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Restricted Mobility of Indian missiles

Really? We regularly Spank Shoopa Powah India on Kashmir borders. Only recently our soldiers killed two Indian soldiers as a reply to Indian firing.
If India really was that Powaful,at least had sent in a few jets ? but Illay Zilch.
see u took the arguement to a childish level just tell me 1 thing how can u make u r whole strategy based on other countries capabilities and why u think they will share with u when the time comes bhai mere jugad ek level tak hi chalta hai uske baad baba ji ka thullu hi milta hai
Oh what a joke you gotta be kidding me how old are you 5 year old and why you chose this username are you a girl,lesbian or a gay . . . .[/QU

I guess he is fan of Nicole kidman as well as secret society:devil:
Valid thread guys...

India had a vast rail network. ..In fact one of the biggest in the world...A rail mounted tel would be an ideal solution.

Agnis are rail mounted as well -

Agni 3 transported by rail

This is Agni 5's rail TEL -


In a live example, it'll be more or less like this Russian example -

Here is a picture of the top dog of indian missiles the Agni-5 hitching a ride behind a volvo truck.

Another view of the same vehicle reveals the scale of the vehicle. This is a road train with too much gaps between wheels and not much ground clearance .


There is no crew accomodation or a command post on this vehicle,so there must be a convoy of vehicles traveling with this already over sized "TEL" . Problem with any of the support vehicles will restrict the mobility of the whole system.
Plus this setup does not seem to be all terrain off road capable.

On the other hand all Pakistani missiles re mounted on purpose built all terrain vehicles which can go off road.


Tu judge lag raha hai ? (Come on its too much, come up with some thing Real, its not for you dear, )
You are the one that's saying "constant monitoring"....so you tell me. What is the system you are proposing. I have worked in remote sensing and know the aperture to resolution constraints for stationary targets....so I am all ears to hear your ideas for mobile ones that can be easily decoyed.

Still waiting on @shaheenmissile response. Or has troll run away?
Really? We regularly Spank Shoopa Powah India on Kashmir borders. Only recently our soldiers killed two Indian soldiers as a reply to Indian firing.
If India really was that Powaful,at least had sent in a few jets ? but Illay Zilch.
Congratulations for being a moron and celebrating someone's death, Killing is wrong be it any side!!
This is a valid and apt criticism yet our Indian friends are doing their level best to deny such。

This is a valid and apt criticism yet our Indian friends are doing their level best to deny such。

Sure buddy our air defense systems are outdated, our missiles are restricted and susceptible to enemy attacks, we do not have nuclear weapons and will be obliterated if Pakistan or China ever attack us and so on... Now What??
Let's move over the dick measure game and discuss scenarios in a constructive matters and how maybe Asia can counter the western world as a power for saving her interests.
Unity is the Key word my friend.
India has one of the largest rail network in the world with close to 10000 trains running on Indian tracks daily. Good luck detecting few missile trains among them in real time that too on constantly moving trains.( First you need such technology though).

Ooops sorry not 10000 but actually 20000 trains run daily on Indian tracks. My mistake.
India has one of the largest rail network in the world with close to 10000 trains running on Indian tracks daily. Good luck detecting few missile trains among them in real time that too on constantly moving trains.( First you need such technology though).

I still maintain, underground silos are must for guaranteed second strike capability, apart from SLBMs.
India has one of the largest rail network in the world with close to 10000 trains running on Indian tracks daily. Good luck detecting few missile trains among them in real time that too on constantly moving trains.( First you need such technology though).

Ooops sorry not 10000 but actually 20000 trains run daily on Indian tracks. My mistake.
Trains are not connected and even not assigned for this role.
Really? We regularly Spank Shoopa Powah India on Kashmir borders. Only recently our soldiers killed two Indian soldiers as a reply to Indian firing.
If India really was that Powaful,at least had sent in a few jets ? but Illay Zilch.

Trolling in your own thread????
This is a valid and apt criticism yet our Indian friends are doing their level best to deny such。


It was for a show in the parade only, just like LCA on the truck. I don't think Agnis 5 and its all terrain TEL has entered into active service yet.

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