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Rheinmetall releases Panther KF51 Main Battle Tank

And you're derealing every thread with your crap this is not Turkish ucavs thread but German tank thread

They have started talking about Turkish UCAVs against Tanks

I talked to another guy and your troll team jumped for lying to deflect the facts and to discredit Turkish UCAVs and UCAV war concept which has forwad a new military doctrine in the world

always same troll team Foinikas , Benny Karachun , White and Green with M/S and other false flage trolls

you are trying to ban me .... because my posts hurts losers who have problems with Turkiye and president Erdogan
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They have started talking about Turkish UCAVs against Tanks

I talked to another guy and your troll team jumped for lying to deflect the facts and to discredit Turkish UCAVs and UCAV war concept which has forwad a new military doctrine in the world

always same troll team Foinikas , Benny Karachun , White and Green with M/S and other false flage trolls

you are trying to ban me .... because my posts hurts losers who have problems with Turkiye and president Erdogan
These are general posts troll you not us repeating same crap again and again we are lose but you have mental illness

its your troll team

same users help each others to attack me
YOU'RE ARE the troll not us

its your troll team greek,chinese,false flage FETO

same users help each others to attack me
No one attacking you but your crap post

its your troll team greek,chinese,false flage FETO

same troll team help each others to attack me
Your mental disorder has no cure I'm sorry to say dude
And rest of the flight?
30km laser pointer is well within air defense range

multi-mode LASER has poor beam quality to compare with single mode LASER
and Israeli LASER Weapon is multi-mode

first needs to match with Turkish UCAVs ..... then lets see what will happen
Where did you read that about the Israeli laser?

Let's hope it doesn't get to it.
@Beny Karachun.
Autoloader is a necessity for the 130mm.
And yeah, maintance for tracks is easier with a fourth crewman BUT you have higher costs and need larger space.
The KF51 takes a modernized powerpack from the Leo2, transmission etc. but the hull and all other stuff is build with most modern materials, so it weights ONLY 59t (!) with much higher value of armour than any other tank.
It's safe against NLAW, TOW-2B etc.
Vs Javlin or Spike variants I'm not sure but yeah, going in the right direction.

My friend is a tank loader, most of the missions in the tank are done by the loaders, there are many missions other than just loading, in the Merkava Mk4 over 90 tasks are done by the loader.

Is it an unmanned turret design?

I don't know about much higher armor value though. Does it have the AMAP ADS armor?

Merkava has internal ERAs, armor and a whole engine block in the front, multiple Kornets were launched at a Merkava from the front and they didn't even penetrate in Lebanon 2006.I doubt any tank has the same survivability as the Merkava.
My friend is a tank loader, most of the missions in the tank are done by the loaders, there are many missions other than just loading, in the Merkava Mk4 over 90 tasks are done by the loader.

Is it an unmanned turret design?

I don't know about much higher armor value though. Does it have the AMAP ADS armor?

Merkava has internal ERAs, armor and a whole engine block in the front, multiple Kornets were launched at a Merkava from the front and they didn't even penetrate in Lebanon 2006.I doubt any tank has the same survivability as the Merkava.
Personally,I prefer the Merkava Mk III.

It has a different armor philosophy and it's also way more beautiful. I was reading about the difference in the armor,some weeks ago.
You losers have mental illness who have problem with Turkiye and president Erdogan
No one hurting Turkey and your dictator President
İts military forum
PDF is not forum to cry by your Troll team

Dozens of Countries , Militaries and Experts are so stupid
but Trolls like Foinikas , White and Green with M/S , etc are so smart for talking about Turkish UCAVs and UCAV war concept
And you're the only expert on military fields on PDF and we are not lol
My friend is a tank loader, most of the missions in the tank are done by the loaders, there are many missions other than just loading, in the Merkava Mk4 over 90 tasks are done by the loader.

Is it an unmanned turret design?

I don't know about much higher armor value though. Does it have the AMAP ADS armor?

Merkava has internal ERAs, armor and a whole engine block in the front, multiple Kornets were launched at a Merkava from the front and they didn't even penetrate in Lebanon 2006.I doubt any tank has the same survivability as the Merkava.
Dude, read the link. :D
There are all important infos.
BTW, good teamwork, germanized (modified) and in Germany produced Spike missile family and UVision drones are very nice.
Yes, it has full integrated defense concept

Reactive and passive protection
Sensor-based reactive system
Passive protection

Active protection
Protection against large-calibre KE
Protection against ATGM

Top attack protection system (TAPS)
No one hurting Turkey and your dictator President

now you did it again
thanks you have proved me

And you're the only expert on military fields on PDF and we are not lol

I show official videos and infos

your troll team's source = your arse .. lol

Dozens of Countries , Militaries and Experts are so stupid
but Trolls like Foinikas , White and Green with M/S , etc are so smart for talking about Turkish UCAVs and UCAV war concept
@reflecthofgeismar Germany has been making some incredible stuff lately. German engineering had always been legendary,but these latest products are fantastic.
now you did it again
thanks you have proved me

I show official videos and infos

your troll team's source = your arse .. lol

Dozens of Countries , Militaries and Experts are so stupid
but Trolls like Foinikas , White and Green with M/S , etc are so smart for talking about Turkish UCAVs and UCAV war concept
You're master of nonsense and nothing else

I'm talking fact about your President what's wrong about it
@Foinikas, @Beny Karachun @MMM-E and all others here.

And the conception of the tank itself - in general terms - will continue to exist as long as you don't have one-man mechs ala Avatar or Titanfall and equip them with laser Star Wars weapons.
Because what simply brings the necessary firepower and armor potential with maximum off-road mobility in some situations on the ground?
Right, a tank.
It was clear that the appearance and it's abilities would change in part, but the basic concept - a lot of giving (weapons) and receiving (tough armor) = remains.
Declaring tanks obsolete is like saying that infantry are allergic to enemy cartridges, shells and arti-shrapnel and therefore useless. :D
@MMM-E Drones will have THEIR PART too in modern warfare, same like 8x8 IFVs have their place and MBTs.
In the end it depends on the doctrine of the country itself, the circumstances etc. but as a whole you need a good, mixed force and especially capable officers and NCOs.
@Foinikas, @Beny Karachun and all others here.

And the conception of the tank itself - in general terms - will continue to exist as long as you don't have one-man mechs ala Avatar or Titanfall and equip them with laser Star Wars weapons.
Because what simply brings the necessary firepower and armor potential with maximum off-road mobility in some situations on the ground?
Right, a tank.
It was clear that the appearance and it's abilities would change in part, but the basic concept - a lot of giving (weapons) and receiving (tough armor) = remains.
Declaring tanks obsolete is like saying that infantry are allergic to enemy cartridges, shells and arti-shrapnel and therefore useless. :D
You know,before UCAVs and stuff like that,for years every time someone mentioned tanks,someone else would jump and say "Haha target practice for Apache!" or "Haha nice targets for our Air Force!".

People would say stuff in real life,on forums,in youtube video comments etc.

Always an attack helicopter or a fighter jet or attack aircraft would "destroy tanks". But tanks stayed. And not only stayed,they were upgraded.
Your troll team is master of lying and crying ... nothing else

and only pathetic losers call Erdogan as a dictator
bravo Erdogan .. keep kicking all losers
Please stop crying for 5 posts in a row about "troll team",ok? Enough with your crying. Sleep time.

Nice Tank
but Tank war concept from WW2 ... Germany should focus on UCAV technology

UCAVs and advanced anti-Tank Missiles easly can turn German Tanks into crap of metal in modern warfare
Then don't make Altay.
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