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Retiring Pakistan army chief Raheel Sharif may seek bloody hurrah

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Nov 1, 2010
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by Rajat Pandit

India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash “some cross-border action plan“ in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

  • The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes"
  • Raheel Sharif is due to retire in November this year
  • He might do something silly, Indian security agencies feel
NEW DELHI: India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash "some cross-border action plan" in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif, who has a strong anti-India agenda, is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes". Having projected himself as a crusader against terrorism and corruption, often overruling PM Nawaz Sharif on several issues, Gen Sharif is "capable" of going in for a strong counter-move against India+ to redeem his legacy, say officials.

Nawaz Sharif, of course, would like to see the back of Gen Sharif, with four Lt-Generals in the reckoning to succeed him. If Nawaz actually succeeds in this endeavor, Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Ramday, commanding the 31 Corps at Bahalwalpur, could take over the reins of the Army.

"Ramday is third in seniority among the four. But his family has political links with Nawaz's Pakistan Muslim League (N)," an official said. The other three Lt Gens are Zubair Mahmood Hayat (chief of general staff), Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmed (Chief of the 2 Corps at Multan) and Qamar Javed Bajwa (I-G training and evaluation at the GHQ).

"Gen Sharif, who's become a bit of a megalomaniac and Nawaz Sharif hate each other.This aura of invincibility and greatness that Gen Sharif built for himself received a setback with this attack (India's surgical strikes)," said former ambassador to Pakistan G Parthasarathy.

"Given Gen Sharif 's unpredictability and India hatred (his uncle was killed in the 1965 war and brother in 1971), the threat is he might do something silly. India should be prepared," he added.

Nawaz Sharif has handpicked five Army chiefs during his stints as PM, including Gen Pervez Musharraf (1998) and Gen Sharif (2013). Musharraf went on to oust Nawaz Sharif in 1999, exiling him to Saudi Arabia.
The Pakistan Army has over the years been the prime driver behind Islamabad's Kashmir policy+ to "bleed'' India. But despite its history of interventions within and adventurism vis-a-vis India, it remains a motivated, force.

If there is a change in guard this November, India won't have much to cheer about. "Pakistan Army's professional hostility towards India will continue, though it may not be as visceral and personal as under Gen Sharif," said Parthasarathy.
"Given Gen Sharif 's unpredictability and India hatred (his uncle was killed in the 1965 war and brother in 1971), the threat is he might do something silly. India should be prepared," he added.
they were killed after killing a sh*tload of Indian Soldiers and totally humiliating India, so I doubt he will need revenge. :D

by Rajat Pandit

India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash “some cross-border action plan“ in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

  • The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes"
  • Raheel Sharif is due to retire in November this year
  • He might do something silly, Indian security agencies feel
NEW DELHI: India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash "some cross-border action plan" in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif, who has a strong anti-India agenda, is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes". Having projected himself as a crusader against terrorism and corruption, often overruling PM Nawaz Sharif on several issues, Gen Sharif is "capable" of going in for a strong counter-move against India+ to redeem his legacy, say officials.

Nawaz Sharif, of course, would like to see the back of Gen Sharif, with four Lt-Generals in the reckoning to succeed him. If Nawaz actually succeeds in this endeavor, Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Ramday, commanding the 31 Corps at Bahalwalpur, could take over the reins of the Army.

"Ramday is third in seniority among the four. But his family has political links with Nawaz's Pakistan Muslim League (N)," an official said. The other three Lt Gens are Zubair Mahmood Hayat (chief of general staff), Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmed (Chief of the 2 Corps at Multan) and Qamar Javed Bajwa (I-G training and evaluation at the GHQ).

"Gen Sharif, who's become a bit of a megalomaniac and Nawaz Sharif hate each other.This aura of invincibility and greatness that Gen Sharif built for himself received a setback with this attack (India's surgical strikes)," said former ambassador to Pakistan G Parthasarathy.

"Given Gen Sharif 's unpredictability and India hatred (his uncle was killed in the 1965 war and brother in 1971), the threat is he might do something silly. India should be prepared," he added.

Nawaz Sharif has handpicked five Army chiefs during his stints as PM, including Gen Pervez Musharraf (1998) and Gen Sharif (2013). Musharraf went on to oust Nawaz Sharif in 1999, exiling him to Saudi Arabia.
The Pakistan Army has over the years been the prime driver behind Islamabad's Kashmir policy+ to "bleed'' India. But despite its history of interventions within and adventurism vis-a-vis India, it remains a motivated, force.

If there is a change in guard this November, India won't have much to cheer about. "Pakistan Army's professional hostility towards India will continue, though it may not be as visceral and personal as under Gen Sharif," said Parthasarathy.
Ab pachtaye kiya howat jab chidya chug gyi khait....
No surgical strike just drama and now you will pay for the thing which never happened.


by Rajat Pandit

India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash “some cross-border action plan“ in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

  • The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes"
  • Raheel Sharif is due to retire in November this year
  • He might do something silly, Indian security agencies feel
NEW DELHI: India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash "some cross-border action plan" in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif, who has a strong anti-India agenda, is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes". Having projected himself as a crusader against terrorism and corruption, often overruling PM Nawaz Sharif on several issues, Gen Sharif is "capable" of going in for a strong counter-move against India+ to redeem his legacy, say officials.

Nawaz Sharif, of course, would like to see the back of Gen Sharif, with four Lt-Generals in the reckoning to succeed him. If Nawaz actually succeeds in this endeavor, Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Ramday, commanding the 31 Corps at Bahalwalpur, could take over the reins of the Army.

"Ramday is third in seniority among the four. But his family has political links with Nawaz's Pakistan Muslim League (N)," an official said. The other three Lt Gens are Zubair Mahmood Hayat (chief of general staff), Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmed (Chief of the 2 Corps at Multan) and Qamar Javed Bajwa (I-G training and evaluation at the GHQ).

"Gen Sharif, who's become a bit of a megalomaniac and Nawaz Sharif hate each other.This aura of invincibility and greatness that Gen Sharif built for himself received a setback with this attack (India's surgical strikes)," said former ambassador to Pakistan G Parthasarathy.

"Given Gen Sharif 's unpredictability and India hatred (his uncle was killed in the 1965 war and brother in 1971), the threat is he might do something silly. India should be prepared," he added.

Nawaz Sharif has handpicked five Army chiefs during his stints as PM, including Gen Pervez Musharraf (1998) and Gen Sharif (2013). Musharraf went on to oust Nawaz Sharif in 1999, exiling him to Saudi Arabia.
The Pakistan Army has over the years been the prime driver behind Islamabad's Kashmir policy+ to "bleed'' India. But despite its history of interventions within and adventurism vis-a-vis India, it remains a motivated, force.

If there is a change in guard this November, India won't have much to cheer about. "Pakistan Army's professional hostility towards India will continue, though it may not be as visceral and personal as under Gen Sharif," said Parthasarathy.

Seems All indians newspapers hired some bollywood scripts makers...
Nopes the most he can accomplish is another terror attack in Kashmir or elsewhere in India
Indian media is always high and 24/7 they are feeling something, that's why all this chest thumping from last few days bcz they feel that ''SIR G Kal'' took place on LOC and Indian media is solely run by Comedians + another factor is #feelings !! proof is something ALIEN For these ppl...
Hey Indians, you have killed two of his sons/soldiers....Unlike Modi, a typical moron politician, who is likely to keep circling around PM chair and even got his soldiers murdered in useless war hype to satisfy his constituencies....General Raheel is very professional and he won't make a noise nor put his soliders in danger but surely will avenge the blood of his soldiers, Our soldiers....

U Indians wanna kill your soldiers just to safe chair of PM MODI...We won't mind but if you kill ours, we will hit back...
Nopes the most he can accomplish is another terror attack in Kashmir or elsewhere in India


So, you're afraid that he has learnt your tactics and strategy...You wouldn't have said that if you have had seen the dead bodies of Indian soldiers lying in open at Tatta Pani right now....:)
they were killed after killing a sh*tload of Indian Soldiers and totally humiliating India, so I doubt he will need revenge. :D
Little will they understand the meaning and significance of Shehadet. He's carrying it like a badge of honor and commitment to fight with renewed vigor in all fronts opened against Pak, be it proxies, ANA, IA, CPEC or anything else...
Little will they understand the meaning and significance of Shehadet. He's carrying it like a badge of honor and commitment to fight with renewed vigor in all fronts opened against Pak, be it proxies, ANA, IA, CPEC or anything else...
"Do not think of those who are killed in Allah's cause as dead. Nay! they are alive, and they are given sustenance from their Sustainer." (Surah No. 3, Al Imraan, Ayat No. 169)
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