were busy abusing black folk over their "crimes", their "dirty culture", the "horror" they spread, yet you are here doing the exact same thing i.e. abusing our faith, brushing all Muslims over the crimes committed by a few.

Here is the thread for reference:

Blacks Riot And Loot In Ferguson Missouri And Other Cities In The U.S. | Page 13

These men were not even remotely religious and there was an extensive thread on this before, where many of us, including myself posted our disgust at these pimps.

Here is the thread for reference:

1400 children sexually abused by British 'Asians' | Page 5

Please read my post.

What's even more ironic is that you comment on a thread made by Desert Fox, who you called hate filed and abused by a black man and all sorts, yet hurl slurs at Muslims on a thread created by the very same poster.


Not against immigrants per say (at least not all of them), but rather, against unnal elements within these immigrant communities and failure on the part of the community to address these issues.

If the entire Pakistani community were to come out tomorrow in mass demonstrations against the perpetrators of these horrendous crimes, i'm certain for sure that such an event would clear out any misconceptions within the British majority that most Pakistanis condone such behavior, but on the contrary the Pakistani/Muslim community has remained silent and they were well aware of such criminal activity more than anyone else. All i'm saying is if tomorrow Nationalistic sentiments reach boiling point and a brutal confrontation ensues resulting in deaths and destruction of many people, Pakistanis included, the Pakistani community have none other than themselves to blame.

Regarding my being an immigrant in America, sure, that's true. Though, i can't remember the last time i raped underage non-Muslim/White girls/Asian girls/indian girls/Spanish girls/Latino/Mexican girls and then justified it because they were Kafirs/non-believers or they dressed a certain way. Sure, i don't agree with all of American laws, but by no means does that justify me indulging in activity that causes physical and emotional harm to others. Because i'm an immigrant doesn't mean i should turn a blind eye to the wrong doings of my fellow Pakistani immigrants, does it?? Otherwise i'm no better than these rapists.

I'm sure there are immigrants in China, just as there are immigrants in Arab countries as well, but can you remember the last time immigrants raped 1400++ Chinese or Arab girls and got away with it or received light punishment?? From what i know, Arabs even behead criminals for similar crimes that would only land a criminal a few decades, even years in prison within America and the U.K. But of course, no one will label the Chinese gov.t or Arab gov.t's racist.

The amount of shame such statements and behaviors on the part of fellow Pakistanis and Muslims brings upon law abiding Pakistani Muslim immigrants is irreparable:

'Black Flag of Jihad will Fly over London': Alarm over UK-born Iraq Fighters' Threat

I completely agree with you bro. The thing is our government has become too politically correct to the point where it has become a joke. They tend to tolerate even the untolerable, just because they want to be seen a bad light/called racists. Our politicians have become too soft/tolerant to the point where they will rather harm our country than take actions they are afraid will be called 'targeting a minority' or whatever. This can be seen by how they allow radical muslims/islaimists/terrorists to preach hate/radicalize british youths, to the point where Britain is now the haven for islamists in Europe, since they know when they get here, its almost impossible for the government to prosecute them due to fear of violating their 'human rights':disagree: This can been seen in the hate preacher Abu hamza case.

Like you said, it seems other coutries/regions tend to want to apply rules only on us, not them. They expect just we to be tolerant/accomodating and allow all such henious acts, meanwhile if the same thing was done to their girls in their country, MY GOD i just cant imagine their reaction, im sure they will be hanged/executed for doing that. Just stealing in Saudi Arabia gets your hand chopped off or even executed, much less of a foreigner/immigrants raping their young girls in the thousands. Same with other Asian countries, imagine it was in China that these pakistanis rapists scums had commited such acts, im sure they will be executed(not given a few year only to be realesed even before then for good behaviour/bail out:disagree:) and people will come out in mass numbers to protests against such acts.

What surprises me even more, is how many muslims tend to be sooo protective of their girls. Try dating one of their girls and see the reaction they will give you, but they see others girls(especially western) as cheap and think they can do anything with them. Same with when a christian or whoever wants to marry a muslim, they will always go against it(prefering the girl/boy to marry a fellow muslim) or as a last resort they will tell you to convert to their religion or else leave. I myself have witnessed this (with my first girl friend). This is not to blame all muslims, since some are quite open, but im afraid to say the large majority are not to be honest.:agree:

But here, we are always expected to be more tolerant and accept such acts without much fuss. Its true we(the west) are the most open/tolerant/accomodating region in the world, no region/country even come close bar africa(I have been to almost all continents and i can attest they are still quite closed towards immigrants from other countries where you wont ever find a foreigner holding an offcial position or role unlike we in the west), but that doesnt means we should be taken for granted.

I think our authorities should take more appropriate acts whe it concerns crimes against anybody be it immigrabts or locals, instead of overlooking immigrants crimes for fear of being targeted as racists/politcally incorrect.

I wont blame Scotland if they opt for independence looking at how our government has failed the public/nation.

By the way, thanks for opening this thread, im happy to see a Pakistani guy has the courage/honor to open such a thread/topic even though it concerns your country people. Just look at how the muslim communisty/leaders here have all remain silent to this case(which they should have at least condemned). So its nice to see you bringing up such a topic and rightly condemning it. Kudos to that bro, not many people out there will do this.:tup:
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I completely agree with you bro. The thing is our government has become too politically correct to the point where it has become a joke. They tend to tolerate even the untolerable, just because they want to be seen a bad light/called racists. Our politicians have become too soft/tolerant to the point where they will rather harm our country than take actions they are afraid will be called 'targeting a minority' or whatever. This can be seen by how they allow radical muslims/islaimists/terrorists to preach hate/radicalize british youths, to the point where Britain is now the haven for islamists in Europe, since they know when they get here, its almost impossible for the government to prosecute them due to fear of violating their 'human rights' This can been sign in the hate preacher Abi hamza case.

Labour government is in power, right? They've turned mass immigration into a political tactic, actually. I don't they're soft or trying to politically correct at all.
I can't copy paste right now (another browser), but search up Labour mass immigration tactic.

Holy shit I did not even realize this is the same dude who was arguing with me on that thread, lmaoo irony x1000. What a tool. :rolleyes:

He's an odd breed. Whining about racism while ranting like Pam Geller. A supporter of dictators too. Shame he wasn't born in NK or China. Born in a country of privilege and freedom and yet spends his days like this.
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Take your head out of the sand.......
Pakistan is the country for rapists.....
Sri Lanka Guardian: Pakistan: The Country for Rapists[/quoteedit

India Ranks 3rd in Rape Capital List -The New Indian Express

Take your head out of the sand.......
Pakistan is the country for rapists.....
Sri Lanka Guardian: Pakistan: The Country for Rapists

India Ranks 3rd in Rape Capital List -The New Indian Express

number 1. U.S.A
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I completely agree with you bro. The thing is our government has become too politically correct to the point where it has become a joke. They tend to tolerate even the untolerable, just because they want to be seen a bad light/called racists. Our politicians have become too soft/tolerant to the point where they will rather harm our country than take actions they are afraid will be called 'targeting a minority' or whatever. This can be seen by how they allow radical muslims/islaimists/terrorists to preach hate/radicalize british youths, to the point where Britain is now the haven for islamists in Europe, since they know when they get here, its almost impossible for the government to prosecute them due to fear of violating their 'human rights':disagree: This can been seen in the hate preacher Abu hamza case.

Like you said, it seems other coutries/regions tend to want to apply rules only on us, not them. They expect just we to be tolerant/accomodating and allow all such henious acts, meanwhile if the same thing was done to their girls in their country, MY GOD i just cant imagine their reaction, im sure they will be hanged/executed for doing that. Just stealing in Saudi Arabia gets your hand chopped off or even executed, much less of a foreigner/immigrants raping their young girls in the thousands. Same with other Asian countries, imagine it was in China that these pakistanis rapists scums had commited such acts, im sure they will be executed(not given a few year only to be realesed even before then for good behaviour/bail out:disagree:) and people will come out in mass numbers to protests against such acts.

What surprises me even more, is how many muslims tend to be sooo protective of their girls. Try dating one of their girls and see the reaction they will give you, but they see others girls(especially western) as cheap and think they can do anything with them. Same with when a christian or whoever wants to marry a muslim, they will always go against it(prefering the girl/boy to marry a fellow muslim) or as a last resort they will tell you to convert to their religion or else leave. I myself have witnessed this (with my first girl friend). This is not to blame all muslims, since some are quite open, but im afraid to say the large majority are not to be honest.:agree:

But here, we are always expected to be more tolerant and accept such acts without much fuss. Its true we(the west) are the most open/tolerant/accomodating region in the world, no region/country even come close bar africa(I have been to almost all continents and i can attest they are still quite closed towards immigrants from other countries where you wont ever find a foreigner holding an offcial position or role unlike we in the west), but that doesnt means we should be taken for granted.

I think our authorities should take more appropriate acts whe it concerns crimes against anybody be it immigrabts or locals, instead of overlooking immigrants crimes for fear of being targeted as racists/politcally incorrect.

I wont blame Scotland if they opt for independence looking at how our government has failed the public/nation.

By the way, thanks for opening this thread, im happy to see a Pakistani guy has the courage/honor to open such a thread/topic even though it concerns your country people. Just look at how the muslim communisty/leaders here have all remain silent to this case(which they should have at least condemned). So its nice to see you bringing up such a topic and rightly condemning it. Kudos to that bro, not many people out there will do this.:tup:

oh yeah well done to the Pakistani guy for posting a far right racist offensive crap .,why isnt no one pointing the same finger of blame at the demonstrators?????? .

The Far Right and Peadophiles
The Far Right and Child Abuse

probably because there white

You are never far away from a paedophile within the far right. They spend a lot of time protestign against Muslim Paedophiles but when one of their own is exposed as a child abuser, the usual tactics are to go quiet or deny they were ever part of the organisation despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Here is a list of the far right's most prolific paedophiles.

[name withheld - EDL] Widespread prolific sexual abuse of children. One conviction and many more charges to follow. There is currently a reporting ban on this case but it is horrific.

Richard Price: On the sex offenders register. Price admitted four counts of making indecent images of children and two charges of possessing cocaine. Price was one of the founding members of the English Defence League. When he was convicted, EDL Leadershiip tried to cover it up after former leader, Tommy Robinson described him as a 'political prisoner'.

Michael Coates AKA Micky Blue Eyes NW Infidels: Charged with two attempted rapes and other sex offences. He is currently in prison for smashing his neighbours car and setting fire to it for reporting him for drugs, excessive drinking and loud music. Due to the fact he has access to his young daughter social services were brought in and they have inform her mother that he has 14 pervious charges for sexual offences and has been using four different surnames in order to keep this from coming out.

Brett Moses EDL Hull: 12-month prison sentence for sexual grooming. Brett flew over to Canada to meet an 13 year old girl he groomed on the internet

Matthew Woodward, Deeside EDL: Convicted with child pornography offences and soliciting a 13 year old for pornographic photographs.

Alan Thomas Ellis, Deeside EDL: convicted of sending texts of a sexual nature to a 14 year old girl.

Archie Sleman, EDL : Kidnapping and sexually abusing 10-year-old girl who he raped in a caravan. Sleaman was active in the EDL and ran their Knight templar Division.

Stephen Payne SDL supporter: convicted of grooming a 13 year old.

Nigel Hesmondalgh, BNP: Jailed for possessing a series of degrading photos and videos of children.

Liam Pinkham NWI who condemned himself by admitting to grooming a 15 year old.

Micheal Cowen National Front: National Front member Cowen contacted paedophiles on social networking sites and said how he wanted to film himself killing a child. Police raided his home after intercepting extremist CDs by racist rock groups. They found a Nazi shrine with swastikas, an SS flag and a container of Zyklon B – used to kill millions of Jews in Nazi death camps.

Martin Gilleard National Front: At the opening of his trial at Leeds Crown Court, Gilleard admitted 10 counts of child pornography offences. Officers had discovered more than 39,000 indecent images of children on his computer.
That's because, rape is regarded as a crime in these countries, there is a proper reporting mechanism in place, due to which we get the data............whereas, in countries like Pakistan, as I've showed earlier, there is ZERO conviction rate for rape as the victims are held guilty and punished, not the rapists.................I don't think you can understand the difference.....
That's because, rape is regarded as a crime in these countries, there is a proper reporting mechanism in place, due to which we get the data............whereas, in countries like Pakistan, as I've showed earlier, there is ZERO conviction rate for rape as the victims are held guilty and punished, not the rapists.................I don't think you can understand the difference.....

Are all rapes reported in India ?
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As a British Muslim, this entire episode is becoming increasingly frustrating. There are many cases of Hindus doing the exact same thing and yet the media refuses to cover it. Why? Because they aren't Muslim.

:welcome: to :pdf:

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