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Road to Islamic State was paved by America's Faustian bargain with Saudi Wahhabism

Is it just me or this article just called the wahabis as apostates ?
You go and study Quran and Sunnah and stop following bidat I hardly get inspired from any one other than Quran and Sunnah. I have done lots of research before following Salafi school of thought. If I would have been that brainwashed I would have kept on following barelivism like many in my family do. So please stop wasting my time.

Thank you! I have spent considerable amount of my life in Madarasa and in the Middle-East. I pray that Allah keeps me intentiions pure when I say this without pride or arragance, I speak classical Arabic and speak it as well. I'm not hear to waste your time and like I said, if you open a thread then you and I can teach each other what ''bida'' means sharia and lugwi (from Lisanal Arab).

With respect to Kithabul-Tawhid we can go through it as well. If not, then I suggest you don't propagate wahabbie ideology as Abdul-Wahab was warned by his two teachers. And Allah knows best!

Btw, this is not a challenge rather to enlighten you with the truth.

Is it just me or this article just called the wahabis as apostates ?

They are deviants and that has ALWAYS been the Orthodox Sunni position on them. Abdul Wahab's (founder of Wahabbsm) teachers warned people about him and Al-Azhar University, in Egypt gave a fatwa on him to warm people of his deviant views.

Sadly, like always Britania found him in the desert with Ibn Saud (founder of Saudia Arabia) to fight against the Ottomans.
Britania is the cause of Muslim worlds' misery and terrorism of today.
Thank you! I have spent considerable amount of my life in Madarasa and in the Middle-East. I pray that Allah keeps me intentiions pure when I say this without pride or arragance, I speak classical Arabic and speak it as well. I'm not hear to waste your time and like I said, if you open a thread then you and I can teach each other what ''bida'' means sharia and lugwi (from Lisanal Arab).

With respect to Kithabul-Tawhid we can go through it as well. If not, then I suggest you don't propagate wahabbie ideology as Abdul-Wahab was warned by his two teachers. And Allah knows best!

Btw, this is not a challenge rather to enlighten you with the truth.

They are deviants and that has ALWAYS been the Orthodox Sunni position on them. Abdul Wahab's (founder of Wahabbsm) teachers warned people about him and Al-Azhar University, in Egypt gave a fatwa on him to warm people of his deviant views.

Sadly, like always Britania found him in the desert with Ibn Saud (founder of Saudia Arabia) to fight against the Ottomans.
Britania is the cause of Muslim worlds' misery and terrorism of today.

whats britania ?
You go and study Quran and Sunnah and stop following bidat I hardly get inspired from any one other than Quran and Sunnah. I have done lots of research before following Salafi school of thought. If I would have been that brainwashed I would have kept on following barelivism like many in my family do. So please stop wasting my time.
No use with wahhabis when you talk to them you talk to a wall no brain at all look at @Zarvan he say don't waist my time and he done plenty of research!!! wahhabi and research isn't that a crime by itself.

then your quran and sunnah = TERRORISM
Excelent answer!!!.

But is this Zarvan and his likes understand that no way.

whats britania ?
Looool you really ade me laugh in Arabic we call Britain Britannia بريطانيا.
No, it is not unfair.

First...The foundation for IS is theological Islam. Not theological Christianity or theological Buddhism. But theological Islam.

Second...IS did not formed from a frustration with atheists, Christians, Buddhists, or Rastafarians. IS came from a frustration with the current version of Islam that IS deemed nearly blasphemous. If you cannot spare the resources, you clean house, then you go after infidels. But if you can spare the resources, you can and will do both. And that is what is happening now in the ME and among the infidel countries. All the talks about the Israelis-Palestinians conflict are just gravy on the meal, meaning 'if you do not like us killing Jews because they are Jews, then look at what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians.' The gravy pretty much sealed the deal.

Third...It is well within the Muslims' power to punish IS and even eradicate it and do it without help from US.

don't deny it , islam never made any alqeada or ISIS its been made by USA +EU+ ISREAL & FEW MUSLIM ALLEIS LIKE TURKEY & KSA ?
Terrorism has nothing to do with politics & its creations like , ISIS?
& remember its the same terrorists USA & west created to fight against soviet state ?

then your quran and sunnah = TERRORISM
Even wahabism never says to blow yourself up to kill innocents , sorry its wrong interpretation been created by , few wasted Christian ,Hindu ,Jew extremist groups who secretly were supporting mujhadeens under same umbrella to defeat soviets ?
& now to invade , capture the resources of Muslim lands ?
They are behind ISIS & they are doing all the false flag ops ?
If from Al Ahzar you mean Al AHZAR university than they have become nothing but puppets of Egyptian Government and they have never brought anything from Quran and Sunnah to counter Kitab ut Tawheed. Sorry I don't which Salafis you debated. I never quote Pakistanis Salafis and hardly listen to them. As for Salafis I have debated with them and Sufis every Salafi come with proof from Quran and Sunnah but no Barelvi does. Now stick to this topic

Isn't ISIS a wahabi group? This is the result of saudi funding of wahabi madrissahs which created these monsters (ISIS, al qaeda, taliban etc) who want to kill everybody on the face of this earth, and call every other sect as "Kafir" and love to cut their heads off. Thats what wahabiism gave the muslim ummah. Almost every muslim terrorist group is wahabi. Isn't it?

That day will be like the day of eid for muslims when saudi monarchy will fall and muslims will be free to visit our beloved prophet's grave where they try to stop you even from looking at it and keeps calling "shirk shirk" "haram haram" at every place, even at maqaam e ibraeem they place a guy who stops people from kissing it and touching it and tells them that its haram and do not worship it (WTF). That really made me mad and i kissed it again and again bcz Allah tells us in Quran that it is placed there as sign of Allah, but these wahabis think that everything is shirk even kissing maqam e ibraheem is shirk. When i touched my face and chest with Kabaa itself a guy behind me called astafgfirullah astaghfirullah, thats what he learned from wahabism. Many other experiences i can share if you ask.

Death to wahabi saudi monarchy, the lovers of yazid and the root cause of terrorism. Un kay bas mein hota to nabbi paak ka roza bhi gira detay.

I really admire the teachings of Mulana Muhammad Ishaq of faisalabad.
Isn't ISIS a wahabi group? This is the result of saudi funding of wahabi madrissahs which created these monsters (ISIS, al qaeda, taliban etc) who want to kill everybody on the face of this earth, and call every other sect as "Kafir" and love to cut their heads off. Thats what wahabiism gave the muslim ummah. Almost every muslim terrorist group is wahabi. Isn't it?

That day will be like the day of eid for muslims when saudi monarchy will fall and muslims will be free to visit our beloved prophet's grave where they try to stop you even from looking at it and keeps calling "shirk shirk" "haram haram" at every place, even at maqaam e ibraeem they place a guy who stops people from kissing it and touching it and tells them that its haram and do not worship it (WTF). That really made me mad and i kissed it again and again bcz Allah tells us in Quran that it is placed there as sign of Allah, but these wahabis think that everything is shirk even kissing maqam e ibraheem is shirk. When i touched my face and chest with Kabaa itself a guy behind me called astafgfirullah astaghfirullah, thats what he learned from wahabism. Many other experiences i can share if you ask.

Death to wahabi saudi monarchy, the lovers of yazid and the root cause of terrorism. Un kay bas mein hota to nabbi paak ka roza bhi gira detay.

I really admire the teachings of Mulana Muhammad Ishaq of faisalabad.
You can't bring one single proof from Quran and Sunnah on what Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab preached and said. I have done massive research

No use with wahhabis when you talk to them you talk to a wall no brain at all look at @Zarvan he say don't waist my time and he done plenty of research!!! wahhabi and research isn't that a crime by itself.

Excelent answer!!!.

But is this Zarvan and his likes understand that no way.

Looool you really ade me laugh in Arabic we call Britain Britannia بريطانيا.
You are posting crap and no proof
No they are not arguing on theocracy.
Of course they are.

I'm the President of the USA. Am I? Anyone can say anthing.
They can prove they are Muslims far better than you can prove you are the US President.

The Islamic scholars have already given a fatwa against them.

Letter to Baghdadi - Open Letter to BaghdadiOpen Letter to Baghdadi
A lot of good that will do. IS do have their own clerics, you did not know that ? :rolleyes:

Why should Muslims collectively take blame for a small number of criminals. In 90s Christians slaughtered and raped est. 100,000 Muslim women in Bosnia. We should call all Christians rapists and murderers.
And it was Christians who stopped them.

Amrka invaded Somalia, why? (Enduring freedom) It was the Pakistani MUSLIM Army SAVED your soldiers in Mogadishu.

Amrka lies about WMD and killed est 115,000+

Tell me which country has been to more wars?

Over threw an elected gormant in Chile, backed Sanestan (not sure about the spelling) terrorists, bay of pigs, Panama, Guatemala.

So Amrkas is a war mongerer and a state sponsor of terrorism? Is it?
Those are actions between states, which now includes IS. When the US invaded Iraq -- twice -- did we called upon Jesus ? No, we called upon the UN. But if you want to debate inter-states events during the Cold War, there are plenty of events where Muslim countries were not so innocent.

Looky here...Among the Muslims, you already called US all sorts of names. The reality is that as a country, the US is far less a fear than your own Muslims, which now includes IS.
Wahhabi ideology: Kill Muslims and shake tail for Zionists.

Sahih Bukhari:

Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet (s)said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham [Syria & Iraq] ! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on ourNAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet (s) said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.” Sahih Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214)


Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:When `Ali was in Yemen, he sent some gold in its ore to the Prophet. The Prophet distributed itamong Al-Aqra’ bin H`Abis Al-Hanzali who belonged to Bani Mujashi, ‘Uyaina bin Badr Al-Fazari, ‘Alqama bin ‘Ulatha Al-`Amiri,who belonged to the Bani Kilab tribe and Zaid AI-Khail at-Ta’i who belonged to Bani Nabhan. So the Quraish and the Ansar became angry and said, “He gives to the chiefs of Najd and leaves us!” The Prophet (saw) said, “I just wanted to attract and unite their hearts (make them firm in Islam).” Then there came a man(Zul Khuwaisra)with sunken eyes, bulging forehead, thick beard, fat raised cheeks, and clean-shaven head, and said, “O Muhammad! Be afraid of Allah! ” The Prophet said, “Who would obey Allah if I disobeyed Him? (Allah). He trusts me over the people of the earth, but you do not trust me?” A man from the people (present then), who, I think, was Khalid bin Al-Walid, asked for permission to kill him, but the Prophet prevented him. When the man went away, the Prophet(may peace be upon him)said, “Out of the offspring of this man (from Banu Tamim Najd), there will be people who will recite the Qur’an but it will not go beyond their throats, and they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out through the game, and they will kill the Muslims and leave the idolators. Should I live till they appear, I would kill them as the Killing of the nation of ‘Ad.” Sahi Bukhari 9:527 & 8:184


Abdullah bin Umar (Radiallhu Anhu) narrates in Muslim Shareef: “The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) once emerged from the room of Ayesha and pointing towards Najd exclaimed:
‘This is the center of Kufr from where the horn of Shaitaan will rise’.” (Muslim Shareef Vol. ii, PP. 1394)
Malik related to me from Abdullah ibn Dinar Radi Allahu anhuthat Abdullah ibn Umar Radi Allahu anhu said, “ I saw the Messenger of Allah Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam pointing at the EAST ( Najd) and saying, ‘The cause of dissension is here. The cause of dissension is here, from where the helpers of shaytan arise.’ “
IMAM MALIK’S Radi Allahu anhu MUWATTA (Book #54, Hadith #54.11.29)

Sahl b. Hunaif reported Allah’s Apostle Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam as saying: There would arise from the east( Najd) a people with shaven heads. Sahih Muslim (Book #005, Hadith #2338)


Hadith of Najd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Source: Zionist rulers of Saudi | Page 5

Saudi WAHHABI regime is created by BRITAIN.

ISIS, Taliban, al Qaeda are also created by US to undermine Islamic countries.

Followers of Muhammad bin abdul Wahhab that are ruling in Arabia up to now have murdered millions of Muslims since their revolt in Najdi. They have killed Muslims as much as they could. They have mass genocided people of Mecca, Medina, Najdi and Taif.

Just tiny of their crimes and barbarism is recorded and we can find on internet.

Ta'if massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Wahhabism and Conspiracies - Intifada Palestine

The Anti-Arab Zionized Ruling Al Saud - Intifada Palestine

First of all, If you are gonna use sunni books to further your argument I hope you actually do believe in these books which you are quoting. Otherwise you are just another one of your kind. The hadiths you have mentioned to my surprise are correct. But you are surely using them to misguide people. First of all, I don't understand your personal enmity(arse-itch) with Mohammed Abdulwahab. Why you need to make it sound like he is some kind of a founder of some new religion. Why is the need for this impression when he clearly never introduced anything new in religion while conveying his concept of oneness in Allah and following the sahih sunnah of the prophet. What he did was reinstated the core of the religion in the times of high vulnerability in the Muslim world during the ottoman empire. I invite you to tell me as you claimed that following Abdulwahab needs you to kill other muslims and be barbaric. Aren't you forgetting the barbaric actions of Iranians. If truly you are Iranian I don't need to shed light on it. Dont you forget the mass murders of sunnis in Iran or the fact that your forefathers were forced to become a shia or die or exile. Abdulwahab didnt introduce anything new or force anyone to agree with him or be dead.

As you might know and failed to mention maybe intentionally what the prophet said about Banu Tamim from whom Mohammed Abdulwahab belongs to.

Volume 3, Book 46, Number 719: Sahih Bukhari

Narrated Abu Huraira:

I have loved the people of the tribe of Bani Tamim ever since I heard, three things, Allah's Apostle said about them. I heard him saying, These people (of the tribe of Bani Tamim) would stand firm against Ad-Dajjal." When the Sadaqat (gifts of charity) from that tribe came, Allah's Apostle said, "These are the Sadaqat (i.e. charitable gifts) of our folk." 'Aisha had a slave-girl from that tribe, and the Prophet said to 'Aisha, "Manumit her as she is a descendant of Ishmael (the Prophet)."

The people who would stand firm against dajjal which will be the most severest of fitnah for the muslims, can't actually stand firm against the fitnah of Mohammed Abdulwahab (As you say so).

As for the sahih hadith you mentioned, first thing to understand is there is no where mentioned that these point towards Abdulwahab or anyone else. This propaganda was introduced by sufis who were so indulged in their innovations that they accused him of being this fitnah due to hatred and competition. When they saw their beliefs challenged they resorted to such measures. And people are now using it as an excuse to further propagate it triggered by their own hatred towards it. His efforts and teachings are credible with sources taken from Quran and hadith. If you have a problem with his teachings then you definitely have a problem with your own religion. No human is free from errors and his case rests with Allah.

As for the prophet pointing towards najd, The region today known as "najd" in Saudi Arabia was not historically known by that name, in part because the meaning of the word najd (an elevated region and a region that is to the East) in Arabic does not accurately describe the part of modern-day Saudi Arabia known as Najd which is a region that is not directly East of Medina, where Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam was when the hadith in question was said, and is also a region that is not elevated above Medina. In respect to Medina, which as I mentioned is the area where this hadith was said, the "najd" would refer more accurately to Iraq. Furthermore, the najd is a term that partially depends on your location; thus, there were thirteen regions that were historically known as najd.
You can't bring one single proof from Quran and Sunnah on what Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab preached and said. I have done massive research

Bring your proof from Quran that kissing maqaam e ibrahim and kabaa is shirk and haram. I'm waiting. Since saudis are the champion of wahabis so they must have read it somewhere in Quran. And if they are not following even wahabiism then they must be taken off from power by force? Hy kay nai? Sharab peenay ki saza "350 lashes"? They must have taken this order from the book of ibn wahab.

Just bring proof of my first point.
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Bring your proof from Quran that kissing maqaam e ibrahim and kabaa is shirk and haram. I'm waiting. Since saudis are the champion of wahabis so they must have read it somewhere in Quran. And if they are not following even wahabiism then they must be taken off from power by force? Hy kay nai? Sharab peenay ki saza "350 lashes"? They must have taken this order from the book of ibn wahab.

Just bring proof of my first point.
No Maqam e Ibrahim was never kissed by RASOOL SAW but Hajra e Aswad was kissed by RASOOL SAW
No, it is not unfair.

First...The foundation for IS is theological Islam. Not theological Christianity or theological Buddhism. But theological Islam.

Second...IS did not formed from a frustration with atheists, Christians, Buddhists, or Rastafarians. IS came from a frustration with the current version of Islam that IS deemed nearly blasphemous. If you cannot spare the resources, you clean house, then you go after infidels. But if you can spare the resources, you can and will do both. And that is what is happening now in the ME and among the infidel countries. All the talks about the Israelis-Palestinians conflict are just gravy on the meal, meaning 'if you do not like us killing Jews because they are Jews, then look at what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians.' The gravy pretty much sealed the deal.

Third...It is well within the Muslims' power to punish IS and even eradicate it and do it without help from US.

Maybe, but if arms consignments sent by America in a political game was the basis of ISIS becoming armed in a significant way and able to make their territorial push, the US would still be partly responsible. And that's what Russia is claiming.
Maybe, but if arms consignments sent by America in a political game was the basis of ISIS becoming armed in a significant way and able to make their territorial push, the US would still be partly responsible. And that's what Russia is claiming.
Nobody becomes an insurgent or terrorist just because weapons are available.
No Maqam e Ibrahim was never kissed by RASOOL SAW but Hajra e Aswad was kissed by RASOOL SAW

Prove it from Quran or Hadith that it is "Haram" and "Shirk". Rasool SAW also never used a laptop or a cell phone. I am asking you to prove from Quran and sunnah that the above mentioned thing is haram or shirk. Don't defend for the sake of defense, Prove it. I am asking this by your wahabi logic, that if its not mentioned in Quran or Hadith then its Haram and Shirk. Guide me, i'm open for this lesson.
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