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Republic of Naswaristan

@levina I loved ladybirds when I was a kid in 60s, I used to catch them, they would climb up my palm, to the finger and fly away...I spent quite busy days :D
Ohhh hehehe that must have been ticklish.....:-)

This ones for you....

@levina I loved ladybirds when I was a kid in 60s, I used to catch them, they would climb up my palm, to the finger and fly away...I spent quite busy days :D

why everybody is getting sensitive about what goes on in pdf. seriously !
Sirgee you were a kid in the 60's ??? :o::o::o::o::o::o::o::o::o::o:

Be glad that you're atleast good at something than me. So Guns, I applied for 2 licenses one for 7.62 and the other for 5.56. I saw a few AK-47's and frankly I couldnt tell the difference between real, nakkal, desi or another kind. Which one to choose and how to differentiate from one another.

Secondly price would also be a good indicator about the make?

Third, well gimme an idea regarding M4s/AR-15s in Pak and their prices.

Im having crispy Qeema parathas, come join me.
Yara, ask the guy if it's real or not. If, after buying, you find out that it was a fake, go shoot the guy. Next time, no one will lie to you in business. At least, that's how we take care of business. Religion (conscience) and business (money) are two very different things, never let one thing cloud your judgement. If someone cheats you out of money. Kill him, or at the very least break both of his legs and hands and be sure he can't speak ever again - you're an intelligent guy, so I'm sure you don't need instructions on chemicals!

Price no idea. Yara, I bought most of my weapons ages ago. I mean literally long long way back. Other than two M4's. Them too, I got smuggled (kind of)..... so no idea about street prices there nowadays.

Shove that pratha up your...... :mad:

No thanks Alfred, you should be fired. :D

Ok tome to go to work :(

I hate working.

Bye Jan!
^^ some gay feelings in above posts ! :omghaha:

Ohhh hehehe that must have been ticklish.....:-)

This ones for you....

View attachment 21073

Orange, yellow and red these were the colors they had, wonder if they still roam around in our house lawn..

Sirgee you were a kid in the 60's ??? :o::o::o::o::o::o::o::o::o::o:

Yes, I am living my second life. 7 to go ! :laugh: here I pass it on to you... :drag:
^^ some gay feelings in above posts ! :omghaha:

Orange, yellow and red these were the colors they had, wonder if they still roam around in our house lawn..

Yes, I am living my second life. 7 to go ! :laugh: here I pass it on to you... :drag:
So many Indians. So little time. :D
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