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Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing - Updates & Discussions

Well done Myanmar, keep it up.

Push every last one of them out back to where they came from.

BD tears and weakness exposition is a very welcome sight.

Good job on giving the finger to any UN "officials" as well....and lean on China to support you where and if needed in the P5, so these BD twerps in love with them get a good resounding slap about some realities.
Welcome back.
UN accuses Myanmar of Rohingya cleansing

UNHCR Bangladesh chief John McKissick tells BBC Bangla

Accusing Myanmar for ethnic killing, a senior UN official told British Broadcasting media BBC that the government wants to rid the country of its Muslim minority.

Efforts to resolve the issue must focus on "the root cause" inside Myanmar, McKissick, head of the UN refugee agency UNHCR, Bangladesh told BBC Bangla in Cox's Bazar today.

Armed forces have been killing Rohingya in Rakhine state, forcing many to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh, he said.

The government of Myanmar has been conducting counter-insurgency operations since coordinated attacks on border guards in October.

However, Naypyidaw denies reports of atrocities.

He said the Myanmar military and Border Guard Police had "engaged in collective punishment of Rohingya minority" after the murders of nine border guards on October 9 which some politicians blamed on a Rohingya militant group.

Myanmar security forces force Rohingyas to cross the river

Security forces have been "killing men, shooting them, slaughtering children, raping women, burning and looting houses, forcing these people to cross the river" into Bangladesh, McKissick said.

"Now it's very difficult for the Bangladeshi government to say the border is open because this would further encourage the government of Myanmar to continue the atrocities and push them out until they have achieved their ultimate goal of ethnic cleansing of the Muslim minority in Myanmar," he told BBC.

Earlier today, the foreign ministry summoned Myanmar's ambassador to express "deep concern" over the military operation in northern Rakhine state.

It said "desperate people" were crossing the border seeking safety and shelter and asked Myanmar to "ensure the integrity of its border".

Earlier this week, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released satellite images which it said showed that more than 1,200 homes had been razed in Rohingya villages over the past six weeks.
You are free to declare all BD Hindus as non-citizens of Bangladesh. We will take them in.

The issue here is that Burma has declared these people as non-citizens and illegal tresspassers....

Now you are free to do the exact same thing with BD Hindus and formalise what Bangladesh is.

We will take them in, and then we will have a nice free hand to deal with you.

But SHW and most BD people know better than to do that.

So sorry the situation does not apply to BD Hindus at all. I mean look at your lot desperate to claim heritage over Bengali Hindus in India that were born in areas within BD today. You don't get to pick and choose which Bengalis are actually Bangladeshi...claim the famous successful ones in India as yours and counter-claim rohingya have nothing to do with BD.

Rohingya are clearly a recent bunch of immigrants. @Aung Zaya has clearly delineated and explained that the tribe of Burmese Muslims there originally are different from Rohingya.

They must return and yes China will veto any anti-Burma legislation resolution in the security council if it even comes to that. Burma and China are strong friends. Burma has good relations with India too.

Bangladesh will also have good relations with Burma if it accepts the Rohingya are Bangladeshi illegals and takes them back. That is your decision to make. In the mean time Burma has every right to push the illegals out of its country.

You can protest, but they will continue. You can also run crying to China to pick you over Burma....just prepare to get shut down and ignored fast and hard. India will also definitely not take your side either.

You made your bed, now go sleep in it.

One assume you have been kicked in the head or something as your posts are even more retarded than normal. Have you had a bit of a hard time your call centre job?

What has the rohingya to do with Bangladeshi Hindus? Why would BD harm any of its citizens as a result of the actions of a foreign fascist state.

Suggest you go cool off. Tomorrow is another day and you never know you may actually get to live your dream and help a little old lady sort out her order for socks.
Well done Myanmar, keep it up.

Push every last one of them out back to where they came from.

BD tears and weakness exposition is a very welcome sight.

Good job on giving the finger to any UN "officials" as well....and lean on China to support you where and if needed in the P5, so these BD twerps in love with them get a good resounding slap about some realities.

Read the post I was replying to idiot.

Wow you are pretty dumb. Must be the 70% poverty rate among BD scumbags in UK.

Nah no one comes again to butthole BD:

@waz @WAJsal
Racism is prohibited in this forum isn't it? This guy gets banned for this again & again, yet he repeats the same thing again & again. Can you do something that is little more permanent?
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LOL idiot doesn't even know what racism is.

Learn the difference between being anti-BD and racist stupid.

Bangladeshi is not a "race".

The last ban I got had nothing to do with this filthy excuse of a subforum either, read my profile page conversations if you are so obsessed with me dumb twit.
@waz @WAJsal
Racism is prohibited in this forum isn't it? This guy gets banned for this again & again, yet he repeats the same thing again & again. Can you do something that is little more permanent?
LOL idiot doesn't even know what racism is.

Learn the difference between being anti-BD and racist stupid.

Bangladeshi is not a "race".

The last ban I got had nothing to do with this filthy excuse of a subforum either, read my profile page conversations if you are so obsessed with me dumb twit.
Anyways Bengali are far superior race compared to tamils like you.
Bangladeshis accuse Punjabis of racism, but themselves racist lol

Not all. Like every society it has its fair share of racists and bigots. PAK also has its fair share of bigots and so does India. infact the ruling party in India fall in that category. A result of learning from the west and globalization. It should be common sense that societies are NOT monolithic. Its really amusing that this common sense seem to be lacking on social media.

The statement above was a tongue and cheek response to the hinduva troll Nilgiri who is enjoying murder of innocent and defenceless people.

There is nothing for me to comment here with respect to Nabil365.

I know what you mean bro and i know you don't share nabil's views. I tagged you and other BDs as I believe at least some of you don't believe in what that nabil guy said. But some definitely do share nabil's view.

Btw that nabil guy is not much different than the hindtuva troll he quoted. He is a xenophobic bigot much like hindutvadis and far right. Take a look at some of his posts :

His opinions on Rohingyas and Biharis:

My request to Bangladesh government,pls close the border or else Myanmar might see this as a opportunity to push their people into our land.

Burden on our economy and none of our business.

Why should we?

Bihari ain't our concern.Bengali and biharis have nothing in common not counting religion.

Give me the chapter and verse.Just to verify.Too many jamaati propaganda these days.

Bihari brothers?No one cares about them.We are more close to our west bengali brothers in terms of culture and language.

What's the difference between him and hindutvadi bigots or the far right in the west? All hate muslims and justify morally questionable policies of their government under the guise of cliche western taught rhetoric of "national interest" and "economic burden".
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