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Roman Empire vs Han Empire

Does the Roman soldier use the Halberd ?

The Halberd has been the main part of Chinese weapons long before the Han dynasty. It is very effective. The Halberd is like a spear with a hook. It is long. You can trust and stab and also hook the opponent leg and pull to cut it off.
The Halberd only came to prominent use in Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries. So if the Romans do not use it, they are severely handicapped.
To be honesty , Roman did not have one good suit of clothes ,not to speak of decent weapons in the Roman and the
Han of the same period.

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Uighyurs are Turkic and live in China's Xinjiang Province.

it's very likely wrong.

Uighyurs only speak a turkic language, but are likely not turkic-related just being a different tribe of central Asia.

I speak some german but that doesn't neccesarily make me german-related.

actually even "the Uighyurs" name was a recent invention by the Soviets.

To be honesty , Roman did not have one good suit of clothes ,not to speak of decent weapons in the Roman and the
Han of the same period.


the Roman are non-comparable to the Han in almost anything you care to measure, being size and sophistication of economy, exports, high tech, industries, agriculture, social structure, social stability,bureaucracy efficiency, innovations, sophitication of the civil laws... or being as small as amours, weaponaries, production sophistication and size, strategetic and tactical plannings, logistics, flexibility, size of armies... or even down to the avg motivation or height of individual warriors... other than perhaps the beauty of overall architectures and the sheer size of the empire.

Generally speaking, Han empire was a much more advanced civilisation than the Romans.
Does the Roman soldier use the Halberd ?

The Halberd has been the main part of Chinese weapons long before the Han dynasty. It is very effective. The Halberd is like a spear with a hook. It is long. You can trust and stab and also hook the opponent leg and pull to cut it off.
The Halberd only came to prominent use in Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries. So if the Romans do not use it, they are severely handicapped.

Legionaires were able to defeat Greek Phalanx that constituted the bulk of the Armies of the Selucia, Sparta, Athens, Knossos, Egypt, and the Carthaginian Empire. Halberdiers would have been dealt with through Roman strategy, as She had done with the Hellenistic World when She conquered said sphere.

An illustration of the Phalanx that Roman Armies were able to annihilate:

You are shaming me, and shaming my family of two thousand year.Each name of my ancestors has been recorded,I know what they did,I know who he is.Han chinese blood of four thousand years never change,this is totally different with other ancient civilization. In China, Every senior high school student could read the words written on the tortoise shells of shang dynasty 1600~1046BC. If you can‘t speak Chinese, can't write Chinese , Then don’t show your ignorance about Chinese.

You got invaded from almost evryone. Mongols, Japanese, Manchu. You are mixed to an extreme amount. That your language never diversified and deveoped does nothing say about your people.

Legionaires were able to defeat Greek Phalanx that constituted the bulk of the Armies of the Selucia, Sparta, Athens, Knossos, Egypt, and the Carthaginian Empire. Halberdiers would have been dealt with through Roman strategy, as She had done with the Hellenistic World when She conquered said sphere.

An illustration of the Phalanx that Roman Armies were able to annihilate:


true. I see nothing in chinese history that would match the roman military. Rome is famous for its military. China not so much. After all China lost again and again and was conquered from almost anyone. From mongols to manchu.
true. I see nothing in chinese history that would match the roman military. Rome is famous for its military. China not so much. After all China lost again and again and was conquered from almost anyone. From mongols to manchu.

During this time, China was blessed to be an unchallenged entity, sure it had some minor enemies , but these were tribal threats that could be silenced through forced miscegenation or simple genocide here and there. China didn't really have a "clash of cultures" so to say with rival India because the Himalayas was a natural boundary between the two civilizations.

Rome, on the other hand, had an existential crisis early on when it was challenged by the Carthaginian Empire over the supremacy of the Mediterranean. Constant wars with various civilizations such as Carthage, Greece, Egypt, Gaul, Britons, Magna Germania / Germania inferior, Dalmatia, Thracia, Dacia, Judea, Parthia, Armenia, Afrika etc. Rome had to adapt and she had to be brutal or else it would be her proverbial "head" on the platter.

China was blessed to have access to major rivers, the pearl river, the yangtze , that made the lands fertile and support a large population boom. It was much later on that other tribes would pose a threat to China , ergo the Mongols, Manchus. Besides that tho , China was largely homogenous and didn't really have extensive dynamism with the outside world. As I said, China focused more on internal locus of control whereas the Romans premised on an external locus of control.
`... the Romans producing 15 times more metal than Han? `

And you believe that crap?


They were not even in the same league!

just take a look of the metal used in terracotta army for god´s sake.

those quantity alone were probably large enough to have kept a big part of those Roman metal factories busy for a large part of their entire existence!

And that was Qin empire. The following Han empire was even larger.

Go ask Gran Historian to dig you more concrete evidences.

I doubt that wiki stats. But even if it was true, the Han had mechanical blast furnaces that used Ceramic coating to contain the heat exhaust while the Roman used basic bloomeries. In other words, the Chinese method of Iron production was more capital intensive and only the state could pull the resources and labor for the production Metals but the Romans used simple bloomeries which was just labour intensive. It's like comparing an Ironmill in 18th century Coalbrookdale to an Sheffield Steel works using the Bessemer method.
You got invaded from almost evryone. Mongols, Japanese, Manchu. You are mixed to an extreme amount. That your language never diversified and deveoped does nothing say about your people.

Spare us your dumb trolling.
Mongols fought us for hundred of years, succeeded only once. Manchu were vassal to us before taking the throne by allying with another Chinese fraction. They both continued the Chinese imperial system, culture and custom. Chinese remained the oldest continuous language. Where is Latin today? LOL, it is dead! Where are Romans today??? Mongol and Manchu evolved out of China, both carry some Chinese blood, Japanese too. We are the oldest homogenous ethnic group, real Romans don't exist anymore, stop your hallucination!!!
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Spare us your dumb trolling.
Mongols fought us for hundred of years, succeeded only once. Manchu were vassal to us before taking the throne by allying with another Chinese fraction. They both continued the Chinese imperial system, culture and custom. Chinese remained the oldest continuous language. Where is Latin today? LOL, it is dead! Where are Romans today??? Mongol and Manchu evolved out of China, both carry some Chinese blood, Japanese too. We are the oldest homogenous ethnic group, real Romans don't exist anymore, stop your hallucination!!!

You can´t distort reality. While we kicked mongols out...they invaded you, conqered you and even ruled you.

Where is latin today? Its a language more spoken than chinese, since it is french, italian, spanish, portuguese. The latin language forged a world culture. Chinese? Never went out its area. And thats what i see as interesting. China never was able to leave its place. We changed the entire world.

Where is rome today? Well its the religious center of the roman catholic church. A religion with twice as many followers as china has people. Where are romans today? Rome is a word. Its not an ethnicity. There is no roman ethnicity. Its an idea. An idea that was so powerful that it dominates the world till today. Something china never achieved.
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You got invaded from almost evryone. Mongols, Japanese, Manchu. You are mixed to an extreme amount. That your language never diversified and deveoped does nothing say about your people.

true. I see nothing in chinese history that would match the roman military. Rome is famous for its military. China not so much. After all China lost again and again and was conquered from almost anyone. From mongols to manchu.

Anyway not by Italians. Italians ain't decendents of Rome soldiers, look at your success in WWII. Did you do anything better than wine?
Anyway not by Italians. Italians ain't decendents of Rome soldiers, look at your success in WWII. Did you do anything better than wine?

Italians are basicly romans. Look at our sucess in WW II? We went out of it mostly unharmed and as an EU founding state and one of the strongest economies worldwide.
You can´t distort reality. While we kicked mongols out...they invaded you, conqered you and even ruled you. The Yuan dynasty. They had sex with chinese women and made millions of children. The Manchu later did the same.

Where is latin today? Its a language more spoken than chinese, since it is french, italian, spanish, portuguese. The latin language forged a world culture. Chinese? Never went out its area. And thats what i see as interesting. China never was able to leave its place. We changed the entire world.

Where is rome today? Well its the religious center of the roman catholic church. A religion with twice as many followers as china has people. Where are romans today? Rome is a word. Its not an ethnicity. There is no roman ethnicity. Its an idea. An idea that was so powerful that it dominates the world till today. Something china never achieved.

Italians kicked Mongols? You must be drunk. There were three babarians who messed with europeans: Huns, Turkic and Mongols.
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You can´t distort reality. While we kicked mongols out...they invaded you, conqered you and even ruled you. The Yuan dynasty. They had sex with chinese women and made millions of children. The Manchu later did the same.

Where is latin today? Its a language more spoken than chinese, since it is french, italian, spanish, portuguese. The latin language forged a world culture. Chinese? Never went out its area. And thats what i see as interesting. China never was able to leave its place. We changed the entire world.

Where is rome today? Well its the religious center of the roman catholic church. A religion with twice as many followers as china has people. Where are romans today? Rome is a word. Its not an ethnicity. There is no roman ethnicity. Its an idea. An idea that was so powerful that it dominates the world till today. Something china never achieved.


Spiritual successors, intangible faiths and quasi continuations!

Smoke and mist my friend.

Rome is an idea? please elaborate!

Rome is strength?

Any of the above can also be applied to China but at a more er, tangible level.

You talk of god, idealogical successors and 'the idea of Rome'.

Intangible nonsense and ethereal as magic swords.

China is Han and Han never collapsed as utterly as Rome. Rome built in stone and the remnants of the monuments are still around today. but the civilisation was not built to last, except in the dreams and delusions of 'Spiritual successors'.

If you want to talk about the 'essence' and idea of Rome, than Han can also claim the entirety of East Asia as spirital successor of Han. But Chinese dont do that because its desperate bullshit for desperate people trying to prove the superiority of a civilisation torn down by hairy bare chested axe wielding barbarians.
Italians are basicly romans. Look at our sucess in WW II? We went out of it mostly unharmed and as an EU founding state and one of the strongest economies worldwide.

Italia is almost the weakest in EU and Nato. Look at your racist, perverted leader. Are you denying that Italian is famous with thief and lazyness?

If one goes to Italia one could meet people from Gypsi to mutated blondes. You are slightly different from any well defined ethnic group. How could Roman soldiers be your ancesters? That must be a joke.
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Italians are basicly romans. Look at our sucess in WW II? We went out of it mostly unharmed and as an EU founding state and one of the strongest economies worldwide.

The ancient Romans would shake their heads in shame seeing their empire become Italy. Tiny tiny insignificant Italy.

Han on the other hand maintained its territorial integrity and even expanded! A time traveling commoner from the Han dynasty could easily start talking to anyone in Beijing today. Read the local news papers. Eat a meal with chop sticks.

As i said, your ancestors must be dwarfs if you must base your words on laughable bullshit like this. :D

You mean because our men did dress like men and not like a draq queen? o_O
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