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Nobel Peace Prize is always a joke````it is a 100% political tool than anything
Halt this Genocide Immediately: UN
রাখাইনে সহিংসতা দ্রুত বন্ধ করুন: জাতিসংঘ
36 minutes ago

ছবির কপিরাইট EPA
Image caption গত কয়েক সপ্তাহে প্রায় চার লাখের মতো রোহিঙ্গা বাংলাদেশে আশ্রয় নিয়েছে।

জাতিসংঘের মগহাসচিব আন্তোনিও গুতেরেস বলেছেন মিয়ানমারে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিমরা বিপর্যয়কর মানবিক পরিস্থিতির সম্মুখীন।

রাখাইনে চলমান সহিংসতার ঘটনায় নিন্দা জানিয়েছে জাতিসংঘের নিরাপত্তা পরিষদ এবং সেখানে সহিংসতা ও হত্যাকাণ্ড অবিলম্বে বন্ধ করতে দেশটির কর্তৃপক্ষকে তাগিদ দিয়েছে জাতিসংঘ।

এর আগে রোহিঙ্গা পরিস্থিতি নিয়ে নিরাপত্তা পরিষদ এক জরুরী বৈঠকে বসে। বৈঠকে নিন্দা জানানোর পাশাপাশি সেখানে সেনা অভিযান বন্ধে জরুরী পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণের আহ্বানও জানানো হয়।

বৈঠক শেষে নিরাপত্তা পরিষদের ভারপ্রাপ্ত সভাপতি ইথিওপিয়ার রাষ্ট্রদূত টেকেদা আলেমু এ কথা জানান।

পালিয়ে আসা বহু রোহিঙ্গা নারী ধর্ষণের শিকার
মিয়ানমারকে কতটা চাপ দিতে পারবে জাতিসংঘ?
রোহিঙ্গা দুর্ভোগের কাহিনী শুনলেন কূটনীতিকরা

মি: আলেমু বলেছেন, "নিরাপত্তা পরিষদের সদস্যরা রাখাইন রাজ্যের অবস্থা নিয়ে গভীর উদ্বেগ প্রকাশ করেছে। যে সহিংসতার শিকার হয়ে প্রায় চার লাখ মানুষ বাস্তুচ্যুত হয়েছে সেটিরও নিন্দা জানিয়েছে তারা। সেনা অভিযানের সময় অতিমাত্রায় সহিংসতার তারা উদ্বেগ জানিয়েছে।

পাশাপাশি রাখাইনে সহিংসতা বন্ধ করা, পরিস্থিতি শান্ত করে শৃঙ্খলা ফিরিয়ে আনা, বেসামরিক নাগরিকদের নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করে স্বাভাবিক আর্থ-সামাজিক অবস্থা ফিরিয়ে আনতে এবং রোহিঙ্গা শরনার্থী সমস্যার সমাধান করতে অতি দ্রুত পদক্ষেপ নেয়ারও তাগিদ দিয়েছে।"

গত নয় বছরের মধ্যে এই প্রথম মিয়ানমার নিয়ে বিবৃতি দিতে সম্মত হয়েছ নিরাপত্তা পরিষদ।

এদিকে এর আগে লাখ লাখ রোহিঙ্গা যারা মিয়ানমার থেকে পালিয়ে এসে বাংলাদেশে আশ্রয় নিচ্ছে, তাদের সেই পরিস্থিতিকে 'বিপর্যয়কর' ও 'অত্যন্ত দুঃখজনক' বলে উল্লেখ করেছেন জাতিসংঘের মহাসচিব আন্তোনিও গুতেরেস।

নিউ ইয়র্কের একটি সংবাদ সম্মেলনে মি. গুতেরেস বলছেন, "মিয়ানমারে দশকের পর দশক ধরে যে উৎপীড়ন চলছিলো তা এখন এমনই দশায় পৌঁছেছে যে, মিয়ানমারের সীমানা ছাড়িয়ে তা এখন আঞ্চলিক অস্থিরতার কারণ হয়ে ওঠেছে। সেখানে মানবিক অবস্থাও 'বিপর্যকর'।"

এরকম পরিস্থিতিতে মানবিক সহায়তা দেয়ার জন্য বিশ্বের সকল দেশকে আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন তিনি।

Okay, so let me ask you this, are you also willing to recognize the plight of the Muslims of Urumqi who are being culturally and even religiously oppressed by the Han Chinese? And are you willing to piss off China in the process?

Since so many Pakistanis are big fans of Sino-Pak alliance I would like to know if they are willing to piss off their greatest ally for the sake of Ummah.
There is no such news about them.. I never heard. so let's not talk about assumptions. Bring some irrefutable evidence and I know you don't have any otherwise anti-China media would have raised that issue and used it against China.

Furthermore, this thread is about Rohingya so let's not derail it. You can start a separate thread for that.

And by the way, making a sentence bold on PDF does not turn it into an evidence automatically. :lol:
You still need a proof otherwise no one will believe an anonymous and unverified member of an online forum. Long live Pakistan China friendship :pakistan::china::smitten:. I hope it does not sting you too much :lol:
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Also I cannot seem to understand why Pakistanis defend Bangalis when these people were butchering and raping West Pakistanis in 1971 and today their ultra-Nationalist government spouts anti-Pakistani rhetoric. Bangladesh should bear the brunt of helping its own ethnic kinsmen in Myanmar.

Yeah its a really weird complex for sure.

This ummah thing is a parallel to the globalist ideology, people get blinded by kumbaya virtue signaling by some marker/identity they feel they share that should be put above every piece of information and logic that runs against it (like how this line of thinking has physically even killed and shattered those around them), because of brainwashing + emotions.

Also one can simply look at who's shedding the crocodile tears right now, and simply ask are these people credible on such issues in the slightest? This includes UN, MSM, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, globalists, ummah-proponents, bleeding heart liberals, leftist politicians and a full assortment of other such people.

Would Pakistanis like it if forty million Hindus were forced into Pakistan?

Then imagine if these hypothetical 40 million Hindus pressed India to invade and join them (land-wise) to India (Rohingya did this on many separate occasions, not just once w.r.t Pakistan).

What would Pakistani response be to this group of people? It would be similar to the Burmese one here....any country really. I mean the buddhist people that fled BD into Burma (after BD waged a much similar campaign on them in the CHT area....that ummah-love people seem to have forgotten) didnt get much if any resistance from Burma. Very ironic and hypocritical. There is reason after all why Ind-Pak partition happened....Rohingya issue is a lingering unresolved partition in the area essentially.

Rohingya as a group have largely squandered any trust they had with the majority of Burma (they had lot of time and buffer while Burma was focused on unifying its core areas and groups of the country)....that's on them. They are also indeed kinsfolk of the BD people, they are better off over there given most of them have proven they cannot get along with the Burmese people. That's why you will find the Rohingya leaving to BD is very popular among the Burmese people....their leaders cannot really get in the way of that to simply satisfy some globalist/ummah fantasy.
Myanmar says its security forces are carrying out clearance operations to defend against ARSA, which the government has declared a terrorist organisation.

MM regularly does fabricate the facts and replaces these with fictions. It interchange cause with effects. The ARSA was created due to MM govt cruelty towards Rohingyas. But, the MM govt now is saying that ARSA operation is the cause of its military persecution.
idk its china move (to malign india) or self awakening that she stood for rohingya muslims... yes, China should go against the 't separatists group.. however, Indian govt is badly exposed that they didn't allow refugees... the hindu rohingya and muslims both were victims, but 'cradle of civilization' and 'biggest democracy' who always says that they sheltered zooristani or jews and others etc etc failed to refuge homeless people...
bharat is not even in the list of top 10 refugee hosting country.sanghi terrorist always foam in mouth about how Muslim countries are not doing anything for refugee and how bharat is doing all the goody-goody work.But the reality is all the top 5 refugee hosting country in the world are muslim country.Jordan and Lebanon are hosting refugee which is as large as half of their original population.Still these dhotis will bad mouth about Muslim countries.Read this article exposing malicious propaganda of bharati looser.
Rohingya Refugees: India Should Not Pass The Buck To Muslim World By Adopting A False And Blinkered Narrative
Ten countries host half of world's refugees: report
Haha lol. So you just proved my point that ummah doesn't exist and you don't really care about oppressed people.

Btw I'm also a big supporter of China's pro-Myanmar stance :china::pakistan:
No you didn't prove anything and your post have been reported for trolling and false claim for which you have no evidence. @Secur @WebMaster
In a statement after a closed-door meeting, the 15-member Council "called for immediate steps to end the violence in Rakhine, de-escalate the situation, re-establish law and order, ensure the protection of civilians."

It sounds bad to you? @Aung Zaya

MM reponse: We agree! ;)
The previous position of China was that UNSC shouldn't get involved in the issue rather should be resolved outside of it.
This is the sea of change of Chinese position. As it is already in the UNSC jurisdiction now, it will be far easier for Rohingyas to go to UNSC next time.

MM asked China and Russia to block this move
Yeah its a really weird complex for sure.
It's funny you see because Bangalis joined our enemy India to rape, kill and fight their own Pakistani Muslim brothers and here we have some Pakistanis defending Bangalis. I'm not sure if these people are actually serious. I hope not.

This ummah thing is a parallel to the globalist ideology, people get blinded by kumbaya virtue signaling by some marker/identity they feel they share that should be put above every piece of information and logic that runs against it (like how this line of thinking has physically even killed and shattered those around them), because of brainwashing + emotions.

Also one can simply look at who's shedding the crocodile tears right now, and simply ask are these people credible on such issues in the slightest? This includes UN, MSM, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, globalists, ummah-proponents, bleeding heart liberals, leftist politicians and a full assortment of other such people.
Lol you read my mind bro. It's funny because that is exactly how it is.

The delusional Ummah advocates should ponder on the following questions:

1). Where was "Ummah" when Arabs back stabbed Ottoman Caliphate?

2). Where was Ummah when Sudanese Arab Muslims were persecuting and slaughtering Sudanese Black Muslims (with the support of China I may add)?

3). Where was Ummah when Bangalis joined hands with India, the enemy of Muslim Pakistan to humiliate their own Muslim brothers?

And if course there's the examples of Syrian, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, etc that I already gave.
Then imagine if these hypothetical 40 million Hindus pressed India to invade and join them (land-wise) to India (Rohingya did this on many separate occasions, not just once w.r.t Pakistan).

What would Pakistani response be to this group of people? It would be similar to the Burmese one here....any country really. I mean the buddhist people that fled BD into Burma (after BD waged a much similar campaign on them in the CHT area....that ummah-love people seem to have forgotten) didnt get much if any resistance from Burma. Very ironic and hypocritical. There is reason after all why Ind-Pak partition happened....Rohingya issue is a lingering unresolved partition in the area essentially.

This is a point our Ummah advocates are avoiding addressing. Because they have no answer and they are delusional.

Rohingya as a group have largely squandered any trust they had with the majority of Burma (they had lot of time and buffer while Burma was focused on unifying its core areas and groups of the country)....that's on them. They are also indeed kinsfolk of the BD people, they are better off over there given most of them have proven they cannot get along with the Burmese people. That's why you will find the Rohingya leaving to BD is very popular among the Burmese people....their leaders cannot really get in the way of that to simply satisfy some globalist/ummah fantasy.
Interesting. Honestly I don't know too much about this group other than the recent developments as that whole part of the world is alien to me and most Pakistanis of my generation. I'm only concerned as far as it affects my countries internal and foreign policy.

No you didn't prove anything and your post have been reported for trolling and false claim for which you have no evidence. @Secur @WebMaster
So you don't really care about humanity?? :lol: whatever happened to Ummah tho?

And sure, go cry to the mods like a little girl.
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So you don't really care about humanity?? :lol: whatever happened to Ummah tho?

And sure, go cry to the mods like a little girl.
I care about human rights and also that people do not fart rather backup their claims with clear facts.
bharat is not even in the list of top 10 refugee hosting country.sanghi terrorist always foam in mouth about how Muslim countries are not doing anything for refugee and how bharat is doing all the goody-goody work.But the reality is all the top 5 refugee hosting country in the world are muslim country.Jordan and Lebanon are hosting refugee which is as large as half of their original population.Still these dhotis will bad mouth about Muslim countries.Read this article exposing malicious propaganda of bharati looser.
Rohingya Refugees: India Should Not Pass The Buck To Muslim World By Adopting A False And Blinkered Narrative
Ten countries host half of world's refugees: report

We host 10 - 20 million economic refugees from Bangladesh so F-off.

We just don't call them refugees, but illegals.

So you can darn well host a few million rohingya (who are your ethnic and cultural kin) when we are hosting around 15 million of you lot.


Illegal immigration from Bangladesh to India, which includes both refugees and economic migrants, continues unabated. There is no reliable figure on the exact number of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in India. An analysis of population growth and demographic statistics for Bangladesh and India in the last four censuses of 2011, 2001, 1991, and 1981, however, suggests with reasonable certainty that their number exceeds 15 million. Most of them have settled in states along the border with Bangladesh, and some subsequently moved to other parts of India, including its remote corners. A large number are engaged in menial jobs in metropolitan cities in different parts of India.

The influx of such a large number of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, particularly in the border states, has proved to be a huge challenge for India with serious implications for its resources and national security. It has substantially contributed to changing the demographic pattern in the northeastern states of India, where the locals feel overwhelmed by the outsiders. This has adversely affected their way of life and led to simmering tension between the two sides.

The previous position of China was that UNSC shouldn't get involved in the issue rather should be resolved outside of it.
This is the sea of change of Chinese position. As it is already in the UNSC jurisdiction now, it will be far easier for Rohingyas to go to UNSC next time.

MM asked China and Russia to block this move

No sanctions or even proposed sanctions. Any resolution against MM gets vetoed. End of story.

Take all the press statements you want to the bank, you can even have one for each Rohingya that enters to BD...or have just one big one. All worth the same.

Again just need to watch the results on the ground now.
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