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Rio Olympics 2016: Team China News and Images

The 15th gold medals in women weight lifting 中国选手孟苏平以307公斤(抓举130公斤、挺举177公斤)获得冠军
Maybe next time if the Chinese men team make it into final. They can wear helmet with Guan Yu, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei :lol:

Great idea, but I'm a Zhao Yun and Lu Bu fan


That is poor judgement and evaluation
How much should be deducted for a "seating" after landing?

Maybe she was doing the yoga landing?
What are you talking about?
I'm not asian at all...and I never said that with my old screen name (same account as this one so you can search through my history).

I've been here long enough to call out a liar. You want to find that "admitted" line in my history so that I can take back calling you a liar Mr. grey boy 2? I'm waiting....get going on the searching or keep your mouth shut instead of making yourself look foolish.

Mr "Peter C", you should follow the proper channel="report me for defaming your White man fantasy"
So that forum members can have a good laugh
It doesn't change a thing while you've been deleting your "Peter C" dishonor history as an Asian
However fooling yourself will be most difficult part, congratulation for your proud achievement
Seriously you need "help" mental illness is no joke

Great idea, but I'm a Zhao Yun and Lu Bu fan


Maybe she was doing the yoga landing?

This Rio Olympics should serve as a wake up call for Chinese sports authority, being wanted to be a "star" may end up suffering in real time performance through tough top level competition:china:
Lin Dan crushed our Tien Minh in badminton. Lin Dan is so quick and strong.
Congrat !!!

GB get 15th gold medal, and rank no. 2
Andy Murray ?

China no. 3

Keep fighting, China
15.066 was awarded to the Indian gymnast whose last vault almost made her sit on the matress in the women's vault final. And the American Viet and other intruders are talking about fairness in Olympics
WTF Her bottom literally touched the floor!

Key Words on your post is "Almost".........

Points (both penalty and execution) cannot be deducted by almost touching the floor, either she took another step (which is a penalty) or touch the floor (which failed the execution), that is the same as judge cannot award you point for "Almost" finishing a routine...You get those point with difficulty and execution only after you actually finished the routine.

she have a bit of a spring, her arse did not touch the floor, and she went straight up immediately, that are no reason for deduction, again, maybe you need to read the rules book before you comment.

Her last vault has a difficulty of 7. The high difficulty gives her good points.

I think it is pretty much Chinese fiction that Chinese atheletes are treated bad. You people were also saying this for Russians, but the Russian girl is second in vault final.

No. Why would it?

nah, she has a good finish, almost failed, but the fact is, she didn't. Had she felt, she would have finished in the 13 points or lower range, or had she took a step back to regain her balance, she would have rewarded somewhere in the 14 points area
For some Chinese members still doubt about the unfairful judgement.
We respect the efforts of every athletes ( including Chinese, of course ) in the fair game.

Key Words on your post is "Almost".........

Points (both penalty and execution) cannot be deducted by almost touching the floor, either she took another step (which is a penalty) or touch the floor (which failed the execution), that is the same as judge cannot award you point for "Almost" finishing a routine...You get those point with difficulty and execution only after you actually finished the routine.

she have a bit of a spring, her arse did not touch the floor, and she went straight up immediately, that are no reason for deduction, again, maybe you need to read the rules book before you comment.

nah, she has a good finish, almost failed, but the fact is, she didn't. Had she felt, she would have finished in the 13 points or lower range, or had she took a step back to regain her balance, she would have rewarded somewhere in the 14 points area

As long as the gymnast lands on her feet first, she will get credit for the vault, and because of the Produnova's massive difficulty value, it is easy to get a high score even with poor execution.This has led several gymnasts in countries that lack funding for gymnastics to attempt the vault in order to increase their chances of medaling and therefore obtaining more funding. There have been calls for the Produnova vault to be banned due to the high level of risk.

Gymnasts who have successfully completed the Produnova
Gymnasts who have attempted the Produnova
  • Choe Jong Sil (PRK): 1980 Olympics, landed on her back
  • Yekaterina Tsvetkova (RUS): 2012 Voronin Cup, landed on her back
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Buoyant Xu sees silver lining
By Sun Xiaochen in Rio de Janeiro (China Daily)

Disqualifications prove costly, but London champ vows to sail on

Navigating waves and squalls at sea, Chinese sailing star Xu Lijia has fully embraced the sport despite a disappointing end to her third Olympics.

As the sun blazed down on the waves in Rio's Guanabara Bay on Saturday afternoon, Xu and her small boat loomed on the horizon, gradually becoming clearer as she steered to shore after the 10th race in the laser radial regatta.

Hit by a shoulder injury and three disqualification penalties in previous rounds, Xu finished the race 18th overall, missing out on the chance to defend the title she won at the 2012 London Games.

Still, the 28-year-old took it all in stride.

"I won't end up complaining that the officiating was unfair, although I felt pretty sad about that (the three disqualification penalties)," said Xu, who won China's first gold medal in the event four years ago.

Citing interference and contact with their boats, three opponents filed protests against Xu in the second, seventh and eighth races.

The event's arbitration board ruled in their favor and disqualified Xu in all three races, throwing her out of the top-10 final qualification group.

"The result is a little disappointing, but to be able to come back and make the Olympics again, I am happy enough," said Xu, who retired for two years after competing at the 2013 National Games for her native Shanghai team.

During her two-year hiatus, the soft-spoken Xu finished her undergraduate studies in human resource management at Shanghai's Jiao Tong University.

She then applied for a postgraduate program in international management at the University of Southampton in England.

Although she enjoyed life as a college student, the desire to sail again and the inspiring story of Brazil's six-time Olympian sailor Robert Scheidt prompted her to make a comeback.

While the challenge of recovering her fitness and striking a balance between Olympic preparations and postgraduate studies proved a difficult task, Xu had long since become accustomed to overcoming adversity.

Born with vision and hearing impairments, Xu, who originally trained as a swimmer, launched her sailing career in an optimist class boat in 1997 and won consecutive world titles in 2001 and 2002.

She was diagnosed with a leg tumor in 2002, and surgery to remove it dashed her hopes of competing in what would have been her first Olympics, the 2004 Athens Games.

After a lengthy recovery, Xu's strength and fitness improved enough for her to claim the bronze medal in laser radial in front of a home crowd at the 2008 Beijing Games before making Chinese sailing history by claiming gold in London.

"Sailing has taught me so many of life's lessons, such as courage, teamwork and caring for the environment," she said.

"After these Games are over, I would love to share those valuable lessons with more people."

Xu said her goal is to introduce the training program used by Britain's Royal Yachting Association to Chinese clubs and to ultimately serve as a liaison between sailing organizations in the two countries after she returns to Southampton in September to complete her studies.

@F-22Raptor @mike2000 is back
Why is the Chinese team under-performing so badly at this Olympics? Did they not receive enough funding or proper training? Big shocks were Sun Yang missing the 1500 meter and the 2 weightlifters disqualified. Those were 3 easy gold medals for China. I hope they make a comeback and do a lot better at the next Olympics.
For some Chinese members still doubt about the unfairful

Gymnasts who have successfully completed the Produnova
Gymnasts who have attempted the Produnova
  • Choe Jong Sil (PRK): 1980 Olympics, landed on her back
  • Yekaterina Tsvetkova (RUS): 2012 Voronin Cup, landed on her back

IN gymnastic, you completed a routine (in this case, a vault routine) when you finished the whole process, pre-flight, support (your hand(s)), post/after flight, and landing, if all 4 stage have been successful, then you will get a full execution score.

As the Wikipedia pointed out, unless you are landing anywhere outside the boundary (after the line and inside the carpet) and on your feet, you will get a full execution for having produced a Produnova.

I actually have not watch the match (again, I blame it on Australian Broadcasting partner), from my experience, you can score 15 even if you take half a steep,(which bring a 0.02-0.05 penalty) simply because this is a potential 15.50 to 17.00 (as the D score on Produnova is 7 and with perfect execution, you will get a E-Score of 10) which is the maximum score you can get in a Women Gymnastic event.

She got 15.226 which mean the E score are 8.226, which means her finish is great, but not excellent or perfect (otherwise it would have been 9 and 10 in execution)

I used to do vault myself when I was younger and I did growth to 6 ft 1 and no longer be able to do it as I was getting too big for it

EDIT:: just check the rules book myself, Dipa could be penalised for a fall as she has 1.6 points deducted in execution, again, have not saw her routine so I don't know, but she may have taken a full step and got 1.0 penalty or an unbalanced finish (which attract a penalty from 0.2 to 0.5) depends on how the rest of her routine goes.

Pesonally, I would have pick a D 6.3 and D-6.5 on my try (If I were a woman) tht way you get the best score on both score and it would be a lot easier to make than higher D-score category. But I think she have panic after she done a not very good routine with lower D-score, she pick a D 7.0 and took a risk, but well, I would still think that's risky.
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