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Roman Empire vs Han Empire

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This is an exact picture from a book i had as a kid, can't actually believe i found it, in that book it was iirc stated that some legionaires hacked the pikes, creating holes in the pike wall, then going in, and from then went forward. On the right side of the pic it's actually depicted, one or two Romans behind the Greek first line.

He he he, you actually found it eh? (i wish we could've found Samantha, doh! inside joke btw you and i :cray: )

That's interesting ! I guess that's one of the reasons why the Romans were so successful, its just that they were able to adapt to any military exigency (save for the Germanic issue, lol). They fought and conquered the Etruscans, the Cisalpine Gaul tribes, the Britons, were able to adapt and exterminate the Carthaginians, the Greeks (Sparta, Seleucid, Athens, Macedon), the Egyptians, the Judeans, the Dacians, the Thracians, the Dalmatians, Germania Inferior, Hispanola, and to an extent even sacked Cestiphon (the great city of the Parthian Empire), Armenia et cetera !
Yo, Grand Historian, taking numbers from an amateur forum poster and presenting it as truth. At least i presented numbers from a distinguished scholar. This is then what you're paid for isn't it?
Posting a article that was removed from wikipedia for bias isn't a good start.

There are already posts about their flawed methodology that Needham/Wagner used not to mention you confuse the western and eastern Han which already shows how shoddy your knowledge is.

How much did you check those equations? You yourself are an ignorant, following on your own definition.
Do I really need to post the Needham quote again,he stated that they are guesstimates if you don't understand what a guesstimate is then do yourself a favor and look it up.

I never said you are (although you most certainly are, but i wasn't talking about you), just that you got the equations (best guesses actually) from a sinophile on another forum. The same sinophile then provided me with some clues in which direction i am to search if i want to disprove another one of your myths, ie 100.000 employed per iron office.
That's all you can amount to,being petty and vindictive when have I boasted that Han can triumph over Rome in any circumstance or engaged in jingoism?

Or better yet I criticize Speeder for labeling Indians as trolls yet this somehow makes me a Sinophile.

Now, for some ontopic, i ask you to provide me some new reading material about recent excavations in regards to iron mining, smelters, furnaces in China, if you can. If not, is no problem, i will not hold it against you, but if you will, and the material has more weight than rehashing forum posts, you will see i have a very open mind and am not afraid to admit i was wrong (if i really was). It can be squares, as long as it's a link i can click, the page will translate itself.
東漢鹽、鐵官制度辨疑,漢代鐵官制度的設立和考索,漢代大鐵官管理職官的再研究 and 漢代鐵官郡、鐵器銘文與冶鐵遺址 to name a few.

Seeing as how you rely on a translating program I doubt you will access them.
Chinese were ruled by every people on earth. Several Turkic dynasties, Mongols, British, Japanese and few others. Rome (in Italy) was almost never conquered.[/QUOTE]
My dear Turkeyfriends, at first ,i have to say Turk really put feathers in their own cap! your ancestors had been expelled by Han dynasty and Tang dynasty from East Asia to black sea region----- neither Asia country nor Europe country,and now nie-monggol(you professed Turkic ) belongs to a part of china .
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Chinese were ruled by every people on earth. Several Turkic dynasties, Mongols, British, Japanese and few others. Rome (in Italy) was almost never conquered.

My dear turkfriends, at first ,i have to say Turk really put feathers in their own cap! your ancestors had been expelled by Han danasty and Tang dynasty from East Asia to black sea region----- neither Asia countries nor Europe countries,and now nie-monggol(you professed Turkic ) belongs to a part of china .

Uighyurs are Turkic and live in China's Xinjiang Province.
Romans would lose.
1. Metallurgy Han was better.
2. Romans never fought foot drawn crossbow that would out range their archers and penetrate their armor. Crossbow are easier to train and field.
3. Romans never fought Ge, hooking spears.
4. West tend to win from battlefield tactics and formation, Chinese would cheat a lot. No gentleman, war is life and death. Your food supply? Its on fire.
5. Han could draft up to 20 million to reinforce their front line.
6. Han had better Calvary tradition.
7. Testudo has a fatal flaw. Look up on Battle of Carrhae.
In spring and autumn period/春秋戰國, Huaxia華夏 (an ancient name for China) had observed Zhouli(周礼)/Been polite clash with the other countries in the time; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness ,At the same time, Europe continent were still in savage level.

Uighyurs are Turkic and live in China's Xinjiang Province.

Hungarian (匈牙利人)/huns(匈奴) ancestor is Turkic ,too . After Han defeated huns ,they constantly westward migration ,and the farthermost country they migrated is in Europe----this country is hungary。I wonder whether Hugarian accept theri own Turkic .
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If US didn't intervene in WW2 to save the Chinese from the Japanese, China wouldn't exist at all. It is nothing to be attributed to China.
Your ignorance surperises me, have you read any Meeting Minutes of japanese military?
the fascinating fact is, that china does not exist as china since it never was the state it is now, neither had it the same people nor had it any impact on world history.
You are shaming me, and shaming my family of two thousand year.Each name of my ancestors has been recorded,I know what they did,I know who he is.Han chinese blood of four thousand years never change,this is totally different with other ancient civilization. In China, Every senior high school student could read the words written on the tortoise shells of shang dynasty 1600~1046BC. If you can‘t speak Chinese, can't write Chinese , Then don’t show your ignorance about Chinese.
That is if you exclude East-Rome (New Rome) :)

Chinese were ruled by every people on earth. Several Turkic dynasties, Mongols, British, Japanese and few others. Rome (in Italy) was almost never conquered.

All the disater to us is a chance to reborn , and every time , we became stronger and more powerful.

That is if you exclude East-Rome (New Rome) :)

Chinese were ruled by every people on earth. Several Turkic dynasties, Mongols, British, Japanese and few others. Rome (in Italy) was almost never conquered.

All the disaster to us is a chance to reborn , and every time , we became stronger and more powerful.
Does the Roman soldier use the Halberd ?

The Halberd has been the main part of Chinese weapons long before the Han dynasty. It is very effective. The Halberd is like a spear with a hook. It is long. You can trust and stab and also hook the opponent leg and pull to cut it off.
The Halberd only came to prominent use in Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries. So if the Romans do not use it, they are severely handicapped.
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