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Jun 28, 2010
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Japan 'Building Missiles to Counter China's Naval Power'
The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Japan 'Building Missiles to Counter China's Naval Power'

Japan has begun developing a high-speed anti-ship missile in response to China's growing naval power, according to a media report Wednesday. The missile, called XASM-3, is slated for production starting in 2016, the daily Tokyo Shimbun said.

The supersonic missile is "almost impossible to shoot down" and "appears to be aimed at thwarting China's rising naval might," the daily said.

The XASM-3, which is 6 m long and weighs 900 kg, is small enough to be mounted on fighter jets rather tan bombers. Japan is prohibited from having long-range bombers due to limitations on its arsenal of offensive weapons by its post-war Constitution. The Japanese government has earmarked 32.5 billion yen to develop the missile. The country's present arsenal of air-to-ship missiles is subsonic and can be shot down.

Supersonic anti-ship missiles are used for defense against aircraft carriers, destroyers and cruisers. At present, Russia has the largest numbers of them, to counter U.S. aircraft carrier groups. China has imported them from Russia and is developing its own version. The U.S. has none due to a different military doctrine but apparently began developing them recently.

China has been boosting its naval strength and plans to build its own aircraft carrier by 2015. It recently bought four destroyers from Russia and deployed its own Aegis-class destroyers.

Japan's Blue Water Navy is far superior than China's navy so shouldn't it be China trying to come up with something to counter "Japan's Navy" ???? Also why Japan always claim that China is a threat to Japan when China never invaded Japan ??? On the other hand, Japan
invaded and raped China.
Japan's Blue Water Navy is far superior than China's navy so shouldn't it be China trying to come up with something to counter "Japan's Navy" ???? Also why Japan always claim that China is a threat to Japan when China never invaded Japan ??? On the other hand, Japan
invaded and raped China.

Give me a reason why Japan should not develop a supersonic anti-ship missile themselves,even Taiwan has one? Japan is an Island country, why shouldn't they have a strong navy where sea is their live hood?
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Japan's Blue Water Navy is far superior than China's navy so shouldn't it be China trying to come up with something to counter "Japan's Navy" ???? Also why Japan always claim that China is a threat to Japan when China never invaded Japan ??? On the other hand, Japan
invaded and raped China.

Japan's need of a super sonic missile is very justified as Japan will depend on its Air force and Navy (to a grater extent) to protect its national integrity and this missile will add more teeth to that defense and besides if an enemy gets on Japanese soil the war is as good as lost this also applies in the case of Taiwan.:cheers:
Japan's Blue Water Navy is far superior than China's navy so shouldn't it be China trying to come up with something to counter "Japan's Navy" ???? Also why Japan always claim that China is a threat to Japan when China never invaded Japan ??? On the other hand, Japan
invaded and raped China.

A Slight Correction : Japan DOESNOT HAVE a Blue Water Navy.

Btw, China is a Threat Or Not, Dont u think Japanese have the Right to Do all They Can to Secure Their Land ?

The Same Applies to Every Nation on the Planet.
A Slight Correction : Japan DOESNOT HAVE a Blue Water Navy.

Btw, China is a Threat Or Not, Dont u think Japanese have the Right to Do all They Can to Secure Their Land ?

The Same Applies to Every Nation on the Planet.

I humbly disagree with your point of view
Take a look at these stats
Total Navy Ships: 147
Destroyers: 15
Submarines: 18
Frigates: 41
Mine Warfare Craft: 38
Amphibious Craft: 7

a navy with such a large fleet can be called a Blue water navy but this not acknowledged due to the overshadowing effect of the USN in the region. :cheers::cheers:
I believe the Japanese military buildup is a combination of lost confidence in the USA's ability to police the world and a desire to be independent.

Japan wants to USA out, they are building their own weapons for protection. This won't really have any effect on China because of a China vs Japan war breaks out it will most likely be a missile spam fest since they are so close to each other no force projection is necessary.

U.S. won't move Marines from Japan by 2014: media - Yahoo! News

U.S. won't move Marines from Japan by 2014: media

TOKYO (Reuters) – Washington has given up on moving 8,000 U.S. Marines to the U.S. territory of Guam from Japan by 2014, media said on Friday, a potential blow to Prime Minister Naoto Kan who is already struggling over a U.S. base dispute.
Doesn't help with the rape cases by US personal stationed on Okinawa ...
I believe the Japanese military buildup is a combination of lost confidence in the USA's ability to police the world and a desire to be independent.

Japan wants to USA out, they are building their own weapons for protection. This won't really have any effect on China because of a China vs Japan war breaks out it will most likely be a missile spam fest since they are so close to each other no force projection is necessary.

U.S. won't move Marines from Japan by 2014: media - Yahoo! News

U.S. won't move Marines from Japan by 2014: media

TOKYO (Reuters) – Washington has given up on moving 8,000 U.S. Marines to the U.S. territory of Guam from Japan by 2014, media said on Friday, a potential blow to Prime Minister Naoto Kan who is already struggling over a U.S. base dispute.

The truth is Japan still wants to be the leader in Asia and is angry with China's rise. Japan always considered China backward and inferior and is not comfortable to watch China take away Japan's Throne as the leader.
I thinks its every country's basic right to strengthen its defenses in whatever manner they want. Be japan, pakistan, iran or any other country as a matter of fact.
A Slight Correction : Japan DOESNOT HAVE a Blue Water Navy.

Btw, China is a Threat Or Not, Dont u think Japanese have the Right to Do all They Can to Secure Their Land ?

The Same Applies to Every Nation on the Planet.


Of course Japan has a Blue Water Navy :

Japan’s New Blue Water Navy
The truth is Japan still wants to be the leader in Asia and is angry with China's rise. Japan always considered China backward and inferior and is not comfortable to watch China take away Japan's Throne as the leader.

That is only your perception. Anyways I don't mind Japan being the leader of Asia as long as Japan can get rid of US here, and be independent politically and militarily from US or any other western powers.
I thinks its every country's basic right to strengthen its defenses in whatever manner they want. Be japan, pakistan, iran or any other country as a matter of fact.

Only China doesn't have the right to strengthen her defenses...whenever China does anything, the Western Media labels it a "Threat".
That is only your perception. Anyways I don't mind Japan being the leader of Asia as long as Japan can get rid of US here, and be independent politically and militarily from US or any other western powers.

Things would be even worse if USA leaves Japan to be the BOSS in East Asia. World War 2 stills haunts Asia.

Bad blood: China-Japan timeline

Also I doubt USA will be happy to let Japan have be independent politically and militarily from USA. USA still remembers Pearl Harbour and USA doesn't want Japan to be a threat to the USA in the future.

Anyways :

The Japan That Can Say No

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I humbly disagree with your point of view
Take a look at these stats
Total Navy Ships: 147
Destroyers: 15
Submarines: 18
Frigates: 41
Mine Warfare Craft: 38
Amphibious Craft: 7

a navy with such a large fleet can be called a Blue water navy but this not acknowledged due to the overshadowing effect of the USN in the region. :cheers::cheers:

No Problem but plz have a read ::

The term blue-water navy is a colloquialism used to describe a maritime force capable of operating across the deep waters of open oceans.[1] While what actually constitutes such a force remains undefined, there is a requirement for the ability to exercise sea control at wide ranges. The term used in the United Kingdom is expeditionary.

Navies described as blue-water navies

These are navies that have successfully used the capabilities of their blue-water navies to exercise control at high seas and from there have projected power into other nations' littoral waters.

* The French Navy (Marine Nationale) has the ability to deploy an aircraft-carrier-based task group and maintains a Continuous At Sea Deterrence included in the Force Océanique Stratégique (Strategic Oceanic Force). France also has a wide range of naval deployments throughout the world.[10]

* The Russian Navy maintains a Carrier Battle Group around Admiral Kuznetsov and multiple Surface Action Groups centered around nuclear-powered Large Battle Cruisers of Kirov Class. Russia also maintains a posture of Continuous At Sea Deterrence (CASD) with its ballistic missile submarine fleet, comparable to United States Navy.

* The United Kingdom's Royal Navy maintains two task forces concurrently (one based around an aircraft carrier and one based around an Amphibious assault ship). At least one task group is deployed at any one time. There are currently two Invincible-class aircraft carriers in operation, with a further one in reserve. The Royal Navy also uses the Ocean-class Landing Platform, Helicopter (LPH) as well as the two Albion-class amphibious transport docks as the centre of a task group. The Royal Navy maintains a Continuous At Sea Deterrence policy via its Vanguard-class ballistic missile submarines utilising Trident missiles. The Royal Navy also supports a number of standing commitments worldwide on a continuous basis.[10]

* The United States Navy maintains eleven Carrier Strike Groups (one centered on USS Enterprise, the remainder on Nimitz class carriers), of which six are deployed or ready for deployment within 30 days, and two ready for deployment within 90 days under the Fleet Response Plan (FRP). The US Navy also maintains a posture of Continuous At Sea Deterrence (CASD) through the Trident submarine-launched ballistic missiles on Ohio-class submarines. It also maintains a continuous deployment of Expeditionary Strike Groups that embark a Marine Expeditionary Unit with an Aviation Combat Element of Landing Helicopter Docks and Landing Helicopter Assault.

Navies with limited expeditionary capabilities

A number of other countries maintain navies capable of a relatively limited expeditionary operation. The Italian Navy operates 2 indigenous aircraft carriers, while the Spanish Navy operates a single indigenous aircraft carrier and the Indian Navy[11][12][13] operates a British-built aircraft carrier. The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force operates 2 indigenous helicopter carriers. All 4 of these navies are capable of limited oceanic operations.[14][citation needed] The Brazilian Navy also owns a French-built carrier but mainly operates in its coastal and regional waters.

The Royal Thai Navy owns a Spanish-built carrier that is largely inactive. Many navies, including the Republic of Korea Navy,[15] Royal Australian Navy,[16] Canadian Forces Maritime Command,[17] Germany Navy and the People's Liberation Army Navy[18] do not operate aircraft carriers but are capable of deploying a limited number of ships away from their home waters either alone or in coordination with "blue water navies".
The truth is Japan still wants to be the leader in Asia and is angry with China's rise. Japan always considered China backward and inferior and is not comfortable to watch China take away Japan's Throne as the leader.

I won't deny this, this might be partly the reason.

Heres a quote from one of the former Japanese prime ministers

The Japanese have always viewed the chinese as sub human cockroaches.

Education: Nakasone's World-Class Blunder - TIME

"So high is the level of education in our country that Japan's is an intelligent society. Our average score is much higher than those of countries like the U.S. There are many blacks, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans in America. In consequence the average score over there is exceedingly low."

At first few people in Japan's remarkably closed and monolithic society, 98% of which is native born and historically chauvinistic, picked up on the horrific implications in the remark.
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