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Reza Pahlavi speaking at Hudson Institute

Who cares what this loser has to say. His father had severe mental illness (schizophrenia) and members of this guy’s family have committed suicide. This isn’t a normal healthy family. Plus they have no bloodline to any dynasty of the Persian Emperors.

Might as well pick a beggar off the streets of Tehran and name him Shah. That’s what CIA/MI6 did with Reza Shah basically.
CIA call him..Rez the puppet
This guy, despite him masquerading as a "pro-democracy" candidate will not waste 2 seconds turning Iran into a monarchical dictatorship if he is given the chance.
That’s exactly what he will do just like the so called Iraqi and Libyan opposition. If he was honest where did he get the money that he live on in the west isn’t from the wealth of the Iranians.
So this is USs's pawn for leadership replacement in Iran, where have we seen that before? Philippines? Venezuela? Some African Countries?
I don’t think the Iranians will accept him I remember them saying we revolt against his father what next are we going to revolt in the future to install khomeini grandson again lol.
I don’t think the Iranians will accept him I remember them saying we revolt against his father what next are we going to revolt in the future to install khomeini grandson again lol.
Even Iranians in USA don't accept him!

A 2013 survey of Iranian-Americans conducted by George Mason University's Center for Social Science Research found that 79% of respondents did not support any Iranian opposition groups or figures. Of the 15% that did, only 20% supported him.
Even Iranians in USA don't accept him!

A 2013 survey of Iranian-Americans conducted by George Mason University's Center for Social Science Research found that 79% of respondents did not support any Iranian opposition groups or figures. Of the 15% that did, only 20% supported him.
He is just spoiled kid with no experience he is not even a nobility or royalty he call himself a clown prince just because his grandfather made himself a king after a coup. Even the saudi and other royalties like Muhammad Ali and the hashemates are older than his family. Also he speaks about mullah crimes and stealing of Iranian wealth but he never said anything about his family crimes and where did he get the money that make him live a good life in the west?!.
Who cares what this loser has to say. His father had severe mental illness (schizophrenia) and members of this guy’s family have committed suicide. This isn’t a normal healthy family. Plus they have no bloodline to any dynasty of the Persian Emperors.

Might as well pick a beggar off the streets of Tehran and name him Shah. That’s what CIA/MI6 did with Reza Shah basically.
Well apart from everything do you blame yourself for your father's or family's fault?
I ask this irrespective if this topic.
I seriously don't know or care who this guy is. But I am very curious of how you conclude that a suicide in family and other stuff leads to the members of the families being crooked.
Im not a fan of the Iranian Mullahs that are ruling.

But man the most shady bastards are these former royals. They dont care about Iran or the Iranian people.

They just want their power back and their thrones. A lot of royals that are not in power have accepted that they no longer can rule so they now live in retirement a lot of them also refused to take part in any sort of regime because they know themselves in will hurt their own nation and their people.

What does this man do im the son of a former king please gib me that throne rather retiring and shutting up. A pure entitled brat
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He is just spoiled kid with no experience he is not even a nobility or royalty he call himself a clown prince just because his grandfather made himself a king after a coup. Even the saudi and other royalties like Muhammad Ali and the hashemates are older than his family. Also he speaks about mullah crimes and stealing of Iranian wealth but he never said anything about his family crimes and where did he get the money that make him live a good life in the west?!.
He has the support of 3% of Iranians living in USA. I think in Europe and Canada that support would be 2% and in Iran probably somewhere between 2 and 4%, mostly eldern dying people or "liberal-extremists".
He's just a teenager/kid in body of a 60 year old man, spoiled by his mommy and chasing interview-money and zionist money. While I'm typing he's eating a pizza and watching american football. Once a while he will give an interview when between 100 to 1000 students want to start a "mass demonstration" or a "revolution." Then he collects the money and disappears again from media. His daughter barely speaks persian. His grandfather was an officer who did certain good things for Iran, but the service ends there. He's a puppet of the zionist-wahabi-liberal axis (Israel-Saudi-USA). He had sexual relation with the girlfriend of his own brother (who commited suicide). He cheated on his wife different times.
He has no roots/connection to Iranian royality, unlike for example people like passed away poet Nima Yooshij who was related to sassanid royals.
He has the support of 3% of Iranians living in USA. I think in Europe and Canada that support would be 2% and in Iran probably somewhere between 2 and 4%, mostly eldern dying people or "liberal-extremists".
He's just a teenager/kid in body of a 60 year old man, spoiled by his mommy and chasing interview-money and zionist money. While I'm typing he's eating a pizza and watching american football. Once a while he will give an interview when between 100 to 1000 students want to start a "mass demonstration" or a "revolution." Then he collects the money and disappears again from media. His daughter barely speaks persian. His grandfather was an officer who did certain good things for Iran, but the service ends there. He's a puppet of the zionist-wahabi-liberal axis (Israel-Saudi-USA). He had sexual relation with the girlfriend of his own brother (who commited suicide). He cheated on his wife different times.
He has no roots/connection to Iranian royality, unlike for example people like passed away poet Nima Yooshij who was related to sassanid royals.
That’s right his grandfather did good thing and iron fist was necessary back the to keep a tribal backward society in check but he also destroyed the achievements of the constitutional revolution and declared himself as a king while in reality he should done what Ataturk did by abolishing the sultanate and made it republic he just changed Iran from theocratic monarch into secular monarchy also like I said in the beginning the iron fist was necessary but he and his son should worked on democratic system later instead of oppressive system that brought the communists and mullahs together later.
That’s right his grandfather did good thing and iron fist was necessary back the to keep a tribal backward society in check but he also destroyed the achievements of the constitutional revolution and declared himself as a king while in reality he should done what Ataturk did by abolishing the sultanate and made it republic he just changed Iran from theocratic monarch into secular monarchy also like I said in the beginning the iron fist was necessary but he and his son should worked on democratic system later instead of oppressive system that brought the communists and mullahs together later.
Iron fist was needed because of the backward society, tribalism back then. However his son should have respected Mossadegh and constitutional monarchy or no monarchy at all. But seeing this pizza eater grandson son now, I think maybe it's better that this fake monarchy was completely finished. We have now a full-independent country with an economy and state management which has problems. We have to fix these problems ourselves and we have the experts within Iran, even if it takes another 40 years! Foreigners want to destroy our region and friends, they dont care about us. I believe Iran should be half/semi-democracy at most. Full democracy is an house with open window, the zionist will enter the house from the window during the night and rape the whole family at night, while the father of the family is sleeping.
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