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Romanian scientists create artificial blood


Sep 10, 2013
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Very interesting development.

The ability to create artificial blood would be a significant milestone in the health sector.
It will take another 2 years of animal testing than they can procede on humans.The goverment promised intensive funding but this is Romania so i see them selling the patern to a western laboratory and take their research there,maybe i'm pesimistic.

As a fun note ,the scientists and research facility are from Cluj,a Transilvanian city,plenty of room for "True Blood" jokes.
Good now that the vampires can suck on artificial blood in a baby bottle.

Everybody is happy. Nobody gets hurt.
Respect to the Romanians, although expect a lot of dracula jokes now :P
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It will take another 2 years of animal testing than they can procede on humans.The goverment promised intensive funding but this is Romania so i see them selling the patern to a western laboratory and take their research there,maybe i'm pesimistic.

As a fun note ,the scientists and research facility are from Cluj,a Transilvanian city,plenty of room for "True Blood" jokes.

Yeah,too bad that Balkan countries lacks in terms of funding and self confidence.

We have great scientists here in Balkan and East Europe,we should form great research center and to to perform independent research.If you put together (example only) Romanian 1 billion dollars + Serbian 1 billion + Bulgarian,you will have respected one!
Yeah,too bad that Balkan countries lacks in terms of funding and self confidence.

We have great scientists here in Balkan and East Europe,we should form great research center and to to perform independent research.If you put together (example only) Romanian 1 billion dollars + Serbian 1 billion + Bulgarian,you will have respected one!

1 billion for research would be 1 billion less for political elites to steal.Make no mistake my friend ,since the fall of communism we are beeing ruled by parasites.This latest blood research cost some 230.000 euros until now and the scientists are currently begging the goverment for the same amount to try to finish the research,and this is not such a big spending.

Look at a similar situation:the romanian army needs new armoured personnel carriers,the romanian state manufacturer Moreni developed the Saur 2 APC,the army tested it and liked it ,they asked the politicians to buy it but these rats probably due to bribes tried to buy Patria or Piranha off the shelf from the West.We started the campaign and managed to stop the transaction for now but it's clear that crooked politicians prefer to sacrifice romanian industry,romanian jobs to fill their own pockets.
Yes,you are absolutely right my friend.Our leaders are traitors,give them 30 silver coins and they wil sold us like oranges!
Here in Serbia,we have alot of people who work against our country!
Probably situation in Romania is identic.
Great News.Expect a Nobel for Romania if that truely works as it is one of the holy grail,creating blood.
IIT -Madras has already achieved this feat in Jan 2013.

IIT-Madras scientists have blood on their hands — and nobody is complaining. A team of scientists from the department of engineering design has been successful in creating enough red blood cells from stem cells to be used as 'artificial blood' in people who need transfusion.

Having proved their oxygen-carrying capacity, the RBCs will now go into 'mass production' before starting human trials in three years, scientists said. The IIT team recently got a funding approval from the Union ministry of science and technology to produce artificial blood on an industrial scale. This blood would be tested on animals before human trials. If the trials prove successful, it will help hospitals overcome shortage of blood and save many accident victims.

"We will be able to provide any amount of safe and disease-free blood at half the cost of blood sold now," said the study's principal investigator, Dr Soma Guhathakurta, a visiting professor at the department of engineering design IIT-M.

In the past few months, Dr Soma and her team of researchers have made trillions of red blood cells - the carrier of hemoglobin that delivers oxygen to various body tissues and clears up carbon dioxide - on a Petri dish. They cultured adult stem cells derived from cord blood in the presence of some "easily nutritional supplements" for 17 days in the lab.

The stem cells, which are undifferentiated cells with the potential to turn into any cell, developed into red blood cells. The department of biotechnology (DBT) has recently approved a proposal from the scientists to develop a bio-reactor for large-scale production of artificial blood. The reactor will be built with support of IIT's biotechnology department.

"We will simultaneously process papers for performing animal trials with the artificial blood. It will first be tested on anemic mice. If they are able to accept it and survive, we will take it to the next level," he said. Scientists across the world have been working on artificial blood. While a French team has started human trials, a UK team is all set to follow suit. Dr Soma, a heart surgeon, says their research is different because unlike other cases, they have been able to exclusively produce red blood cells. So far nobody has been able to mass produce only red blood cells.

"Almost all earlier attempts have had at least 40% of white blood cells in the culture. Introducing such artificial blood into a patient with a weak immune system could be tricky. As a surgeon, I would prefer only red blood cells," she said.

The IIT scientists say they did not use any expensive enzyme or growth factors. "Despite this, the yield was a billion times high. In a typical RBC blood bag, there are about a trillion (1 followed by 12 zeros) red blood cells. On our Petri dish we had a yield of about a quadrillion (1 followed by 15 zeros) cells from the starting point of about a million stem cells," said Venkatesh Balasubramanian, associate professor in the department of engineering design.

The World Health Organization says a country needs a minimum stock of blood equal to 1% of its population. This means India needs 12 million units of blood, but collects only nine million units annually, though demand has gone up drastically. The cost of blood has gone up in the last few years as blood has to be subjected to several tests to ensure it is disease-free, says Dr K Selvaraju, former state blood transfusion officer. This could be avoided in artificial blood.

Great!! But waiting to see when the Scientists will be able to create realistic Artificial Wife/Husband? That will save many from miseries!! :woot:
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