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Rotherham Industrialized Rape Triggers Nationwide Nationalist Demonstrations

Interesting - the way the gangs are being justified in some ways (though short of being defended). Comes as no surprise that the British and actually the entire world is seeing a spurt in far right (anti Islamist) movements.

The BBC documentaries also showed a few on Birmingham and their surroundings. They were extremely even handed and even at times sympathetic to the criminal immigrants. But still, in the end, the entire episode left a bad taste in my mouth.

Worse still - this is a new phenomenon. That is actually what is worrying.
Whole west adopted the culture which automatically leads to this and India is following that path and we can clearly see the results

Why did you drag India in to this ?
What type of obsession is this?
Noone in West nations invite Asians in to their nations as immigrants. But those host countries give you full freedom and good life .
So you should maintain decency in that nations.What is happening in that host nations is noone of immigrants business.If we go there for a good life then do that .Our right to criticise their system is severly limited.

In India our womens are now become to arise their rights.Our laws dont have loop holes like 4 man witness for
proving rape crime unlike some other nation.
why should muslims protest against them, they aren't muslims.
Completely agree. Its sad how ignorant these people and their barbaric circa 700 AD culture really is. These people havent progressed or evolved in almost 1000 years. It would be sad if these animale werent in our countries commiting all these crimes. I dont think hussain and akmed get it. You dont go to another mans country, disprespect bis country culture and customs and then start committing crimes of rape murder and religious chauvinism. Like i said. Its as if they were raised as animals by animals.

But i will also agree with your last point. There are some good muslims that dont hide behind their religion and are mostly secular. Other than when they are praying. As it should be. And theey will be welcome to stay. And we wont even charge them a jizda or make them convert. We are civilized after all. Not like them.

This is exactly true and what's so crazy about many Muslim immigrants.

They come to Europe because their countries suck in the first place.

And then, once they have passed the border, instead of starting anew and adopting the customs and values of the coutnry they migrated to. They cling to the customs of their country of origin (instead of adapting)....the same shithole which made them leave in the first place.

Lastly, some Muslims even go so far as to do some things which are forbidden in the Muslim countries they come from. Example: the self proclaimed Shariah Police in the UK and Germany. Create a self proclaimed Shariah Police in Algeria or Turkey and you're off to jail.

The whole thing is outrageous.

But sooner or later the problem will be fixed: peaceful Muslim immigrants (and there are many of those, let's be fair) will be allowed to stay. The assholes (Shariah Police, industrial rapists etc) will be deported.

Because they are cowards and too coniving to be spoken to in an honest manner. They will always change the subject like some cowards instead of facing the truth. Their people start beheading christians, these idiots will bring up something else like the inquisitions. Their people go on raping sprees. They bring up rape statistics in other countries. Its would be funny if it wasnt so damn retarded. They are children mentally. Their culture keeps them this way. In their mind they are stuck somewhere in arabia in 600 AD riding camels or something.

Ive written them off already. Every day you just here more and more atrocities committed by these freaks and you know their culture isnt meant to last. Let them go back to their desert and die off slowly one by one. Thats what they want. Let them have it. The rest of the world will continue to progress.

Why did you drag India in to this ?
What type of obsession is this?
Noone in West nations invite Asians in to their nations as immigrants. But those host countries give you full freedom and good life .
So you should maintain decency in that nations.What is happening in that host nations is noone of immigrants business.If we go there for a good life then do that .Our right to criticise their system is severly limited.

In India our womens are now become to arise their rights.Our laws dont have loop holes like 4 man witness for
proving rape crime unlike some other nation.
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@notgoodenough I think you need to calm your *** down there are plenty of Muslims who disagree with the actions of the Pakistanis who were jailed and agree with this article in the OP.

@Desert Fox I think you are entirely correct in all points you have made so far in this thread, Pakistani Brits have long been a disgrace on Pakistanis the world over. That much most Pakistanis on here would even agree but there has been minimal effort in the Pakistani British community to correct their wrongdoings. That is the main issue but I would like to make another point, many Imams in Britain say that the type of men engaging in said crimes do not go to mosques at all so how can they make a difference if the only time they see them is during their funerals? I think it is a tough position to be in for religious leaders because the proclaimed religion of the criminals is being pointed out time and time again alongside their race.

Besides that though I do agree that if it was 1400 Muslim girls the perpetrators would have already been killed on the streets of Muslim countries, forget jail time they would never reach the courts due to the mob violence factor alone. That being said we should commend the white nationalists for not engaging in violence although I think the author kind of hinted at the fact that she(?) would have preferred had they gotten justice themselves which I obviously disagree with. Now my final observation is the complete ineptitude of British cops, not only are they horrible at making arrests over petty reasons which should not hinder them at all from doing their jobs but they have zero guts as well. How many youtube videos are there are British cops being chased in their own streets by immigrants and white nationalists alike, like wtf? In NYC as fucked up as a reputation the cops may have nobody and I mean nobody is stupid enough to form a mob and chase them. Their is almost an unstated amount of respect whether or not it is earned given to cops that people know not to behave in such behavior which is lacking in Britain. A populace that does not bat an eye when in the face of those who are supposed to enforce laws are just that much more likely to break said laws. At least that is my opinion on the matter.
I would like to say disgusting idiots who raped...

Be their skin white, black, brown, yellow or orange for all I care!

Rape is rape...

Now on SPECIFIC topic: I had opened a thread on how a journalist had written proof in the form of records of how the police ALREADY knew such a crime was happening but refused to take action for fear of being labelled racist towards a community!

Now that is plain disgusting....They have no problem dragging Islam when some sick man slaughters in daylight but its alright if rape is happening?

I blame the backward community of youth who did this and I YES IT WASNT ONLY WHITEs who got raped...so playing the racist card is not even valid! Coz brown ladies were also raped...and as I said before rape is rape...whoever rapes and whoever gets raped...there should not be any variation on how such a crime against woman is treated!
Moral of the article: "We demand our right to be racist to brown arabs, muslims, pakis etc because some criminals within their community raped WHITE girls". Thats right.. WHITE girls.... OMG WHITE GIRLS!

EDL: Protecting WHITE girls from brown arabs, muslims, pakis etc since 2001. Who cares about pre-2001, muslims weren't interesting back then. Also, God forbid if a WHITE girl falls in love with and marries a brown arab, muslim, ****. That would be a sin against nature!

On serious note, typical racists... blaming the muslim community once again when it is the police's job to find and jail criminals. You want to find someone to blame, blame the police for not doing their job.

Mods, put an end to this EDL (muslim hatred) propaganda pls and serve this user a ban hammer with some proper english tea.

wonder why EDL never demonstrated against the B.B.C nor at the Catholic Church hmm

It's their country, therefore they have every right to express their animosity towards a immigrant community that refuses to condemn the criminals in its midst.

Telling the British not to be "racist" against Muslim immigrants who rape their girls is like telling a Pakistani not to express their animosity towards Afghan immigrants/refugees who sell heroine and smuggle illegal weapons/explosives into Pakistan to blow up Pakistani air ports, etc..

I wonder if they demonstrate each morning when they look in the mirror
Not only they, you should talk about it too.....you should criticize their faults as well as yours....
BUT, what's happening here is that, both sides are criticizing each other without realizing that both are at fault......like the Pakistani who brought up rape statistics of Britain and said that its their culture, which, according to him, India is also following, but he would never condemn incidents such as these(see links below) as it is their own culture.....

No Witnesses? No Rape, Says Pakistan’s Islamic Council · Global Voices
Pakistani Muslim rapist admits women have no rights or opinions in Islam | Freethought Nation
Pakistan: Man Rapes Daughter, Brother Kills Her for Being Dishonored | Daily Stormer
Zero-conviction rate for rape: Senator proposes constitutional changes – The Express Tribune

Pakistanis lecturing others on rape intentionally ignore that there is zero conviction rate for rape in Pakistan(as they hold the victims guilty)......

The women were not raped in the incident you were talking about......it's a case of honour killing(one of your link states that), not to mention that it's no less despicable.........
Secondly.there is a hell and heaven difference between criminals raping and murdering the victim(out of fear of getting caught--which shows, rapists do get caught and are punished) and the the system holding the rape victim guilty and setting the rapists free(which is the case in your country)...........I don't expect you to realize the difference, as your culture don't permit you to.....

The point is, you should look into your own backyard before criticizing others....
:o: coming from a citizen of the rape capital of the world :o:
Police commissioner finally resigned.
Matey, NOTHING is done without going into details I worked in the past with agencies trying to track criminals such as high risk sex offenders etc

The "industry" involves tens of thousands of men mostly from Europe, North America, Australia and even Japan heading to hit spots like Thailand

mostly it is ignored mostly because of underfunding but also because of no political will in addition to the difficulties and expense in trying to get a conviction

Transnational crimes are always difficult to prosecute, even if ample resources are available since they depend on investigations done by foreign police. If the police of the country where crime was committed is so efficient that it could gather prosecutable evidence, it would have been efficient enough to stop that crime.

Addition of extraterritorial Jurisdiction in statue book was an step to signal collective disapproval of overseas pedophile act and to deprive pedophiles of Peace of mind that they would get from coming back to UK.

And while the law has not been very effective in curbing freelance pedophilia , where a person travels abroad on his own accord and arranges children for himself, it has been highly effective in curbing organized pedophilia.

If you read newspapers regularly, you would know that this year 660 pedophiles have been arrested by National Crime agency.

@notgoodenough I think you need to calm your *** down there are plenty of Muslims who disagree with the actions of the Pakistanis who were jailed and agree with this article in the OP.

@Desert Fox I think you are entirely correct in all points you have made so far in this thread, Pakistani Brits have long been a disgrace on Pakistanis the world over. That much most Pakistanis on here would even agree but there has been minimal effort in the Pakistani British community to correct their wrongdoings. That is the main issue but I would like to make another point, many Imams in Britain say that the type of men engaging in said crimes do not go to mosques at all so how can they make a difference if the only time they see them is during their funerals? I think it is a tough position to be in for religious leaders because the proclaimed religion of the criminals is being pointed out time and time again alongside their race.

Besides that though I do agree that if it was 1400 Muslim girls the perpetrators would have already been killed on the streets of Muslim countries, forget jail time they would never reach the courts due to the mob violence factor alone. That being said we should commend the white nationalists for not engaging in violence although I think the author kind of hinted at the fact that she(?) would have preferred had they gotten justice themselves which I obviously disagree with. Now my final observation is the complete ineptitude of British cops, not only are they horrible at making arrests over petty reasons which should not hinder them at all from doing their jobs but they have zero guts as well. How many youtube videos are there are British cops being chased in their own streets by immigrants and white nationalists alike, like wtf? In NYC as fucked up as a reputation the cops may have nobody and I mean nobody is stupid enough to form a mob and chase them. Their is almost an unstated amount of respect whether or not it is earned given to cops that people know not to behave in such behavior which is lacking in Britain. A populace that does not bat an eye when in the face of those who are supposed to enforce laws are just that much more likely to break said laws. At least that is my opinion on the matter.

I still remember Police spokeperson on air during 2011 riots stating that they would start using water cannon,Baton, and Rubber bullets on rioters ( none were used ), after three days of rioting. I was like "' what the ****'; They should have already used all these and should be issuing orders to use live rounds".

Here police does not carry firearms ; and you have higher probability of being jailed if you act in self defence, than your attacker.

Left-Liberals have perverted sense of morality.

I would like to say disgusting idiots who raped...

Be their skin white, black, brown, yellow or orange for all I care!

Rape is rape...

Now on SPECIFIC topic: I had opened a thread on how a journalist had written proof in the form of records of how the police ALREADY knew such a crime was happening but refused to take action for fear of being labelled racist towards a community!

Now that is plain disgusting....They have no problem dragging Islam when some sick man slaughters in daylight but its alright if rape is happening?

I blame the backward community of youth who did this and I YES IT WASNT ONLY WHITEs who got raped...so playing the racist card is not even valid! Coz brown ladies were also raped...and as I said before rape is rape...whoever rapes and whoever gets raped...there should not be any variation on how such a crime against woman is treated!

It was " The Sun" newspaper, not Police which identified that attacker as a Muslim. If Police had balls to rise above Political correctness, these Rapist would have been jailed in 2004.

Police commissioner finally resigned.

After being bullied by his own Party to resign.

Anyway, it was a collective failure ( rooted in culture of political correctness ) and a single person could not be held responsible.
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You backwards dessert dwelling nomads who believe in a head chopping god are..

Let them kill each other in the desert just like their head hunter allah or mohamed or whoever wanted them to.

Keep your disgusting culture IN YOUR OWN COUNTRIES.

But i will also agree with your last point. There are some good muslims that dont hide behind their religion and are mostly secular. Other than when they are praying. As it should be. And theey will be welcome to stay. And we wont even charge them a jizda or make them convert. We are civilized after all. Not like them.

Sorry but notgoodenough you were the one that took people to task when posters here, especially other Americans were busy abusing black folk over their "crimes", their "dirty culture", the "horror" they spread, yet you are here doing the exact same thing i.e. abusing our faith, brushing all Muslims over the crimes committed by a few.

Here is the thread for reference:

Blacks Riot And Loot In Ferguson Missouri And Other Cities In The U.S. | Page 13

These men were not even remotely religious and there was an extensive thread on this before, where many of us, including myself posted our disgust at these pimps.

Here is the thread for reference:

1400 children sexually abused by British 'Asians' | Page 5

Please read my post.

What's even more ironic is that you comment on a thread made by Desert Fox, who you called hate filed and abused by a black man and all sorts, yet hurl slurs at Muslims on a thread created by the very same poster.
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Sorry but notgoodenough you were the one that took people to task when posters here, especially other Americans were busy abusing black folk over their "crimes", their "dirty culture", the "horror" they spread, yet you are here doing the exact same thing i.e. abusing our faith, brushing all Muslims over the crimes committed by a few.

Here is the thread for reference:

Blacks Riot And Loot In Ferguson Missouri And Other Cities In The U.S. | Page 13

These men were not even remotely religious and there was an extensive thread on this before, where many of us, including myself posted our disgust at these pimps.

What's even more ironic is that you comment on a thread made by Desert Fox, who you called hate filed and abused by a black man and all sorts, yet hurl slurs at Muslims on a thread created by the very same poster.

Holy shit I did not even realize this is the same dude who was arguing with me on that thread, lmaoo irony x1000. What a tool. :rolleyes:
Holy shit I did not even realize this is the same dude who was arguing with me on that thread, lmaoo irony x1000. What a tool. :rolleyes:

Yes, it's the same guy who flew the flag against racism, and quite rightly so.I even agreed with him on that thread.

Yet we have the posts he has made on here. o_O

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