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'Revolts to spread to 40 US cities'

I don't think includes the statistics for the law abiding citizens.
When you say 'gun violence' people automatically think of DELIBERATENESS and INTENTION of using firearms in an act to settle disputes. Crimes of passions also involves firearms but they are nowhere the frequency of those who deliberately and intentionally chose a firearm to settle scores. I am a law abiding gun owner and have never drawn my weapons in anger.
When you say 'gun violence' people automatically think of DELIBERATENESS and INTENTION of using firearms in an act to settle disputes. Crimes of passions also involves firearms but they are nowhere the frequency of those who deliberately and intentionally chose a firearm to settle scores. I am a law abiding gun owner and have never drawn my weapons in anger.

It talks about gun related crime, if a person is a law abiding citizen, then a crime isn't being committed, & they wouldn't be on the list. Period.
Yes, merely words and not represented by its true numbers. Moreover with a population of 1.3 billion, it is definitely doing better in terms of gun crimes who only needs to look after 300 odd million. That for you is what a good comparison is about.

In this case the comparison is clearly not being helpful as it holds no value to the topic neither does it say anything about the lowering of American gun crime.
The topic is 'revolt', even though it is a misleading one. Gun crimes are crimes and often of opportunism. Revolts are deliberate and with focus on much larger issues than of stealing jewelry or making an illegal drug deal. So if you want to talk about revolt, what is happening China is more appropriate because the Chinese are making genuine defiance against an authority figure, guns or not, and not about stealing cars or making drug deals.
It talks about gun related crime, if a person is a law abiding citizen, then a crime isn't being committed, & they wouldn't be on the list. Period.
Good, then we can said that you bringing in gun crimes statistics is irrelevant since this is about 'revolt', a word usually associated with political motives. Crimes are apolitical.
Well, we weren't talking about a political context here. We were talking in general about gun related crimes.
Yes, someone is trying to make it a political context by using the word 'revolt'. What are these people 'revolting' against? Who is oppressing them in a political way? A 'protest', on the other hand, is the more appropriate word. A 'protest' is more about a disagreement towards an act or a policy. Gun crimes statistics has no relevance here.
Indians you are very timid its sad to see you grovel and pander to american sensibilities cos you scared of pak china armies. before you say onlky our corrupt leaders grovel to america with you lot itrs all of you
The topic is 'revolt', even though it is a misleading one. Gun crimes are crimes and often of opportunism. Revolts are deliberate and with focus on much larger issues than of stealing jewelry or making an illegal drug deal. So if you want to talk about revolt, what is happening China is more appropriate because the Chinese are making genuine defiance against an authority figure, guns or not, and not about stealing cars or making drug deals.

You are sure obsessed with China. Regardless, this isn't about revolt in China. It is about America. You may raise your point and issues on a separate thread.

Revolt to spread across America against the peoples government and possible increase of improper gun related offenses can be considered linked if not written into one subject. The Americans being arrested are not defying about cars, drugs and the other shiny bits. They are protesting to show they are united and to show their grievances and make themselves heard to the government and the rest of the world. Revolt can very much happen should the scenario worsen across America. Can't write off the increase of improper gun usage when it happens.
One must respect the Americans for these acts.

Its a very organized protest, the situation on the ground is very controlled. Unfortunately the heavy handedness of the police on the behest of higher authorities is causing unnecessary unrest and certain government stooge media organizations are mis-reporting them rioters whereas the whole thing started off without the intent to riot just register a protest.

700 arrests and they are still powering on.
Shara = Street
Dastoor = Constitution

I think the COnstitution Ave is somewhat badly named. dastoor is an unwritten, normative way of being, don't you think. OTOH, the counterargument could be the presence of the dasaateer i.e. the scriptures of the Saabiyeen of Persia.
Yes, someone is trying to make it a political context by using the word 'revolt'. What are these people 'revolting' against? Who is oppressing them in a political way? A 'protest', on the other hand, is the more appropriate word. A 'protest' is more about a disagreement towards an act or a policy. Gun crimes statistics has no relevance here.

its crimes and protests in america. in libya it was rebels and freedom fighters. If it was genuine revolution it would have been sorted by now the protesters even with nato airforce can not after 8 months secure their objectives but thats cos they are rebels and in america its protesters. What double standards from two faced american fovt
You are sure obsessed with China. Regardless, this isn't about revolt in China. It is about America. You may raise your point and issues on a separate thread.

Revolt to spread across America against the peoples government and possible increase of improper gun related offenses can be considered linked if not written into one subject. The Americans being arrested are not defying about cars, drugs and the other shiny bits. They are protesting to show they are united and to show their grievances and make themselves heard to the government and the rest of the world. Revolt can very much happen should the scenario worsen across America. Can't write off the increase of improper gun usage when it happens.
Given the amount of firearms in this country, why are these so-called 'revolts' so absent of guns?
Given the amount of firearms in this country, why are these so-called 'revolts' so absent of guns?

Reason is simple, because the police have so far been very careful and resilient. That level of resilience will face a stern test when the frequency of these protests increase and spread across America. You have match sticks and a matchbox, all it takes is for you to strike it.

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