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'Revolts to spread to 40 US cities'

why you obsessed with arses


...and here comes Bilal with another 'stat' pulled right out of his a$$. :lol:

...because surprises do not spring out of a$$es, Bilal.

You have a strong predilection for pulling stats out of your a$$ and lying blatantly over and over again.

I made a point and Bilal made a statement out of his a$$.

This is what happens when you pull statements out of your a$$.

More stats and lies out of Bilal's a$$.

...and here comes the 'because' out of Bilal's a$$.

You are extremely capable of pulling conclusions and stats out of your a$$.

Be prepared for a few arse-drawn stats and conclusions.
Reason is simple, because the police have so far been very careful and resilient. That level of resilience will face a stern test when the frequency of these protests increase and spread across America. You have match sticks and a matchbox, all it takes is for you to strike it.
Give me a break...:lol:...Dang, I thought Chinese propaganda classes are much better than this. The word 'revolt' can be used to describe an event or be part of rhetorical flourish. What is happening in the US here is merely rhetorical. What is happening in Libya is truly a revolt by the people. When the people 'revolt' they want change and not only do they want those changes immediately they want to enable the changes themselves. So a revolt usually lead to a revolution where the current political order is violently discarded. The people will use whatever tools they can find, be it pitchforks or firearms or like in Tiananmen Square, their own bodies. For US with being as a gun owning people as we are, if these are genuine revolts, the police would have been overwhelmed in short order by both people and guns.
lol most of these people seem like hipsters It was funny watching the police pepper spray and arrest these Idiots.
If I go into business, the US government does not say I have to:

- Be greedy.
- Be a monopoly.
- Be abusive to my employees.
- Be cheating my customers.
- Be cheating on my taxes.
- Etc...

These people are not protesting against the current government but at best against the inaction by the government to what they perceived to be wrongful by large corporations. The focus of their ire is to the large corporations, not to the government. They do not want revolutionary changes but at least tacit acknowledgement that they have legitimate grievances.

What is truly revolting is this thread...
Give me a break...:lol:...Dang, I thought Chinese propaganda classes are much better than this. The word 'revolt' can be used to describe an event or be part of rhetorical flourish. What is happening in the US here is merely rhetorical. What is happening in Libya is truly a revolt by the people. When the people 'revolt' they want change and not only do they want those changes immediately they want to enable the changes themselves. So a revolt usually lead to a revolution where the current political order is violently discarded. The people will use whatever tools they can find, be it pitchforks or firearms or like in Tiananmen Square, their own bodies. For US with being as a gun owning people as we are, if these are genuine revolts, the police would have been overwhelmed in short order by both people and guns.

And still you have to yap on about China. I guess for us to see an American who loves to compare themselves with China. It can be noted down as a compliment.

I thought people your age would have seen the world enough to tell how little it takes for things to flair up and for governments to topple. Clearly, you have not seen enough besides the stuff you see in the laboratories! :lol:

What we are seeing now in America is merely rhetorical? I am sure American protesters will have a different say about the police. It sure is rhetorical in the mainstream media though, oh wait perhaps the media blackout has something to do with it? Lets see how much the level of rhetoricalism will improve as these protests spreads across the rest of U.S. You may even get lucky and get to witness it firsthand despite spending majority of your time caved inside the lab :lol:
And still you have to yap on about China. I guess for us to see an American who loves to compare themselves with China. It can be noted down as a compliment.

I thought people your age would have seen the world enough to tell how little it takes for things to flair up and for governments to topple. Clearly, you have not seen enough besides the stuff you see in the laboratories! :lol:

What you are seeing now is merely rhetorical? I am sure American protesters will have a different say about the police. It sure is rhetorical in the mainstream media though, oh wait perhaps the media blackout has something to do with it? Lets see how much the level of rhetoricalism will improve as these protests spreads across the rest of U.S. You may even get lucky and get to witness it firsthand despite spending majority of your time caved inside the lab :lol:
Unlike China we do not charge protesters with the nebulous 'crimes against the State'. That is one comparison YOU can take as a compliment to China's willingness to be a strong, read 'brutal', government.
Most of the world economy are dependent on Americans who spends money on mindless consumption like there is no tomorrow by borrowing money from rest of the world. Thats summary of world economics for starters.
Unfortunately, these incidents will most likely increase with time. Unemployment is 10%, the economy nearly defaulted on its debt (by writing more debt, resulting in further inflation of the US dollar), the IMF practically declared the US economy 'insolvent' in their August 2010 report, Apple has more money than the US government: things are just going to get worse unless drastic changes are made to the US economic system.
Unfortunately, these incidents will most likely increase with time. Unemployment is 10%, the economy nearly defaulted on its debt (by writing more debt, resulting in further inflation of the US dollar), the IMF practically declared the US economy 'insolvent' in their August 2010 report, things are just going to get worse unless drastic changes are made to the US economic system.

I'd rather side with the Bankers/police ,More force is necessary to put these clowns down.

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