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Rising India or Falling India

Look man. We've tried Tribalism, Monarchy, Oligarchy, Communism and they've all failed us.

We've tried democracy, capitalism and it has worked better. Marginally.

The sad fact is, that the only perfect system is one in which everybody has perfect knowledge. Considering the average IQ of a human specimen, that's unlikely to happen.

So we do the best we can, with our limited intelligence and consequently our inefficient, corrupt systems which benefit some and harm others. Our only hope is that perhaps the benefactors outnumber the sufferers.

Ofcourse, since "we" are infact benefactors, we conveniently, and rightly so, put the sufferers out of sight and out of mind.

There is no justice my friend. Its all an illusion.

You havent tried Communism actually. You've brutally tried to suppress it, but they're still fighting you in the Northeast.
India is definitely rising.

Lots of starving people, but also lots of improvements technologically.

Starving people aren't going to be driving any technology for sure. So perhaps they're spending the money in the right places for a brighter India tomorrow.

Yes, yes, now the Indians will accuse me of racism and bigotry without thinking. Go ahead :coffee:

Sad about the old man I must say..capitalism indeed :tsk:

Starving people are everywhere. Are Pakistanis not starving? Heard of the food shortages in Pakistan?

So, let's give it a break and you smell and drink your coffee that you have already put on your table! ;)

You havent tried Communism actually. You've brutally tried to suppress it, but they're still fighting you in the Northeast.

You haven't tried Talibanism of Mehsud. To quote you - You've brutally tried to suppress it, but they're still fighting you in the Northest!

You havent tried Communism actually

You know so little of India that your statements turn out to be ridiculously ignorant.

Two states have Communist govts and the Central govt is being supported by the Communists of all hues!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bengal and Kerala have always been dominated by Communist governments. The Maoist insurgency on the other hand seems to be largely an ethnic strife for socioeconomic purposes with the insurgents adopting communism as an identity secondary to their ethnic one to gain wider support.

The current coalition government also seems to have the communist party as one of the major component whose withdrawal would result in the likely collapse of the coalition. If this is true, then it would be moronic to conclude that communism hasn't been given a fair chance in India. That it is a seriously flawed ideology (more so than most of its mainstream counterparts) or that a system of this sort could never realistically be put into practice in a country like India given the absolute lack of many a critical preambles is a separate matter altogether.
Response to Mr. Salim

Private Hindu Lenders
Indicates the slant of the article.

A trifle burning with jealousy, right?

What has Hindu got to do with money lenders?

In Mhow, I have seen many taking money from Bohra money lenders. So?

I did not said that Private Hindu Lenders are kicking *** of every single indian, out there. Neither I tried to represent them negatively. I can bet you can not even proove that.

Secondly, you did not commented on the information provided in the article. But only picked up two points and tried to underscore this FACT SHEET about REAL INDIAN PROGRESS by bashing over me.

OK. If you have probelem with Private Hindua Lenders, then will you please dare to comment over what Madras Institute of Development had said about suiciders in India?

If India is sinking or rising, should it worrying him so much so that he loses sleep?

Yes. It should be. While India is earning hundreds of billions of dollars. It's nation is living below poverty line. Can you imagine Mr. Salim that 330 Million Indians are not available, a proper toilet facility. Please note that this figure is more than double of Pakistan's total population.

This is not it. But India had AMMENDED the internationally accepted rule to determine number of people living under poverty line. Otherwise, almost the whole Indian population is living below poverty line. The purpose of the article is not give tit for tat answers to our Indian sisters and brothers like you. But to invite them to share their concerns over this issue.

The indians have to think about it. While the country is billions of dollars every month, where that money is going. Why there is no impact over life of common people of India.

This is not it. If you look at the history of India and Pakistan. You will notice that Pakistan's currency always remain solid than the Indian Rupee and so the per capita national income of Pakistanis too. Can you imagine that Pakistani goverment seel one mobile phone licence in 300 Million dollars? What was the price of last mobile phone licence issued by the Indian government to any mobile phone service provider?

What has sex workers got to do with this article? In fact, that picture indicates a lecture being conducted. Sex workers are everywhere in the world. What is Lahore Hiramandi? A paradise of virtuous women?

Sex workers, along with suiciders and other discarded citizens of India tells us the story of the REAL living conditions, they are available for themselves. In a typical society like India, Do you really believe that these sex workers were happily selling their bodies to the people? They are all doing this only for money. Now here, please note another important point, which might be of your interest. The cup of tea in Pakistan is more expensive than a beautifull girl in India to spend the whole night with multiple guys. Tell me if this is not true. There is that much poverty in India and on the other side Indian government earning hundreds of billions of dollars and spending at large scale on submarines, air craft careers etc etc. Do you really believe that the person, who is near to death, would really care about the air craft careeer, while he is going to die with hunger?

As far as Hira mandi in Lahore Pakistan is concern, Mr. Salim. You must have been told about it by your father(or grandfather). Otherwise, there is no such thing exist NOW in hera mandi. Though, few singer class women would still have their presence in Hera Mandi.

So my advice is, Mr. Salim that if you are planning to visit to Pakistan just to see Hera Mandi! Please do not visit.

No context no Link? btw India rising is a slogan for Indian consumption you can draw parallels with speeches of your countries leaders.

No context, no link??? Surprised, you were unable to see that ???

Please see the list below

National Commission for Enterprises (NCE) had submitted that 77% of Indians only have HALF a dollar per day to spend their lives

Another institute in India, Madras Institute of Development had said that around 2 hundred thousands farmers in last 10 years had committed suicide

American scholar Mr. Huck Gutman had said in his Article that in the last decade of previous Century, American corporations had increased their businesses and thus profits worldwide and there is no benefit of this to the common Americans

(Now, I am sure that you would be able to google his name and find our links, context by yourself)

The other American, The editor of Black Agenda Radio, Mr. Glen Ford, in his article “Numbers tricks mask declining wages and rising inequality” describe that Americans made fool by capitalists

And the details of suicider could also be found be googling him in internet. Same is the case with Indian Sex Workers.

What other link and context you need, Mr. GoodPerson. Please let me know adn I will provide it to you. Please do not shy.
Flintof Said:

He wrote the article himself.

Sorry Saj, but you have a long way to go. Don't expect any media house to publish this rather substandard piece.

Do a little more research, and please remember to keep a neutral attitude

Yes, I know that I have a long way to go. And the Indians too. with 77 percent poplution living below poverty line. where 330 million people have not toilet facility. Even if India spends 100% of its income on the betterness of these people. Indian needs many decades to change the life of the people and increase their per capita national income.

Perhaps, you like to discuss with me what you regarded as un-neutral attitude. What you say?
PakistanFront, can you tell me why despite all of India's failings, Pakistan is still behind India on the HDI index?
PF, we say India is rising because the conditions in India have improved in the last 10 years. Get the point?

Unless you can somehow prove that the conditions of a majority of Indians have worsened in the past 2 decades, this thread has outlived its usefulness.
Many people are still living in the past. The last 2 decades of 6%+ average growth have transformed a large part of India. The next 2 decades of 8% growth will totally change it.

The many successes of India not least in the IT field but also in many other knowledge driven industries as also the successes in manufacturing are being noticed all across the world. Many Indian businesses are now world class and world scale.

They will help in the transformation of India at a rapid pace. Just wait and watch and take advantage if that if you can.
PakistanFront, can you tell me why despite all of India's failings, Pakistan is still behind India on the HDI index?
In all fairness, this question is outside the scope of the argument. Pakistanfront is doing a lot of cutting and pasting; but he hasn't done any comparative analysis to see what the statistics represent over time... which would answer the question if India is really Rising or falling.
In all fairness, this question is outside the scope of the argument. Pakistanfront is doing a lot of cutting and pasting; but he hasn't done any comparative analysis to see what the statistics represent over time... which would answer the question if India is really Rising or falling.

True. There is no doubting the many problems in India. But what we are discussing is the trends. They may not be super impressive due to the stinking governance but are positive none the less.
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