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Rice: Every $1 spent on Israel's security is an 'investment'


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Rice: Every $1 spent on Israel's security is an investment | The Times of Israel

JERUSALEM — President Barack Obama’s security adviser said US investment in Israel’s defense shows it is committed to its security.

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Susan Rice said Friday that the Obama administration and Israel recently signed an agreement for further US investment in its Iron Dome system.

The Iron Dome defends Israel against short-range rockets fired by militants in Gaza, Sinai and Lebanon. It detects the rockets and strikes them in midair.

BS, it's used to make an assault on Lebanon or Gaza more feasible, every time Israel gets increased military funding it increases its attacks.


Rice said that the new deal “will take our total investment in Iron Dome, which has saved countless of Israeli lives, to nearly $900 million, a sign of our continued commitment to Israel’s security.”

“Every American dollar spent on Israel’s security is an investment in protecting the many interests that our nations share. Whether that’s preventing rockets from defending the Palestinian people, defending against the growing ballistic missile threat in the region, or advancing our commitment to defend freedom and democracy,” she went on.

Rice is in the region meeting Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Her visit comes soon after the latest round of US-backed Mideast peace talks ended in failure.


Every $1 given to Israel supports ethnic cleansing, occupation, detention, apartheid, illegal activity, and mass murder of the Palestinian people you stupid whore.

So much for the US being an 'honest' broker, more like arming one side to the teeth to enhance their abilities of expansionism while claiming to try to reach an peace agreement.

The US regime is a terrorist regime that needs to vanish from the face of the earth, the world would be a much more peaceful and just place to live in if it weren't for terrorist genocidal regime of the US.
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