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Roman Empire vs Han Empire

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15 Chinese Artifacts That Will Change How You Look at China – chinaSMACK




How much power do you have? After all chinese people have zero influence on politics of their country. Its not a democracy and even local participation isn´t allowed. Since the chinese leadership acts capitalistic i assume that western managers hold far more power than any normal chinese citizen...inside china.

your sewer system looks pretty laughable and weak. Want see a roman water system?

Here from Pompeji:
As you can see its not just cones stuck together like yours. Its metal pipes like we use today melted together:


And sorry about the systems you showed...nothing of this looks impressive for me. But lets compare cities....show me something in China that could be even remotely seen as elegant and colossal as Rome:


When i compare rome...with your imperial city...


I mean...is this serious? Some wood huts?

You do not understand The Truth's words , He said 'Power' was not rights . Besides, Don't act too cocky,please .Some of your words are only Italian ideas ,and do not represent the Whole European. ok?
Posting a article that was removed from wikipedia for bias isn't a good start.

There are already posts about their flawed methodology that Needham/Wagner used not to mention you confuse the western and eastern Han which already shows how shoddy your knowledge is.
Do I really need to post the Needham quote again,he stated that they are guesstimates if you don't understand what a guesstimate is then do yourself a favor and look it up.

My shoddy knowledge upped Wagner/Needham estimates by ten times in order to account for more furnaces built by eastern Han and the guesswork by those two scholars. Stop running in circles....

東漢鹽、鐵官制度辨疑,漢代鐵官制度的設立和考索,漢代大鐵官管理職官的再研究 and 漢代鐵官郡、鐵器銘文與冶鐵遺址 to name a few.

Seeing as how you rely on a translating program I doubt you will access them.

This is not a link. I cannot do anything with this. Use writing that appears as Chinese font on western computers and not squares please. I know it can be done, as i see signatures in Chinese script. With that i can work, with squares i can't if they aren't a link.
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How much power do you have? After all chinese people have zero influence on politics of their country. Its not a democracy and even local participation isn´t allowed. Since the chinese leadership acts capitalistic i assume that western managers hold far more power than any normal chinese citizen...inside china.

your sewer system looks pretty laughable and weak. Want see a roman water system?

Here from Pompeji:
As you can see its not just cones stuck together like yours. Its metal pipes like we use today melted together:


Lead pipes for plumbing, yes the Romans were really smart, but now I know why they're descendants aren't and why they got overrun by Germanics.

And sorry about the systems you showed...nothing of this looks impressive for me. But lets compare cities....show me something in China that could be even remotely seen as elegant and colossal as Rome:


When i compare rome...with your imperial city...


I mean...is this serious? Some wood huts?

Posting movie posters, trying too hard? Here's reality.



Let's all please get back to the subject matter and refrain from posting derogatory comments. Please, and Thank You for your consideration.

The Pantheon was copied from the Greeks, even the word pantheon is greek. The Greeks OTOH learnt a lot from the Levant, Mesopotamia and Egypt. Nothing really originally Roman there.

Except the fact that it's the largest nonsupported dome in the world. Made possible through development of Roman concrete, whose formula was recently discovered and is superior to modern day concrete in terms of durability while being less environmentally damaging to produce.

Roman Seawater Concrete Holds the Secret to Cutting Carbon Emissions
Except the fact that it's the largest nonsupported dome in the world. Made possible through development of Roman concrete, whose formula was recently discovered and is superior to modern day concrete in terms of durability while being less environmentally damaging to produce.

Roman Seawater Concrete Holds the Secret to Cutting Carbon Emissions

Of course, the Romans did some great marvels, but they, too, learnt a great deal from other great civilisations who often built grander and more sophisticated monuments. Until today, nobody knows how to build the pyramids with all our modern tools and machines.
Of course, the Romans did some great marvels, but they, too, learnt a great deal from other great civilisations who often built grander and more sophisticated monuments. Until today, nobody knows how to build the pyramids with all our modern tools and machines.

thats bullshit galore. Show me a building like the Pantheon in mesopotamia or egypt. egypitians never managed to build a cuppola neither did mesopotamians.

The pyramides are no sophistcated monument. Its a huge mass of stones and they were build by trial and error.

And if you honestly believe that we could not build the pyramides today...then you must be joking. We don´t know hw they did build them back then with limited tools. But building them today would be an easy task.
Of course, the Romans did some great marvels, but they, too, learnt a great deal from other great civilisations who often built grander and more sophisticated monuments. Until today, nobody knows how to build the pyramids with all our modern tools and machines.

Sure, but you said it in a way that implies they were just rehashing knowledge from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece. They expanded on that knowledge quite a bit actually.
Legionaires were able to defeat Greek Phalanx that constituted the bulk of the Armies of the Selucia, Sparta, Athens, Knossos, Egypt, and the Carthaginian Empire. Halberdiers would have been dealt with through Roman strategy, as She had done with the Hellenistic World when She conquered said sphere.

An illustration of the Phalanx that Roman Armies were able to annihilate:


Halberd still far superior. Even Europe adopted the Halberd but only hundreds of years later.
A Halberd can hook the opponent neck or leg and slash in addition to stabbing like a spear.

A Warring States period halberd.
thats bullshit galore. Show me a building like the Pantheon in mesopotamia or egypt. egypitians never managed to build a cuppola neither did mesopotamians.

The pyramides are no sophistcated monument. Its a huge mass of stones and they were build by trial and error.

And if you honestly believe that we could not build the pyramides today...then you must be joking. We don´t know hw they did build them back then with limited tools. But building them today would be an easy task.

How about learning bit of history, Mr. Ignoramus?

Pantheon (von altgriechisch πᾶν pān „alles“ und θεός theós „Gott“) ist der antike Name für ein allen Göttern geweihtes Heiligtum.

Diese Vorstellung stammt aus dem Umfeld der sumerischen, griechischen und manichäischen Mythologie und wurde bald mit einem konkreten Ort bzw. Tempel verbunden.

In letzterem Sinne wurde die Vorstellung in die römische Welt übertragen. Da das Pantheon in Rom das einzige gut erhaltene Pantheon als Bauwerk ist, ist es zum Inbegriff für weitere Bauwerke mit einer ähnlichen Funktion geworden.
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