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Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing - Updates & Discussions

I told you earlier Burma will retaliate, they will retaliate hard..


I know, they are many so called ummah believers here who only focus on issues that concerns their country's interests(which i think is normal by the way, eventhough there some other wannabe Arab who poke their nose in issues they have no interests or business in), yet the like claiming how they are concerned about Muslim 'oppression' anywhere around the world, meanwhile they just focus on those when it concerns Israel.lol
I can bet you if this thread/topic had mentioned Israel, you will have seen hundreds of them on here commenting/condemning and ranting against the country and speaking out for their 'oppressed' Muslim brothers. lol, this thread would have been at least 10 page long by now. :lol:
Their hypocrisy is mind boggling.:rofl: Reason i always laugh at their so called 'concern' ONLY in Palestine. lol:cheesy:

WTF you blabbering about... ? how about your visiting to Burma for speeding things up?

What a racist..!!!!
His duty is just to recommand who should be there or not.. the rest are our job... :D

Come on dude... we all have ancestry to primates.. it differs in individual level on when ones ancestor branched out to homo sapiens. Its only the time factor and it greatly influence one's behavior (like hatred towards more advanced humans), their habitat and their place of living (e.g. trees) etc.

I bet he will recommend the best for Myanmar future and good for Burmese/Rakhine/Rohingyas. Rohingyas already welcomed him and liked the idea of the name Arakan Muslim. This is very smart and interesting.
I know, they are many so called ummah believers here who only focus on issues that concerns their country's interests(which i think is normal by the way, eventhough there some other wannabe Arab who poke their nose in issues they have no interests or business in), yet the like claiming how they are concerned about Muslim 'oppression' anywhere around the world, meanwhile they just focus on those when it concerns Israel.lol
I can bet you if this thread/topic had mentioned Israel, you will have seen hundreds of them on here commenting/condemning and ranting against the country and speaking out for their 'oppressed' Muslim brothers. lol, this thread would have been at least 10 page long by now. :lol:
Their hypocrisy is mind boggling.:rofl: Reason i always laugh at their so called 'concern' ONLY in Palestine. lol:cheesy:
Come on we all are hypocrites when it serves our interests. Anyway in all indication, it looks like arab countries or rather KSA is quite warming up to Israel these days.
LOL.. so tell me what u have in ur Af that we dont have.. why we feel mad..?
u dont wanna show off.. ? the best joke ever.. u guys already show off even in a single photo of infantry.. :D

LOL they still alive now..? one may be the best , but not all.. :D

ok.. it's good if u guys dont forget about ur country status.. just remind ~phoenix~ who is thinking of prince of Saudi himself and asking other about ' how much u rich '..... what a pitty..!!

that's natural disaster and hard to avoid.. the worst disaster in Myanmar History... Who said Myanmar counting casualites... :D Yes.. we care..!! coz that 160m people live in small area , just an equal to our one large state of 14... there are many problems of illegal migrant in both Myanmar and India border... plus u should think of ur own man-made disaster.. :D Do u remember this...?
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What we have in our Air Force that you don't have? Factually it's f-7bgi and yak-130. Our infantry pics are all taken on victory day parade.... it's a pride to show off that because our military tradition is in line with Pakistan and British armies...

I didn't claim all our pilots are fighter aces... no country have em. But countries that have those aces have the best pilots in the world because their pilots get all first hand experience and knowledge.

As for the status you're talking about... we don't show off like Myanmar with a dismal economy a military is nothing. We care about development first. A hungry army can only do much so no use of just buying more new toys every year.

Deal with fairness with rohyingas first before judging for our man made disaster... your man made disaster made international headlines for years... ours maxed out a month.
Awwww.......who cares?
Burma should do humanity a favour and get rid of those Islamic extremists fighters on its soil . No mercy should be shown to those extremists. :)

I'm still waiting for those self imposed ummah members from Iran, Egypt etc to condemn Burmese actions against 'Muslims freedom fighters' in burma just like they always rant and cry about ISRAEL claiming it's because they 'oppress Muslims'. Where are they on here?:rofl: Hypocrites. :p:
Like the Kashmiris, the Rohingyas are not terrorists. They are freedom fighters who do not want any more to be oppressed by the Barman.

Police forces prepare to patrol in Maungdaw township at Rakhine state, northeast Myanmar, October 12, 2016. REUTERS/Stringer FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES.

By Aung Hla Tun | Yangon

Myanmar has fired the police official charged with guarding its troubled border with Bangladesh, officials said on Monday, after deadly attacks that sparked fighting with insurgents allegedly inspired by Islamist militants.

Nine police officers were killed when three police posts in northern Rakhine State were overrun on Oct. 9 by attackers wielding automatic weapons, sticks and knives, and believed to belong to the mostly stateless Rohingya Muslim group.

"Necessary action will be taken against the responsible police officials for their negligence, which led to the loss of the lives of police personnel and the loss of weapons," said Major General Aung Soe, deputy minister for home affairs.

Aung Soe did not give specifics, but Police Brigadier General Maung Maung Khin, the border chief in Maungdaw township, the site of the attack, has been fired, said an official at police headquarters and an official of the Rakhine State government.

A replacement, Thura San Lwin, has already been named, said the two officials, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

The government has said the assault was orchestrated by the little-known "Aqa Mul Mujahidin", alleged to have links to Islamists in Pakistan and elsewhere, and also blamed it for later attacks on security forces in the Muslim-majority region.

Since the attacks, several videos have circulated online, showing armed men declaring jihad in the language of the Rohingya. Reuters has not been able to verify their authenticity, but government officials say they believe they show members of an insurgent group with about 400 fighters.

The army has designated the region an "operation zone" and troops have fanned out to track down attackers who made off with dozens of weapons and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition in the Oct. 9 assault.

In a statement on Monday, the government said 30 people have been killed and 12 suspects detained in the operation, in which five soldiers were killed.

In the latest reported killings of alleged attackers, two women and a man were shot dead on Saturday after they ambushed police officers conducting a "clearance operation," the military-run Myawady newspaper said.

International human rights groups and advocates for the Rohingya have raised concerns that extrajudicial killings may be taking place.

About 1.1 million Rohingya live in Rakhine State, where they face restrictions on their movements and access to services. They constitute most of the 125,000 residents of displacement camps since communal clashes with ethnic Buddhists in 2012.

(Writing by Simon Lewis; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
Nope.. Arakan became subordinate to the Pagan monarchy in AD 1102-3....
Arakanese Muslims settled themselves in an independent Arakan Kingdom. Burma should vacate Arakan and let the Muslims live in their independent country, Mrauk U.
Brothers, get wise and BE mature.

Bangladesh has no problems with Myanmar, except the issue of Rohingya Muslims PROBLEM.
All other issues/ disputes + maritime DEMARCATION , have been resolved peacefully.

Even, if we are someday, 10x times stronger than Myanmar, we should protect them, instead of turning them into our enemies

Think wisely,who ALL ARE to be the beneficiaries TO ENSURE in a weaker Bangladesh+ Myanmar IN THIS REGION?

Myanmar+ the sea is our only lifeline+ supply route, in case of our GIANT western neighbors, ambitious plan of materializing their dreams of AKHAND BHARAT. A simple walkover,if we enter into a armed conflict with Myanmar.

Moreover, the recent visit of the Hon'ble President of CHINA , and his statements, should make it crystal clear, as to what he meant by reviving the old SILK ROUTE. STUDY A LITTLE MORE+ COLLECT RELATED ARTICLES on these subjects from the internet..Patriotism is an excellent virtue embedded in the heart of every muslim. HOWEVER, Almighty, also told us , to think first then put our steps.

Our look EAST POLICY,+ DIRECT LINK TO CHINA is directly, through Myanmar, without them, we would turn into a land locked country. As, a 100% .effective naval blockade is almost certain, and can be ensured by all means, by the sheer size/number of their naval strength. (INDIA)

A SIMILAR INCIDENT TOOK PLACE IN 1991,right after the horrific hurricane that literally washed away, the whole flat land of Chittagong. All parked F-6/7,CHINESE AIRCRAFTS + BRAND NEW RUSSIAN MI 17 helicopters , still in crates, were floating in water. The whole air force in chittagong, virtually ceased to extinction. THE NAVY ALSO LOST COUPLE OF THEIR ATTACK VESSELS.




Now to revert back to the present position, these are always small skirmishes that takes place in any insurgency movements. also guess where the chittagong hill tracts present SHANTI BAHINI OTHER GROUPS BUY THEIR WEAPONS FROM.
REMEMBER,Every action has an, equal and opposite reaction.
Be realistc, with Rohingyas in their land you will not get nothing fron burma. Either we have to send you there to kill all the rohinvyas or ask your government to bring them to bd.
What we have in our Air Force that you don't have? Factually it's f-7bgi and yak-130.
wait..!! this F7bgi and Yak130 make us feel bad... !!? seriously...? o_O we already ordered Yak-130 and just waiting the time it arrived.. for F7bgi..? we have several isreali upgreaded F7 in our inventory... :D

As for the status you're talking about... we don't show off like Myanmar with a dismal economy a military is nothing. We care about development first. A hungry army can only do much so no use of just buying more new toys every year.
nah.. what we show off..? nothing..!! all we bought should have for the every single army... we are doing in both military and economy.. :D Do u know Myanmar is fastest economy in the world for 2016...? :D
wait..!! this F7bgi and Yak130 make us feel bad... !!? seriously...? o_O we already ordered Yak-130 and just waiting the time it arrived.. for F7bgi..? we have several isreali upgreaded F7 in our inventory... :D

nah.. what we show off..? nothing..!! all we bought should have for the every single army... we are doing in both military and economy.. :D Do u know Myanmar is fastest economy in the world for 2016...? :D
Do you know mm had been growing 9.4% a year since 1994?
They are not going to attack to jeopardize Chinese $35 Billion investment in BD. The Chinese will hang the Myanmar Generals by their Ba*ls, or alternatively, chop their cojones off, and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

Just kidding :partay:

Relax, the mighty Myanmar army not going to attack, this is just a show of force.
Arakanese Muslims settled themselves in an independent Arakan Kingdom. Burma should vacate Arakan and let the Muslims live in their independent country, Mrauk U.
what a funny..!!! see who is invader..? or u want to mean Muslim people building these temples and pagoda throughout of their life time.. even not building the single mosque...!! Do u know Mrauk U rich in thousand of temples and pagodas which second largest in Myanmar after Bagan... ? All were built by Rakhine buddhist Kings over 800 years ago..

what a funny..!!! see who is invader..? or u want to mean Muslim people building these temples and pagoda throughout of their life time.. even not building the single mosque...!! Do u know Mrauk U rich in thousand of temples and pagodas which second largest in Myanmar after Bagan... ? All were built by Rakhine buddhist Kings over 800 years ago..
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lol.. it's run in different titles and different discussion... why so serious...? :D
You want to see buddhist site built 2500 years ago? How did your king converted to buddha in the first place? I am sure those temples are built by bengalis.

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