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Roman Empire vs Han Empire

You can´t distort reality. While we kicked mongols out...they invaded you, conqered you and even ruled you. The Yuan dynasty. They had sex with chinese women and made millions of children. The Manchu later did the same.

Where is latin today? Its a language more spoken than chinese, since it is french, italian, spanish, portuguese. The latin language forged a world culture. Chinese? Never went out its area. And thats what i see as interesting. China never was able to leave its place. We changed the entire world.

Where is rome today? Well its the religious center of the roman catholic church. A religion with twice as many followers as china has people. Where are romans today? Rome is a word. Its not an ethnicity. There is no roman ethnicity. Its an idea. An idea that was so powerful that it dominates the world till today. Something china never achieved.
There's so much nonsense you spew I don't even know where to begin.

Where are the battles which Italian states repulsed Mongols,oh wait they never existed and the brunt of the offensives were against Eastern European states.

Mongols and Manchus had large contingents full of ethnic Chinese troops ie categories for Jin and Song troops were decided to join them.

Show the source that there are millions of Han Chinese paternally descended from Mongols and Manchus the later of which absorbed Liadong Han Chinese directly into their hierarchy.

Korean,Japanese and Vietnamese all have very distinct Middle Chinese influences and classical Chinese was the lingua franca.

The PRC isn't the Han dynasty and neither is Italian Republic the Roman empire though I don't expect much from someone who equates Catholicism as the extension of the Roman Empire.
You can´t distort reality. While we kicked mongols out...they invaded you, conqered you and even ruled you. The Yuan dynasty. They had sex with chinese women and made millions of children. The Manchu later did the same.

Where is latin today? Its a language more spoken than chinese, since it is french, italian, spanish, portuguese. The latin language forged a world culture. Chinese? Never went out its area. And thats what i see as interesting. China never was able to leave its place. We changed the entire world.

Where is rome today? Well its the religious center of the roman catholic church. A religion with twice as many followers as china has people. Where are romans today? Rome is a word. Its not an ethnicity. There is no roman ethnicity. Its an idea. An idea that was so powerful that it dominates the world till today. Something china never achieved.

Romans got their axx whopped by Huns whom we drove out of Asia. Mongol and manchu only emerged 1000 year after Qin dynasty, they already carry Chinese blood. Mix-marriage are also low, so don't get obsessed with sex. We don't have the tradition of Caligula, no surprise why Roman isn't one ethnicity. Look at orgies, LOL.

French is French, Italian is Italian....Latin is dead. Chinese remained the oldest continuous language. We have sent expedition to as far as Africa close to a century before Columbus sailed to America in his wooden plank, 1/8 the size of Chinese ship. Roman didn't know how to venture out of southern europe and its vicinity, that's why they needed to trade via Silk Road established by enterprising Han dynasty.

Rome is so powerful, it loses its own language, got its empire destroyed, and now Rome becomes a center for a foreign religion founded by Jews whom they looked down upon, LOL. Super duper power indeed!
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Plus Atilla never burnt down Rome. The Romans bought off the Huns.

The Roman Empire at the time of Atilla was only a mere shadow of his former self.

Romans got their axx whopped by Huns whom we drove out of Asia. Mongol and manchu only emerged 1000 year after Qin dynasty, they already carry Chinese blood. Mix-marriage are also low, so don't get obsessed with sex. We don't have the tradition of Caligula, no surprise why Roman isn't one ethnicity. Look at orgies, LOL.

French is French, Italian is Italian....Latin is dead. Chinese remained the oldest continuous language. We have sent expedition to as far as Africa close to a century before Columbus sailed to America in his wooden plank, 1/8 the size of Chinese ship. Roman didn't know how to venture out of southern europe and its vicinity, that's why they needed to trade via Silk Road established by enterprising Han dynasty.

Rome is so powerful, it loses its own language, got its empire destroyed, and now Rome becomes a center for a foreign religion founded by Jews whom they looked down upon, LOL. Super duper power indeed!

Rome exists in everything you see today,it's all around you everywhere in the world.The Western powers are Rome.Not very deep down they are the same from entertainment in grand sporta arenas,to the judicial system,to the military,to the culture and multiculturalism,to the political system,to the way of keeping things in check through "culturalised" allies,etc.You are living in Rome's world without even without knowing it and still have the stupidity to deny it and make "wise" cracks.
Let's see how many conquerors “Italia" had: Arabs, Persians, French, Spanish, Austrian...No wonder Italians look like middle eastern and speak a hybrid between Spanish and French...

The country of so called Italia is established only in the 19th century, even junior to the United States.

What do we know about Italia: Fascism, Maffia, Spaghetti, Pizza, small thieves and wine. The famous Italian pizza is stolen from mediterranean, perhaps fromTurkey, Spaghetti is a copy of Chinese noodles, wine is stolen from France, and only Fascism, Maffia and small thieves are originally Italian. But,.all these have nothing to do with the Roman culture...
Legionaires were able to defeat Greek Phalanx that constituted the bulk of the Armies of the Selucia, Sparta, Athens, Knossos, Egypt, and the Carthaginian Empire. Halberdiers would have been dealt with through Roman strategy, as She had done with the Hellenistic World when She conquered said sphere.

An illustration of the Phalanx that Roman Armies were able to annihilate:


that looked fine...but was nothing, absolutely nothing in comparison to the might of Han empire army.

The following clip was carfeully made to resemble the 1st part of a typical Qin army battle scene (note that the Han army 200 years later was much stronger and larger with a much more powerful cavary force than Qin's). Both Qin and Han empire armies had the most advanced military technologies in the world at a time, actually a bit equivalent to "nuclear weapons" - powerful crossbows of all kinds capable of piercing thru any Roman amours and battle formations way before they even could get close. Not to mention the state-of-art high tech involved in those arrow heads - go check out the western analysis on the arrow heads of Qin's terracotta army tomb.

The much stronger Han army didn't even have to bother fighting in a short range against the Romans really. How the heck the Romans supposed to deal with the following? my guess is that probably only early 20th century modern machine guns could go against it:

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Rome exists in everything you see today,it's all around you everywhere in the world.The Western powers are Rome.Not very deep down they are the same from entertainment in grand sporta arenas,to the judicial system,to the military,to the culture and multiculturalism,to the political system,to the way of keeping things in check through "culturalised" allies,etc.You are living in Rome's world without even without knowing it and still have the stupidity to deny it and make "wise" cracks.

Don't kid yourself, Roman empire is just a military outfit, it's long dead. Any legacy it left behind were all Greeks' cultures and ideas which Romans copied from: Judicial & political system, military, philosophy. Without ancient Chinese inventions, Europeans would have nothing to build upon leading up to the Great Divergence. You live in a world that's shaped by Greek and Chinese civilization.
that looked fine...but was nothing, absolutely nothing in comparison to the might of Han empire army...Both Qin and Han empire armies had the most advanced military technologies in the world at a time, actually a bit equivalent to "nuclear weapons" - powerful crossbows of all kinds capable of piercing thru any Roman amours and battle formations way before they even could get close -
In North Africa the Romans faced similar issues. Their solution was to engage Numidian calvalry (and horse archers, I think) as allies and auxiliaries. If they did the same with non-Han but Chinese-ruled populace would that hold off the Han?

You're also forgetting Rome's technological advantage: artillery/siege weaponry. If Han units could be immobilized or slowed they could be bombarded from outside crossbow range. Fortresses and cities were even more vulnerable.
In North Africa the Romans faced similar issues. Their solution was to engage Numidian calvalry (and horse archers, I think) as allies and auxiliaries. If they did the same with non-Han but Chinese-ruled populace would that hold off the Han?

You're also forgetting Rome's technological advantage: artillery/siege weaponry. If Han units could be immobilized or slowed they could be bombarded from outside crossbow range. Fortresses and cities were even more vulnerable.

Well said, Sir.

Permit me to share:

You can´t distort reality. While we kicked mongols out...they invaded you, conqered you and even ruled you.

Where is latin today? Its a language more spoken than chinese, since it is french, italian, spanish, portuguese. The latin language forged a world culture. Chinese? Never went out its area. And thats what i see as interesting. China never was able to leave its place. We changed the entire world.

Where is rome today? Well its the religious center of the roman catholic church. A religion with twice as many followers as china has people. Where are romans today? Rome is a word. Its not an ethnicity. There is no roman ethnicity. Its an idea. An idea that was so powerful that it dominates the world till today. Something china never achieved.

Wrong. Gunpowder alone "forged" your modern day empires, and without it you'd have gotten your heads sliced off by Jaguar warriors or Apache raiders and the West would be nothing more than a backwater today.

You are certainly the descendants of Rome in some ways - like them in terms of political and intellectual degeneration, in sectarian warfare, in fatal hubris, in delusion, in poor finances, in inevitable collapse, in misery and hopelessness, in living catastrophe.

Maybe if you're lucky China will come up with another world-changing innovation like gunpowder you can leech off of to keep running for a few more years. Otherwise all Romans and their "descendant" European powers are simply highly-organized bandits, rapists and vandals.
Italia is almost the weakest in EU and Nato. Look at your racist, perverted leader. Are you denying that Italian is famous with thief and lazyness?

If one goes to Italia one could meet people from Gypsi to mutated blondes. You are slightly different from any well defined ethnic group. How could Roman soldiers be your ancesters? That must be a joke.

Italia is in the G8 and has a stronger economy than russia and a higher GDP. Look at my racist perverted leader? What has Renzi done to be insulted like that?

How roman soldiers can be my ancestors? Well, we speak their language, we have their genetics and its a proven fact that we simply are what we are.

Italia is famous for its life style, beauty and elegance. Thats why it is called "bella italia". :)

The ancient Romans would shake their heads in shame seeing their empire become Italy. Tiny tiny insignificant Italy.

Han on the other hand maintained its territorial integrity and even expanded! A time traveling commoner from the Han dynasty could easily start talking to anyone in Beijing today. Read the local news papers. Eat a meal with chop sticks.

Who the **** would eat with chop sticks? You don´t know what a spoon, fork and knife is? Beside that, "tiny tiny italy" is the country that is regared the most beautiful in the world. Come back when your country manages to get 80% of its people out of food aid.

Romans got their axx whopped by Huns whom we drove out of Asia. Mongol and manchu only emerged 1000 year after Qin dynasty, they already carry Chinese blood. Mix-marriage are also low, so don't get obsessed with sex. We don't have the tradition of Caligula, no surprise why Roman isn't one ethnicity. Look at orgies, LOL.

French is French, Italian is Italian....Latin is dead. Chinese remained the oldest continuous language. We have sent expedition to as far as Africa close to a century before Columbus sailed to America in his wooden plank, 1/8 the size of Chinese ship. Roman didn't know how to venture out of southern europe and its vicinity, that's why they needed to trade via Silk Road established by enterprising Han dynasty.

Rome is so powerful, it loses its own language, got its empire destroyed, and now Rome becomes a center for a foreign religion founded by Jews whom they looked down upon, LOL. Super duper power indeed!

I know you guys are not so good in history, so let me teach you. While mongols became emperor of China (Kublai Khan) and destroyed evrything, we simply kileld them in mass and pushed them out of europe.

Battle of the Catalaunian Plains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Italians kicked Mongols? You must be drunk. There were three babarians who messed with europeans: Huns, Turkic and Mongols.

and none were able to reach central europe and were crushed. Wonder why chinese were conquered from all three. Tell me why huns, turks and mongols never took rome...but all three took china? What did we make better than you gyus? We crushed the huns in one battle:

Battle of the Catalaunian Plains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But they crushed you. Why?

Wrong. Gunpowder alone "forged" your modern day empires, and without it you'd have gotten your heads sliced off by Jaguar warriors or Apache raiders and the West would be nothing more than a backwater today.

You are certainly the descendants of Rome in some ways - like them in terms of political and intellectual degeneration, in sectarian warfare, in fatal hubris, in delusion, in poor finances, in inevitable collapse, in misery and hopelessness, in living catastrophe.

Maybe if you're lucky China will come up with another world-changing innovation like gunpowder you can leech off of to keep running for a few more years. Otherwise all Romans and their "descendant" European powers are simply highly-organized bandits, rapists and vandals.

How comes then that our living standard is the factor 20 higher than chinas and Milano is considered the worlds most stylish and expensive city? :D
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it's very likely wrong.

Uighyurs only speak a turkic language, but are likely not turkic-related just being a different tribe of central Asia.

I speak some german but that doesn't neccesarily make me german-related.

actually even "the Uighyurs" name was a recent invention by the Soviets.

the Roman are non-comparable to the Han in almost anything you care to measure, being size and sophistication of economy, exports, high tech, industries, agriculture, social structure, social stability,bureaucracy efficiency, innovations, sophitication of the civil laws... or being as small as amours, weaponaries, production sophistication and size, strategetic and tactical plannings, logistics, flexibility, size of armies... or even down to the avg motivation or height of individual warriors... other than perhaps the beauty of overall architectures and the sheer size of the empire.

Generally speaking, Han empire was a much more advanced civilisation than the Romans.
Thank you for praising my ancestor, I can see you are an excellent man in histroy ,and a sophisticate man know about china histroy.Certaintly the Roman was nor nothing compare to The Han ,it was also very advanced civilization in ancient times . I mean not to go on being outspoken in that ,i'm just case by case!
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