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Rochdale grooming: Five men convicted of historical child sex offences

It doesn't help that the degenerates make up the vast bulk of the community, and even many of the "educated" ones might cover for them from time to time. The likes of the BNP and EDL would have had little relevance in society if it wasn't for the degenerate and subhuman behavior of British Pakistanis as a collective. I have noticed that the more successful and achieving Pakistanis, Somalis, and other minority communities tend to disassociate themselves from their own as much as possible.

Even if British Whites made up 70% of grooming convicts, British Pakistanis are responsible for the utmost shocking and heinous crimes against underaged minors which stand out more. Also, it doesn't help that you lot make up about 3% of the population yet make up 30% of grooming gang convicts. Afterall, it's about "quality" over quantity. I have noticed that the White grooming gangs dont have the network of mass coordination and support from their community unlike the Pakistani ones. Plus, you won't see much Arabs or Bengalis involved in mass grooming gangs.

More word salad with conjured up data.Can you give me a source? Did you pull it out of menace2societys arse?

For example:

A 2020 report by the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse stated that "In the records of defendants prosecuted for child sexual abuse offences" among those in which ethnic background was recorded "the vast majority were white (89%); 6% were Asian, 3% were Black, 1% were from mixed ethnic backgrounds and 1% were from "other" ethnic backgrounds."[8] The 2021 Census shows whites make up 81.7% of the general population in England and Wales, 9.3% identify as Asian, 4% identify as black, 2.2% identify as mixed race and 1% identify as 'other'.[9]

Home office report looking at child sexual exploitation, this is a direct quote:

“Based on the existing evidence, and our understanding of the flaws in the existing data, it seems most likely that the ethnicity of group-based CSE offenders is in line with child sex abuse more generally and with the general population, with the majority of offenders being white.”

Group-based Child Sexual Exploitation Characteristics of Offenders - GOV.UK https://assets.publishing.service.g...nt_data/file/944206/Group-based_CSE_Paper.pdf

Unless you are willing to present accurate data, I won't be willing to engage further.
Sex tourism been happening for decades, prior to that it was called colonialism

Nah I am referring to the grooming gang trial, you always talk about "fassad" and people acting like animals in Pakistan.

Why don't you consider this "fassad" or animal behavior?

2002 and 2006.

How is a trial being done for something that was nearly 20 years ago?

Is UK court that slow?
Nah I am referring to the grooming gang trial, you always talk about "fassad" and people acting like animals in Pakistan.

Why don't you consider this "fassad" or animal behavior?

It is, let the police sort it out

They want to fcuk cheap white meat, that's their problem
Nah I am referring to the grooming gang trial, you always talk about "fassad" and people acting like animals in Pakistan.

Why don't you consider this "fassad" or animal behavior?
Because he is involved in grooming himself, or knows people who are and takes full pride in it.
Because he is involved in grooming himself, or knows people who are and takes full pride in it.

I care as much as white people care about white men going to Thailand to take advantage of under age prostitute's

Am I wrong?
What you see with these grooming gangs is a fusion of the worst aspects of village paindoo culture and the rampant child sex abuse culture in the UK. In a sense, one can say that Pakistanis have truly integrated into British society to an extent.
Indeed as have Indian...Google some of the doctors
British Pakistanis can't even hold themselves to the highest standards because we have degenerates in our community constantly making excuses and gaslighting for them literally being the worst possible human you can ever be.

it is almost like let us see what the worst of my native culture I can import and let us see what is the worst aspect of my host culture I can imitate
Five men have been convicted of "sickening" historical child sexual offences as part of a grooming gang.

Mohammed Ghani, 38, Insar Hussain, 38, Jahn Shahid Ghani, 50, Martin Rhodes, 39, and Ali Razza Hussain Kazmi, 35, sexually exploited two teenage girls in Rochdale between 2002 and 2006.

The victims would often be picked up from outside their schools, still in their uniforms, and sexually assaulted.

They will be sentenced at Minshull Street Crown Court at a later date.

The first victim, known as Girl A, was just 12 when the abuse first started, the court heard.

Girl A, was filmed being sexually assaulted while passed out as members of the gang laughed, the trial heard.

The jury was told the video was then shared around the Greater Manchester town.

The allegations only came to light in 2015 after Girl A told of being "beaten and raped" while on a parenting course and police were contacted.

As a result of what she told the police, they spoke with the second girl, Girl B - a childhood friend.

Neither alleged victims, as complainants of sexual offences, can be identified.

Girl A also told a friend that what had happened to her was "so much worse" than Three Girls - the BBC drama about child sexual exploitation in Rochdale.

The trial heard how Girl A only realised she was a victim of abuse in 2014 when she read the book behind the series.

Girl A told her sister: "That happened to me." She later wrote on social media that her experience was "so much worse than what happened in Three Girls".

Girl B told the court how she and another girl were plied with drink before being persuaded to have sex by the gang members.

Ghani, Hussain, and Ghan and Kazmi were found guilty of child sexual offences following a trial while Rhodes pleaded guilty to child sexual offences.

Ikhlaq Yousef, 38, Aftar Khan, 34, and Mohammed Iqbal, 67, all of Rochdale, were found not guilty following the trial.

'Strength and determination'​

Assistant Chief Constable Sarah Jackson, from Greater Manchester Police, praised the victims, who "demonstrated such bravery in testifying against these offenders on their journey to justice".

"This result is long-awaited - we are truly thankful to the victims and survivors for their continued patience and engagement," she said.

Frances Killeen, senior crown prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service, said: "These men committed appalling offences for their own sexual gratification, with no thought for the lasting effects their offending would have on their victims.

"I would like to thank the two victims for coming forward and supporting a prosecution.

"I hope they can find some comfort in knowing their abusers will finally face the consequences of their actions."

Sharon Hubber, Rochdale Borough Council's director of children's services, said: "These were sickening crimes committed against two vulnerable young girls, whose strength and determination was instrumental in bringing this case forward."

Deserve death penalty ! If only death penalty was alive !

All my best wishes for the girls !
Another pajeet thread? Does this news really need another thread?
It doesn't help that the degenerates make up the vast bulk of the community, and even many of the "educated" ones might cover for them from time to time. The likes of the BNP and EDL would have had little relevance in society if it wasn't for the degenerate and subhuman behavior of British Pakistanis as a collective. I have noticed that the more successful and achieving Pakistanis, Somalis, and other minority communities tend to disassociate themselves from their own as much as possible.

Even if British Whites made up 70% of grooming convicts, British Pakistanis are responsible for the utmost shocking and heinous crimes against underaged minors which stand out more. Also, it doesn't help that you lot make up about 3% of the population yet make up 30% of grooming gang convicts. Afterall, it's about "quality" over quantity. I have noticed that the White grooming gangs dont have the network of mass coordination and support from their community unlike the Pakistani ones. Plus, you won't see much Arabs or Bengalis involved in mass grooming gangs.

You do realise they (UK white males)!entirely make up the worst form of pedophile I.e. those that rape infants and babies right? It’s a fact they are among the most notorious of all white groups when it comes to child rape in developing countries (Kenya, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia etc) , and this is also supported well by finance, sophisticated electronic masking, logistical support and people in important places. So you’re wrong about that.

However this doesn’t take away from the fact that disgusting people from the community, have made this grooming of mainly secondary school girls a common crime. I wish I could whip skin off their backs.
You do realise they (UK white males)!entirely make up the worst form of pedophile I.e. those that rape infants and babies right? It’s a fact they are among the most notorious of all white groups when it comes to child rape in developing countries (Kenya, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia etc) , and this is also supported well by finance, sophisticated electronic masking, logistical support and people in important places. So you’re wrong about that.
Got a source for this?
Got a source for this?

He's talking about what happened in Walsall & Wolverhampton.

Got a source for this?

Surprised you ask considering how well known this is…..

There’s stuff from as far back as 1997;

New legislation comes into force in Britain on Monday extending the jurisdiction of British courts to cover acts of child sex abuse committed by UK citizens overseas.
The Foreign Secretary's initiative follows the 1996 Sexual Offences Conspiracy and Incitement Act, which made it illegal for any Britons to incite others or to conspire to commit sexual offences against children abroad.
British men are among many foreigners who flock to the Philippines for sex with children.

One of the two British men jailed in the Phillipines for child sex offences

Two of the three foreigners so far convicted for child abuse in a Philippine government get-tough policy have been British. Steven Mitchell, 44, is serving 17 years for sexual activities with small boys and Michael Clarke, 50, is serving 16 years for organising sex tours.
UNICEF estimates that there are 60,000 child prostitutes in the Philippines and many of the 200 brothels in the notorious Angeles City offer children for sex.
The British Embassy in Manila last year organised a two-week course led by Scotland Yard detectives into techniques to investigate cases of child abuse.
Subsequently, the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation set up an anti-child abuse division - the first squad dedicated to fighting child abuse in the country.
Later this year, Britain is organising a four-week course to train a team of Philippine national Police instructors on how to investigate both child abuse and violence against women as well as how to run their own courses.
The Embassy has already developed a system for intelligence exchange between the British and Philippine police. Now the UK police pass on warnings when known and suspected paedophiles and other serious criminals travel to the Philippines.

Children are being put at risk by the Government's failure to deal with British paedophiles overseas, according to a new report being published today.

Sex offenders are able to travel the world abusing children virtually unchecked, according to the report, which accuses Britain of turning a blind eye to the activities of child molesters abroad. While British authorities await the return on Tuesday of convicted paedophile Gary Glitter after his release from prison in Vietnam, the report from Ecpat (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) accuses the Government of ignoring scores of similar offenders who are abusing children in countries that are often unable to police their activities.

It concludes that, despite increased reporting of sex offenders who are arrested for child abuse abroad, the Government has failed to combat child sex tourism. The report states there is a "clear pattern with repeat offenders travelling from country to country and flagrantly avoiding the stringent sex offender management mechanisms in the UK".

Although Glitter will be met by police on his return to Britain and put on the sex offenders' register, many other paedophiles remain abroad with little or no checks on their activities, according to Ecpat, which represents Britain's biggest children's charities. In one case, a sex offender was able to return to the UK and escape arrest despite an Interpol warrant for his capture.

Although Britain has laws to prosecute for offences committed abroad, these have been used in only a handful of sex tourism cases during the past decade and none since 2005. Yet in the past two years alone, more than 25 Britons have been arrested by foreign police for child sex offences, 15 of which were in Thailand.

While thousands of football hooligans are subject to travel bans, only five foreign travel orders have ever been issued against known sex offenders. More joint investigations are needed, as well as more agreements with countries to make it easier to bring sex offenders back to the UK, say campaigners. "The Government is turning a blind eye to the activities of British sex offenders abroad," said Christine Beddoe, author of the Ecpat report.

Jim Gamble, chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre admitted: "Britons who travel abroad to abuse children in the belief that they can evade justice are a UK problem, and we have a duty to protect every child, everywhere.

The Government announced yesterday that it is to speed up its plans to close a loophole that requires paedophiles to tell police their travel plans only if they are going abroad for more than three days. A Home Office spokesperson said: "From the autumn, we also intend to make registered sex offenders notify the police of any travel abroad."

Offenders overseas

John Maurice Praill, 77, was arrested in Thailand in March for abusing an eight-year-old boy and released on bail. He has been arrested several times for similar offences. Campaigners say that the Government must control the activities abroad of paedophiles such as Praill and Gary Glitter.

Even research as to why it happens;

Child sex tourism (CST), which is defined by the United Nations as “the exploitation of children for sexual purposes by people who travel locally or internationally to engage in sexual activities with children” (p.5) [4], accounts for a part of these earnings. While South-East Asia, Central America and Brazil are designated as countries with a long history of CST, with emerging destinations in South America, South, North-West, and East Africa, India and Mongolia, CST ‘users’ mostly originate from developed countries including European and North American countries, as well as Russia, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand [5].

Furthermore, CST is linked to the field of child and human trafficking

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