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Reza Pahlavi speaking at Hudson Institute

Iron fist was needed because of the backward society, tribalism back then. However his son should have respected Mossadegh and constitutional monarchy or no monarchy at all. But seeing this pizza eater grandson son now, I think maybe it's better that this fake monarchy was completely finished. We have now a full-independent country with an economy and state management which has problems. We have to fix these problems ourselves and we have the experts within Iran, even if it takes another 40 years! Foreigners want to destroy our region and friends, they dont care about us.
Yes and that what I said during the pathetic Qajars when I read Iran history I found out that Iran was worst or similar to Iraq and Lebanon not that Iran was defeated and backward in all field but the country it self was divided and invaded many times by Russian and British empires that’s why the iron fist was necessary considering that the imperialists and neighbors outside and tribal leaders and different ethnic groups and ideology inside but however when Iran became modern and stable country under his idiot son he should divided the power and kept check and balance like Turkey in the begging it was invaded by many foreign powers and had ethnic groups inside that’s why the iron fist was necessary during the time of Ataturk but later Turkey became more democratic after the imperial powers were kicked and its territorial integrity was saved.
Even Iranians in USA don't accept him!

A 2013 survey of Iranian-Americans conducted by George Mason University's Center for Social Science Research found that 79% of respondents did not support any Iranian opposition groups or figures. Of the 15% that did, only 20% supported him.
Wow, I didn't even think it was that high, 20 percent still support this guy? The biggest problem Iranians have is that they're easily misled......their sense of skepticism is not very well developed....it's a cultural thing.
Wow, I didn't even think it was that high, 20 percent still support this guy? The biggest problem Iranians have is that they're easily misled......their sense of skepticism is not very well developed....it's a cultural thing.
20% of the 15% who support Iranian "opposition" groups, so that means no more than 3% of Iranians of USA support him :lol:.
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He is a arab looking joke. Never earned a dime in his life yet he wants to claim throne of Iran.

Next supreme leader of Iran will hopefully be IRGC chief. A man who will lead the alliance of 6 countries. General Suleimani was perfect for that role so we need a replacement.
He is a arab looking joke. Never earned a dime in his life yet he wants to claim throne of Iran.

Next supreme leader of Iran will hopefully be IRGC chief. A man who will lead the alliance of 6 countries. General Suleimani was perfect for that role so we need a replacement.
Well simply not gonna happen
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