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Resolution comes down hard on US

We shall find out when real actions are carried out rather then words... which are meaningless so lets see.
"As far as the link you provided about kurds.. thats known as 'yellow journalism'".

Actually Halabja is a very bitter reality to the Iraqi kurds. Chemical Ali was no friend of their's, to be sure. Read and learn. From Human Rights Watch-

Whatever Happened To The Iraqi Kurds-HRW March 11, 1991

Iraq had a demonstrated history of WMD use and irridentist ambitions within the region. They had a single party state and a dictator for over thirty years. They'd absolutely denied any political expression to Kurds and shias within their borders. All that-WMD, irridentism, baath party and Saddam Hussain are irrevocably and immutably GONE.

In the last seven years Iraq has had three prime ministers (one sunni and two shia) and a very multi-ethnic, multi-party and vibrant democracy.

Pardon me but, ummm....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.:agree:

Like I said, Pakistan should be so lucky to "lose their way to the top" as we have.

We'll accept our "defeats" with equanimity. OTOH, I don't know how many more victories the Pakistani people can afford.

Your parliamentary resolutions affirming support for your military and intelligence institutions are all very nice.

Two facts stand out in stark contrast. Two weeks ago today a very alive OBL was killed in a compound in Abbottabad by U.S. Navy SEALs who flew from Afghanistan to do so and back again with his bullet-riddled corpse which was then dumped at sea.

I presume you and others believe that. Your parliament and government certainly do and are quite upset about it. The only question remaining is what, exactly, is more upsetting-OBL's longstanding presence within your country or our raid to kill the worthless SOB?


As have been said before, you have a tendency to "select" what you can defend/twist and blabber about it..

I have never questioned the authenticity of Halabja.. (who knows if it was also US's doing to invade Iraq, but thats not the issue).. I was talking about "mentioning" of that "massacre" in media to create a case to invade "Iraq" along with "invisible" and "foreseeable" WMDs..

And the funny thing is.. It is being mentioned by an American! Civilian of a country which came into being on the basis of massacres.. Here take a look at YOUR country's history.. I'm mentioning only a few.. Google will help..

Napituca Massacre
Tiguex Massacres
Acoma Massacre
Pamunkey Peace Talks Massacre
Mystic Massacre
English Massacre of sleeping village
Wounded Knee Massacre

And who can forget the most recent ones.. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. Need i say more??

So do you think we should create a case against US on the basis of what happened in the past??

You can lick the democracy's @$$.. as far as normal civilians in a country are concerned, they only need better life.. and their's was a LOT better before US invaded.. for OIL.. yes you read right.. it was FOR OIL..

Here, you want to know why US has not won any "contract" for oil in IRAQ?? This is where it ALL started:

Deals With Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back

Read the date: its 19/06/2008.. Its the time when all of the world was asking them questions about WMDs.. and the talks about bringing US and UK in International Court on charges of "war crimes" were being held..

Two questions...
1. Who was controlling (and using) Iraq's OIL before July 2008??
2. Why did "American advisors" in Iraq's Oil Industry did not budge?

There was nothing US could do to justify its "invasion" of IRAQ until this kind of step was taken.. stay tunned.. in a decade or so, US will be controlling the oil there "exclusively"..

what about the infrastructure of IRAQ?
what about millions of civilian lives who died by "illogical" and "irresponsible" bombardment of NATO forces??
What about educations system?
What about Health and Social care system?
What about millions of those who lost their limbs but lived?
What about millions of those children who lost their parents and are living without anyone to feed them??

Same is the condition in Afghanistan...

So pardon me, you do not have any idea what war is.. 3 prime ministers?? my @$$.. call them "puppets"..

As far as Pakistan is concerned.. We will not let this happen Insha Allah.. US is walking towards its biggest mistake.. You don't know this nation.. the more you press us.. the more you put YOURSELF in danger..

Enough said!

Peace! :pakistan:
"As far as the link you provided about kurds.. thats known as 'yellow journalism'".

Actually Halabja is a very bitter reality to the Iraqi kurds. Chemical Ali was no friend of their's, to be sure. Read and learn. From Human Rights Watch-

Whatever Happened To The Iraqi Kurds-HRW March 11, 1991

Iraq had a demonstrated history of WMD use and irridentist ambitions within the region. They had a single party state and a dictator for over thirty years. They'd absolutely denied any political expression to Kurds and shias within their borders. All that-WMD, irridentism, baath party and Saddam Hussain are irrevocably and immutably GONE.

In the last seven years Iraq has had three prime ministers (one sunni and two shia) and a very multi-ethnic, multi-party and vibrant democracy.

Pardon me but, ummm....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.:agree:

Like I said, Pakistan should be so lucky to "lose their way to the top" as we have.

We'll accept our "defeats" with equanimity. OTOH, I don't know how many more victories the Pakistani people can afford.

Your parliamentary resolutions affirming support for your military and intelligence institutions are all very nice.

Two facts stand out in stark contrast. Two weeks ago today a very alive OBL was killed in a compound in Abbottabad by U.S. Navy SEALs who flew from Afghanistan to do so and back again with his bullet-riddled corpse which was then dumped at sea.

I presume you and others believe that. Your parliament and government certainly do and are quite upset about it. The only question remaining is what, exactly, is more upsetting-OBL's longstanding presence within your country or our raid to kill the worthless SOB?


It's sad that the US has used & milked Islamic extremism all over the world to achieve its geopolitical objectives, & Saudi Arabia (the biggest proxy of the West) has to take the maximum blame for that. Whether you believe it or not, the US is not interested in defeating extremism, which is why they never went after the hub of extremism (Saudi Arabia), & have protected the monarchy there.
This a**2 factor is increasingly becoming a nuisance, wherever he/she(I don't know if it is a dyke, trying to be a macho man) speaks you'll hear his rambo type dialogues. He simply cannot see the difference between Rambo I, II, III and real life. He believes, like the warmongers in Washington, that sovereignty is only for those states which can nuke the american evil empire back to the stone age i.e. Russia and China. That's why Pakistan should develop its ICBM as soon as possible.
"...Saudi Arabia (the biggest proxy of the West) has to take the maximum blame for that..."

bilal, most Saudis would argue that they pale a distant second on the proxy scoreboard.

Afterall, they pay their own way.

Take a guess whom they'd suggest holds undisputed first place?
"As far as the link you provided about kurds.. thats known as 'yellow journalism'".

Two facts stand out in stark contrast. Two weeks ago today a very alive OBL was killed in a compound in Abbottabad by U.S. Navy SEALs who flew from Afghanistan to do so and back again with his bullet-riddled corpse which was then dumped at sea.

I presume you and others believe that. Your parliament and government certainly do and are quite upset about it. The only question remaining is what, exactly, is more upsetting-OBL's longstanding presence within your country or our raid to kill the worthless SOB?Thanks.:usflag:

The choice is clear OBL no longer there to plan and kill Pakistanis from inside Pakistan, but I diagree with the unilateral action by the US. Unilaternal short-sighted startegy will not get US too far in long -term goals.
"...Saudi Arabia (the biggest proxy of the West) has to take the maximum blame for that..."

bilal, most Saudis would argue that they pale a distant second on the proxy scoreboard.

Afterall, they pay their own way.

Take a guess whom they'd suggest holds undisputed first place?

It doesn't matter if they pay their way through or not. If you were a Muslim, you would understand the importance & authority Saudi Arabia has over the rest of the Muslim world. Saudi Arabia is for Muslims as Jerusalem is for Jews. Saudi Arabia is where the holiest sites of the Muslim world are. Hence, they have the highest command & authority over the rest of the Muslim world, & all the world's Muslim extremism has emancipated from that country as well. It's sad that the US has never wanted to obliterate extremism, & has used it all over the world to achieve its geopolitical objectives.
"...Saudi Arabia (the biggest proxy of the West) has to take the maximum blame for that..."

bilal, most Saudis would argue that they pale a distant second on the proxy scoreboard.

Afterall, they pay their own way.

Take a guess whom they'd suggest holds undisputed first place?

Even China buys US debt, & has spent $1 trillion to finance the country's wars because the US didn't have any money. What's your point? This country has a national debt of almost $14.5 trillion, it's practically insolvent & bankrupt, yet you seem to want more wars. Do you own some kind of private military company or something? Regular citizens like me that have regular jobs have to face the adverse consequences of greedy politicians & other war profiteers that are hell bent on destroying this country's economy. Is this what you think the Founding Fathers wanted this country to turn out?
"...Saudi Arabia (the biggest proxy of the West) has to take the maximum blame for that..."

bilal, most Saudis would argue that they pale a distant second on the proxy scoreboard.

Afterall, they pay their own way.

Take a guess whom they'd suggest holds undisputed first place?

America?? nearly 15 trillion debt.. increasing by 4.01 billion per day.. and used for terrorism Link..
Oh! Did you mention the Japanese surrender in Yokohama bay on the U.S.S. Missouri following Nagasaki and Hiroshima? I missed that part.:)

"...Need i say more??..."

Sure. Please continue. Start a thread should you wish. We'll call it Comparative Massacres: America vs. Pakistan. Anything goes. State-sponsored. Civil strife. Riot-inspired. Religious. You name it. We'll have fun wading through the gory details.

To keep it comparative though, we'll have to limit it to your nat'l origins. Common point-of-departure for both nations.

I've gotta warn you though- S. Asia carries a helluva fratricidal reputation. Us poor N. Americanese really are poorly practiced at wanton slaughter of our neighbors compared to your learned skills. JMHO.

Oh! Did you mention the Japanese surrender in Yokohama bay on the U.S.S. Missouri following Nagasaki and Hiroshima? I missed that part.:)

"...Need i say more??..."

Sure. Please continue. Start a thread should you wish. We'll call it Comparative Massacres: America vs. Pakistan. Anything goes. State-sponsored. Civil strife. Riot-inspired. Religious. You name it. We'll have fun wading through the gory details.

To keep it comparative though, we'll have to limit it to your nat'l origins. Common point-of-departure for both nations.

I've gotta warn you though- S. Asia carries a helluva fratricidal reputation. Us poor N. Americanese really are poorly practiced at wanton slaughter of our neighbors compared to your learned skills. JMHO.


I think you are feeling proud about the bold part..

I really do NOT want to get personal here.. but just for the sake of understanding..

Are you imposing that Japanese surrender after Hiroshima and Nagasaki justifies US using Nuclear Bombs?? It's just pathetic, It shows greatness of Japanese to surrender to save their civilians, and shows barbaric mentality of Americans.. to what extent they can go, and what do they think about human life.. It also shows that American mentality has not changed in 300+ years.. Thus justifying Pakistani people's along with rest of the world's hatred towards US..

Sure, if you want, we can start a thread of comparison, and lets start it with how the countries came into being, and who were their initial citizen, lets start from beginning.. Shall we?
"Even China buys US debt, & has spent $1 trillion to finance the country's wars because the US didn't have any money. What's your point?..."

And China does this out of altruism?

"...This country has a national debt of almost $14.5 trillion, it's practically insolvent & bankrupt..."

Where do you think $14.5T of liabilities sits against our assets and owner's equity? Do you seriously suggest we're asset-poor and absent any positive equity position?:lol:

Trust that they find your adopted home a very good risk. How much Pakistani debt do the Chinese hold? Do you think the Chinese find Pakistan a AAA risk?

I suspect not. That explains why somebody whom hates America as you do lives in my country instead of Pakistan. It's a poor risk.

See you at mass, errr...mosque on Sunda...ummm, Friday...neighbor.;)
"Even China buys US debt, & has spent $1 trillion to finance the country's wars because the US didn't have any money. What's your point?..."

And China does this out of altruism?

"...This country has a national debt of almost $14.5 trillion, it's practically insolvent & bankrupt..."

Where do you think $14.5T of liabilities sits against our assets and owner's equity? Do you seriously suggest we're asset-poor and absent any positive equity position?:lol:

Trust that they find your adopted home a very good risk. How much Pakistani debt do the Chinese hold? Do you think the Chinese find Pakistan a AAA risk?

I suspect not. That explains why somebody whom hates America as you do lives in my country instead of Pakistan. It's a poor risk.

See you at mass, errr...mosque on Sunda...ummm, Friday...neighbor.;)

your country is UK mate.. don't forget your roots.. America belongs to Native Americans.. so Bilal has as much right in that country as you.. both of you are OUTSIDERS..

BTW, you haven't responded to my post yet.. cat took your tongue?? or for the first time you feeling something?


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