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Rogue Communist Party of China Sells Helicopter Gunships to UWSA

Good job China, that Maynmar government needs to be taught a lesson. They are killing innocent people like no tomorrow, while those human rights "champions" are silent...
lol and india doesnt have problems with its neighbors?

Where did I say that India do not have problems with Neighbours?? I was answering to your friend's tall claim that China settled its issue with all her neighbours than India..

and china cant claim lands where the past dynasties settled, but india can claim lands because the British drew a random line on a map that no one else agreed to, that even the modern British state has refuted?

China is making weird claims over lands which were ruled by them 1000 of years ago over some period.. How logical is that.. Did you see we claiming part of Indonesia or Srilanka because one of our ruler ruled it many years ago??
Where did I say that India do not have problems with Neighbours?? I was answering to your friend's tall claim that China settled its issue with all her neighbours than India..

china has more or less settle all of its land borders with its neighbors, and india hasnt solved a single one with any of its neighbors, thus in that regards china has made far more progress than india

China is making weird claims over lands which were ruled by them 1000 of years ago over some period.. How logical is that.. Did you see we claiming part of Indonesia or Srilanka because one of our ruler ruled it many years ago??

learn some history before you start spewing lies.

nothing china claims is based solely on some ancient rule(ie vietnam which has not been under chinese control for a long time and china does not claim her). claims like the islands is based on first discovery, first and continued usage as proven by current fishing and evidence(artifacts) showing it has continually used the islands/area for hundreds if not thousands of years. and claim disputes with japan is based on the same, except some lands were ceded to japan(for instance, taiwan), but those treaties have no effect now because of ww2, which render all previous "unequal" treaties null and void.

we dont see you claiming srilanka, but your claim in the northern part of your country is indeed based on a treaty that is illegal and both the British, who concluded the treaty(and ran india in the past), and the chinese which rule tibet today have agreed long ago that the treaty has no legal power/basis and is null and void, so i ask you this, just what is your claims based on?
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