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Riot for Votes, the politicization of bloodshed.

Ennh....no, you reform and remove the bad and keep the good. Unless obviously we are to now draw edicts from some unalterable book that can never be wrong nor ever amended lest some god hurl down thunder and lightening.

Can you simplify your language , man..all of us are not Shakespeare.
The state is simple an aggregate of individuals, not an organism in its own right. Regardless of laws and constitution, its actions will always be contaminated by the beliefs and practices of the citizens. By way of example, if BJP comes to power, encounters of suspected terrorists will be more kosher than what is now. You may not be aware, but very large sections of bureaucracy, the police and the forces are strongly pro-Hindu and this places a practical limit on state's flexibility of action. Can any government dare to give reservations to Minorities?? Or to openly declare beef selling legal in any north Indian state?

The point I am making again is that the secular shell will remain as there is no advantage in shedding it. But the body politic, in reality, will become more pro-Hindu as time goes by.

This is an exercise in obfuscation. There is no state that will never be influenced by its cultural ethos, be they Hindu, Muslim or Christian. What we are talking about is an open change in the secular orientation of the state. That won't happen. For every encounter, there will be someone with the ability to knock at the door of the Supreme Court. The constitution will still serve as a warning light.

Governments have given reservation for Muslims, it is the courts that have struck them down. Let the secular shell remain, we will have an election every 5 years to test what meat goes in.
Can you simplify your language , man..all of us are not Shakespeare.

I is just coming out of a phase wherein I has been gobbling up the articles and prepositions in me sentences. Come on, now you're being coy, judging from your previous posts you can be eloquent when required.

What I am insinuating is simple, no, we do not need to take the bad along with the good. Hinduism's strength is that it is open to reform and not some iron-bound tome where the bad elements contained within shall remain forever- Hinduism is not a monolithic religion. It breathes and moves with the times, albeit requiring men to move it along. This ability to let the practitioners themselves move it along and facilitate its evolution rather than waiting upon a heaven sent missive is what has seen it through the ages (safe and not buried in the dust like its contemporaries). Today we see a halt in that process, a halt that has lasted nearly two quarters of a century.
Then isnt it better for our country remain secular then? I mean it is the lesser evil than any of it..

Are you stupid? why take secularism away from india? Secularism will always stay in India, but Congressi secularism has no place in the country :coffee:

By the way, you should read the constitution, it is illegal to take away secularism from the Indian constitution...
Are you stupid? why take secularism away from india? Secularism will always stay in India, but Congressi secularism has no place in the country :coffee:

By the way, you should read the constitution, it is illegal to take away secularism from the Indian constitution...

There are people who think that the constitution itself should be scrapped. So much for comprehending what a republic means and where it draws its very existence from.:coffee:
Are you stupid? why take secularism away from india? Secularism will always stay in India, but Congressi secularism has no place in the country :coffee:

By the way, you should read the constitution, it is illegal to take away secularism from the Indian constitution...

Then isnt it better for our country remain secular then? I mean it is the lesser evil than any of it..

Not Congressi/SP form of secularism. The REAL secularism as it is followed in other countries.

Can you simplify your language , man..all of us are not Shakespeare.

He's talking about India's Constitution who instead of abiding sincerely, people worship and do none of what is actually said in it.

Can you simplify your language , man..all of us are not Shakespeare.

He's talking about India's Constitution who instead of abiding sincerely, people worship and do none of what is actually said in it.
I is just coming out of a phase wherein I has been gobbling up the articles and prepositions in me sentences. Come on, now you're being coy, judging from your previous posts you can be eloquent when required.

What I am insinuating is simple, no, we do not need to take the bad along with the good. Hinduism's strength is that it is open to reform and not some iron-bound tome where the bad elements contained within shall remain forever- Hinduism is not a monolithic religion. It breathes and moves with the times, albeit requiring men to move it along. This ability to let the practitioners themselves move it along and facilitate its evolution rather than waiting upon a heaven sent missive is what has seen it through the ages (safe and not buried in the dust like its contemporaries). Today we see a halt in that process, a halt that has lasted nearly two quarters of a century.

Sorry! I didn't mean to be offensive. :)It is only that your posts some times give me a whiff of the ye olde Saxon, and it often needs a goodish proportion of the brain power to reach the meat after wading through the flowers (pun intended).:D

Of course I agree with you on the good / bad mix and may also claim that Hinduism has done a far better job in altering the mix when compared to the others. What is galling is that the detractors would like to use the evils, now vanquished or largely gone, to tarnish Hinduism with a broad brush at the drop of a hat. So, discuss with any non-hindu and you find practically every second response embellished with sati and Dalits as if the central themes of every Hindu's life is not to strive for Moksha, but to torture a good number of Dalits daily and to gently prod his wife into Satiship.
Not Congressi/SP form of secularism. The REAL secularism as it is followed in other countries.

He's talking about India's Constitution who instead of abiding sincerely, people worship and do none of what is actually said in it.

He's talking about India's Constitution who instead of abiding sincerely, people worship and do none of what is actually said in it.


What indeed is secularism, what our babus bandy about? If so, then to hell with it.

Secularism as it should be, in its simplest of definitions and what it truly posits? If yes, then HELL YES!

Don't ever try and cheapen a religion by bringing it into politics, tamper with it and the hearts that beat with it will one way or the other dig for you your grave.
Its their best defense too :D :D Dont have any answer, just invoke the religious angle..

Aren't you doing the same when others ask you why your types remain silent when majority or its sister communities get attacked?

Neither you nor other similar members say a word in those threads, but come forward very eagerly to blame the Hindu community just because they don't say anything.

Not a word of condemnation was done from your so-called secular unit when our temple at Bodh Gaya was attacked with bomb blasts.

Your messiahs of equality didn't bat an eyelid when NE Indians as a whole were being attacked in different parts of India after last years bloody carnage in Assam.

Funny how interesting it was to see the same vilified, demonized, hated and 'fascist' RSS come to aid our people.

Your equality is only based on one thing: convenience.

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