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[Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

There are plenty of Ming/Qing era maps that show that that they claimed the islands as their own

鄭和航海圖 1405

柬洋南洋海道圖 1712

四海總圖 1730

東洋南洋各國沿革圖 1844

Some maps I couldn't find but exist
清直省分圖 1724
皇清各直省分圖 1755
大清萬年一統天下全圖 1767
大清萬年一統地量全圖 1810
大清一統天下全圖 1817

Thanks do Danny T. from CHF for compiling them

year? and why taiwan were not under administration of china?
Vietnam has a administrative buildings in spartly in 1800s so it belongs to Vietnam, right?
Well,the Japanese wanted Taiwan as a prize after the First Sino Japnanese War.

Japan handed those islands back to ROC not to the French showing that the Japanese thought the ROC were the rightful owners.

Furthermore people don't' seem to realize that the islands in Vietnamese maps are completely different from the islands in the Chinese map.

Read 駁斥謊言!越南的黃沙、長沙不是中國的西沙南沙 to see that some Vietnamese maps were fabricated to appear older than they really are.

Even Pham Van Dong recognized Chinese claims,are you going to deny that?

So basically the only leg Vietnamese have to stand on is a colonial mentality if it wasn't for the French,Vietnamese wouldn't even care about them today.

However my view is different from other Chinese PDF members,those islands should be left to mother nature and the oceans should be shared.
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I suggest you to read the book [中菲外交關係史]
("The Sino[ROC]-Philippine Diplomatic Relationship History)

Start from p769.

I also headed that a Vietnamese member here mention that "fishermen" had no right within the issue of reverent debate.
But last time I checked, historic activity of "fishermen" can also somehow be a part of the proof:


Not to mention the Qing government of China protested the invasions from German in the SCS, based on the reason of "protecting Chinese islands" in 1883.
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There are plenty of Ming/Qing era maps that show that that they claimed the islands as their own

鄭和航海圖 1405

柬洋南洋海道圖 1712

四海總圖 1730

東洋南洋各國沿革圖 1844

Some maps I couldn't find but exist
清直省分圖 1724
皇清各直省分圖 1755
大清萬年一統天下全圖 1767
大清萬年一統地量全圖 1810
大清一統天下全圖 1817

Thanks do Danny T. from CHF for compiling them

Well,the Japanese wanted Taiwan as a prize after the First Sino Japnanese War.

Japan handed those islands back to ROC not to the French showing that the Japanese thought the ROC were the rightful owners.

Furthermore people don't' seem to realize that the islands in Vietnamese maps are completely different from the islands in the Chinese map.

Read 駁斥謊言!越南的黃沙、長沙不是中國的西沙南沙 to see that some Vietnamese maps were fabricated to appear older than they really are.

Even Pham Van Dong recognized Chinese claims,are you going to deny that?

So basically the only leg Vietnamese have to stand on is a colonial mentality if it wasn't for the French,Vietnamese wouldn't even care about them today.

However my view is different from other Chinese PDF members,those islands should be left to mother nature and the oceans should be shared.

Of course, we can share the SCS resources with Vietnam, since Mao even shared the land with Vietnam.

However, Vietnam with its ultra-nationalistic mentality was never getting convinced about China's big brother status in Asia.

They often believe that if the Manchus can conquer China, then they can do the same. So we can't let a such wolf pup to grow stronger by feeding them.
Where did you find these nonsense?
In 1947, how could Zhou Enlai made it 9 dashed line when KMT ruled China?
It is ROC captain Lin Zun who stands for the KMT government recover the rule of these island, and he has never been to Taiwan, what do you mean by saying "its also Taiwan who occupied first island,Taiping after WW II."?

That's probably why an Indian should be the last to teach history.
Where did you find these nonsense?
In 1947, how could Zhou Enlai made it 9 dashed line when KMT ruled China?
It is ROC captain Lin Zun who stands for the KMT government recover the rule of these island, and he has never been to Taiwan, what do you mean by saying "its also Taiwan who occupied first island,Taiping after WW II."?

Typo,it was in 1949 and also in 1951,when Zhou Enlai reiterated the statement.

In 1947, China made public the old and new name table of the South China Sea islands, which were put under the governance of Guangdong Province. In February 1948 the Chinese government released a "South Sea Islands Location Map" which was also re-adopted after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 1951, the "Japanese Peace Treaty" draft and "San Francisco Conference Statement" announced by Chinese former premier Zhou Enlai pointed out that the "Xisha, Nansha Islands and Dongsha, Zhongsha Islands have always been Chinese territory." In 1958, China proclaimed the "Declaration on the Territorial Sea." Subsequently, in the face of violations by foreign powers, the Chinese government has, on many occasions, reiterated its indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands.

South China Sea issue explained - China.org.cn

about Taiping,it was ROC who sent Naval Expedition(ROCS Chung-Yeh, ROCS Yung-hsing ,Rocs Tai-Ping and ROCS Chung-chien commanded by Lin Zun and Yao Ruyu) to Taiping in 1946.

War Or Peace in the South China Sea? - Google Books

so by Taiwan,I meant ROC.

That's probably why an Indian should be the last to teach history.

its probably the chinese who should learn about their "True History" first and not the "fabricated One" on which they brag day and night.
There are plenty of Ming/Qing era maps that show that that they claimed the islands as their own

鄭和航海圖 1405

柬洋南洋海道圖 1712

四海總圖 1730

東洋南洋各國沿革圖 1844

Some maps I couldn't find but exist
清直省分圖 1724
皇清各直省分圖 1755
大清萬年一統天下全圖 1767
大清萬年一統地量全圖 1810
大清一統天下全圖 1817

Thanks do Danny T. from CHF for compiling them

Well,the Japanese wanted Taiwan as a prize after the First Sino Japnanese War.

Japan handed those islands back to ROC not to the French showing that the Japanese thought the ROC were the rightful owners.

Furthermore people don't' seem to realize that the islands in Vietnamese maps are completely different from the islands in the Chinese map.

Read 駁斥謊言!越南的黃沙、長沙不是中國的西沙南沙 to see that some Vietnamese maps were fabricated to appear older than they really are.

Even Pham Van Dong recognized Chinese claims,are you going to deny that?

So basically the only leg Vietnamese have to stand on is a colonial mentality if it wasn't for the French,Vietnamese wouldn't even care about them today.

However my view is different from other Chinese PDF members,those islands should be left to mother nature and the oceans should be shared.

You lie. In such map you posted is for all region, Vietnam (Jiao Zhi), Japan is included and no where stated the Islands belong to China.

In the past your ancestor called our sea water as Jiao Zhi sea. look at the map here, it stated that Jiao Zhi sea in Han Zi.

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Quite hilarious all the anti-Chinese nationalists disappear when I provide relevant proof.

its fake proof, fabricated by chinese liar.

This is full map of China printed in Man Qing Dynasty of China, read it in Han Zi.


In 1947, China made public the old and new name table of the South China Sea islands, which were put under the governance of Guangdong Province. In February 1948 the Chinese government released a "South Sea Islands Location Map" which was also re-adopted after the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 1951, the "Japanese Peace Treaty" draft and "San Francisco Conference Statement" announced by Chinese former premier Zhou Enlai pointed out that the "Xisha, Nansha Islands and Dongsha, Zhongsha Islands have always been Chinese territory." In 1958, China proclaimed the "Declaration on the Territorial Sea." Subsequently, in the face of violations by foreign powers, the Chinese government has, on many occasions, reiterated its indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands.

Yes, claim of China over Islands was rejected by voting in San Fracisco Conference after WW II .
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its fake proof, fabricated by chinese liar.

This is full map of China printed in Man Qing Dynasty of China, read it in Han Zi.

If you can't read the title then you aren't qualified to speak about it.

Seriously there's a reason why Mongolia,Manchuria,Taiwan,Xinjiang and Tibet are not on there.

Have you seen all the Qing era maps?

Your own premier gave the right to China only to backstab after they conquered Southern Vietnam.
If you can't read the title then you aren't qualified to speak about it.

Seriously there's a reason why Mongolia,Manchuria,Taiwan,Xinjiang and Tibet are not on there.

Have you seen all the Qing era maps?

Your own premier gave the right to China only to backstab after they conquered Southern Vietnam.

you are little historian, bro.

why Mongolia,Manchuria,Taiwan,Xinjiang and Tibet are not on there.

because Man Qing Dynasty did not considered there is territory of China. There is not directly control by Man Qing Emperor like other provinces of the Dynasty.

In reality Tibetan, Xingang people were independent from China. There were not Han chinese. So why Tibetan and Ujgur people protested again China occupation there.

For southern land of Vietnam, there was land of Viet thuong people, belong Van Lang era of Viets people.

Chams people came later on from Malaysia and Indonesia to South Vietnam, they came from Malayo people and tried conqured Annam and annex us to them like Viet Thuong people, their king Che Bong Nga was killed when he invaded in to Thanglong/Hanoi. at the end of this advanture we annexed back Viet Thuong land to Viets. It was failure of Chams people and they became Vietnamese citizen.
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Even Pham Van Dong recognized Chinese claims,are you going to deny that?

China and North Vietnam signed to Geneva Accords from 1964, it stated that Islands in southern of 17 pararell belong to South Vietnam state. Pham Van Dong from North Vietnam regime, so he didn't have rights over South Vietnam's territory.

In the letter, Pham Van Dong stated only that North regime in Hanoi repest coast line of China related to North Vietnam only.

China stop lying about true nature of this letter. :coffee:
you are little historian, bro.

because Man Qing Dynasty did not considered there is territory of China. There is not directly control by Man Qing Emperor like other provinces of the Dynasty.

In reality Tibetan, Xingang people were independent from China. There were not Han chinese. So why Tibetan and Ujgur people protested again China occupation there.

For southern land of Vietnam, there was land of Viet thuong people, belong Van Lang era of Viets people.

Chams people came later on from Malaysia and Indonesia to South Vietnam, they came from Malayo people and tried conqured Annam and annex us to them like Viet Thuong people, their king Che Bong Nga was killed when he invaded in to Thanglong/Hanoi. at the end of this advanture we annexed back Viet Thuong land to Viets. It was failure of Chams people and they became Vietnamese citizen.

You are just an ignorant, shameless guy who likes to slap yourself hard in front the crowd. 全圖 does mean full map, but if you are really a honest guy, you will also post the other words from the title 直省 which means Direct Province.

Besides the central government can send their tax-collectors and soldiers as they pleased, also when the UK invaded Tibet, the British officer had to negotiate with Qing officers, what sort of "independent" is this?

The funnest part is that you even dare to tell people to read Hanzi yet you actually know nothing.

Besides ethnic and country (nation) are completely two concepts. China is NOT Vietnam, China is not a nationalist country that only recognize the "main ethnic" (not to mention the so-called "main ethnic" doesn't in China) is Chinese. China belongs not only to Han, but also Mongolian, Manchurian, Tibetan and other Chinese ethnics group. China are not like Vietnam which only considered Kinh are Vietnamese. In fact seldom of the countries in the world has the same standard as you racist, nationalist people have.

No, it is because you are the biggest liar and the most terrible joker here:

"Argun river will be set as the border (between the two countries). The land from the south of the river belongs to China; the land from the north of the river belongs to Russia."
--Nerchinsk Treaty

"(traitors) are so foolish that they don't even understand that Manchu is a part of China."
--Yongzheng, emperor of Qing Dynasty.

The Emperors of Qing Dynasty recognize the WHOLE EMPIRE is CHINA, got that you "traitors"?
Stop making joke that makes people sick here, also those rebels represented NOBODY. The guerrillas founded by both Han and Manchurian in the North East of China during Japanese occupation never gave up and never stop sacrificing their life to their country -China til the end. They are those who can really represent Chinese people (including all ethnics).
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