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Repository for BD Statistics (BBS) quality/credibility

It is from BBS, just like all the other stuff being trumpeted when narrative is convenient. Why pick and choose which feels right and wrong?
I'm just not sure what Calorie intake indicates on a macro scale.
Look at it...Greece, Kazakhstan consumes 50% more calorie than Japan...Austria's intake is also like 60% higher than NewZealand's....
Largely because Bangladesh is decreasing its sample sizes for such (malnutirtion, hunger, health and mortality) whereas India and Pakistan are increasing them (and improving):
BD's sample size is larger than Pakistan's for the last two years shown in you chart...sample size varies a lot.. for 2005 BD's sample size was even larger than India's....BD still use a larger sample size..then I wonder why BD's data would be less believable than Paikstan's?
Bangladesh is one of only handful of countries that "needs improvement" in Asia:
Data not available for Pakistan :(
Again you didnt survey 50,000 people in random fashion like BBS supposedly did.
I didn't....but I say what I experienced....almost all rickshaw puller now owns a mobile phone......price of food commodities increased a lot, I wouldn't disagree.....and that affects the poor the most but today they definitely enjoy more benefits today......almost every family living in a slum now owns a television too....Even the urban lower middle class can afford to buy a motorbike today.
Again you seem to be ignoring that incomes could be rising just for the elite that can afford such things as cars and personal transport in the first place. In fact that is exactly what the BBS HIES 2016 suggests.
Inequality increasing....that's a truth. But as of now it's best to overlook it. Otherwise there would be demands to follow socialist policies.... Pakistan's economy grew in the period of Ayub Khan....but at that time inequality also increased. 22 families controlled most of the wealth.....Despite that no one can deny that Pakistan developed in his tenure...I dislike Ayub Khan for so many reasons, but Pakistan did do well economically during his term.

When a country is in developing stage economic inequality is bound to increase. Look at China.....there is a huge income gap between elites and others. But despite that can anyone deny that they are doing well?
I'm just not sure what Calorie intake indicates on a macro scale.

You proceed to give net calorie supply per capita. That is flawed given raw supply does not equal consumption.

Look at it...Greece, Kazakhstan consumes 50% more calorie than Japan...Austria's intake is also like 60% higher than NewZealand's....

Wrong those are supply/availability not end consumption (which can only come from end surveying like HIES). Read your own link next time first:

However the actual food consumption may be lower than the quantity shown as food availability

Not to mention you are pulling countries that are consuming well above 2500 kcal to begin with and comparing to a country where the end consumption is now declining from 2300 to 2200 per capita and your own analysts are putting up big warning signs regarding that, given 2200 is just 100 more than the poverty level (i.e your average is already that close, so the overlap will be more negative than before):


The HIES 2016 Project Director, Dr Dipnakar Roy, told the FE they had set a standard per-capita calorie intake at 2122 Kcal per day for calculating poverty in Bangladesh.

"If a person consumes less than 2122 Kcal per day, he will go below the poverty line," he added.

World Bank Lead Economist Dr Zahid Hussain told the FE that the drop in rice consumption may cause a decrease in the calorie intake in Bangladesh.

"Calorie intake in Bangladesh has a direct impact on poverty calculation. If the consumption drops, the vulnerable population can be affected more. So, it is important to maintain the standard calorie intake by all the age groups and poverty levels," he added.

BD's sample size is larger than Pakistan's for the last two years shown in you chart

The decline trend is what I am talking about. BD has clearly stopped the earlier larger surveying....probably because data looked uncomfortable.

The last 10,000+ survey sample size done in BD for malnutrition was from 2006. They have all been waaay below that size since AND its immensely lower than the averages of the ones done in the 80s and 90s.

For Pakistan it was 2011 (and increasing sample size from 80s - 90s average)

For India it was 2014 (and increasing sample size from 80s - 90s average).

Sorry the trends are quite clear here and they also reflect why India and Pakistan are improving much faster than Bangladesh in corruption perception....(and in the end India and Pakistan benefit from that because they actually deal with the problems than make them go away with persistent low sample size).

Of course there will still be smaller surveys (which aren't necessarily worse data, but it depends) dotting around the much bigger ones (so you cant compare year - year...because neither does GHI base on just year to year...it looks at last decade or so).

The point of note is that India and Pakistan continue to have them (large 10k+ and are bumping up their average sample size trends) rather than cutting them off completely for 12 years (and looks to continue) now like Bangladesh for malnutrition, health and mortality etc.

You are a corruption hellhole, end of story. @django @Areesh @Zee-shaun

for 2005 BD's sample size was even larger than India's

Yes as done by Helen Keller institute (not BD govt)...which was frequent in the 90s...and of that size probably because they were concerned about the reality and not propaganda feelz (and large sample size to account for the terrible state of BD own govt statistics base correlators quality on the matter probably - if you look up the BBS own ESCAP assessment history -as bad as it still is now, it was much worse before). I wonder what made them stop that since 2005/06? Some disgruntled politician?...or two or three or a complex of them? Please ask around and tell me...I will ask a few of my BD buddies and see if they can gleam any political connection to this BS.

Data not available for Pakistan :(

Erm look again?


I think you are mistaking Afghanistan for Pakistan :lol: @Desert Fox @Psychic

Pakistan is clearly green (like India) and Bangladesh is clearly yellow. You can confirm the underlying data I am talking about at the FSI website links I gave you.

.almost all rickshaw puller now owns a mobile phone

So? Given the inflation they are earning (and consuming) less in the matters that most concern them (food, energy, housing you name it). BBS literally in HIES only posted the raw nominal amounts with ZERO accounting for the inflation between the years. It took a smart fellow (I guess they are rare in BD but they do exist) to apply inflation and show the real income actually declined:


.almost every family living in a slum now owns a television too....Even the urban lower middle class can afford to buy a motorbike today.

Erm ok...


http://www.bd.undp.org/content/dam/bangladesh/docs/Publications/Pub2016/policy brief.pdf?download

travel and TV.jpg

Heck look at the rates of bus and rickshaw falling in Dhaka because of the terrible state of affairs.

Can't find any good consistent TV sales data for BD, but for motorcycles it is like:



i.e BD motorcyle market is now about 2% of Indian one, though you have 13% of our population (i.e you are 6+ times worse per capita even with claimed 50% growth yoy).

Heck you as an entire country buy in volume around just 14% of what we export in motorcycles/scooters.

It's even worse ratios for the other vehicles.

So yeah, not a real argument here either.....especially when the base majority of your people according to BBS are eating less calories (being well below 2500 kcal already) than 2010 because of the inflation your elite is imposing on them. Remember something like 50% of average BD household income is spent on....FOOD.

But as of now it's best to overlook it. Otherwise there would be demands to follow socialist policies.... Pakistan's economy grew in the period of Ayub Khan....but at that time inequality also increased. 22 families controlled most of the wealth.....Despite that no one can deny that Pakistan developed in his tenure...I dislike Ayub Khan for so many reasons, but Pakistan did do well economically during his term.

That is exceedingly simplistic analysis. Inequality can increase its fine, but not at the cost of the poorest through dumping inflation on them so they cant even eat as much as they did 6 years ago supposedly. This shows something extremely rotten past the inequality argument, it shows there is a troubling supply side intervention by the BD govt and elite to "grow" at any cost even if the inflation makes way more ppl starve more.

When a country is in developing stage economic inequality is bound to increase. Look at China.....there is a huge income gap between elites and others. But despite that can anyone deny that they are doing well?

They never grew while reducing calorie (end consumption) to their population. Neither did India, neither did Pakistan. BD is truly making an exception here in the worst possible area.....and looks like most of you prefer to live denial about it...even when the truer than true BBS (before) stumbles across this...but suddenly its not so credible on this all of a sudden.

Allow only the 1% "good news through", filter out the 99% suffering...exactly as politicians want you to....then feign shock and horror at the ranking of Dhaka in liveability or any other 3rd party fact checking that bypasses them, but secretly knowing thats the bitter truth. It doesnt get more institutionally decrepit than this.
I think you are mistaking Afghanistan for Pakistan :lol:
My bad...the borders weren't visible unless I enlarge the picture......I'll get back to the post later...not that I have much to say though.
The decline trend is what I am talking about. BD has clearly stopped the earlier larger surveying....probably because data looked uncomfortable.
Still the samples are larger than Pakistan's....so it shouldn't be less accurate than Pakistan's results.
You are a corruption hellhole
Agreed....but not like our neighbors are Denmark or New Zealand....Score of Bangladesh is 28...where Pakistan's is 32. Even Zambia, Ivory Coast ranks much higher...What wories mme about Bangladesh is very slow improvement on the scores....Bangladesh scores 28 in 2017...improving just 2 points from 2012.....While Pakistan went from 27 to 32...Myanmar went from 15 to 30...
Btw Bangladesh is just one point below Russia..
Sigh......not gonna read a 272 page report...
i.e BD motorcyle market is now about 2% of Indian one, though you have 13% of our population (i.e you are 6+ times worse per capita even with claimed 50% growth yoy).
That's because your automotive industry has existed for much longer than BD's.....you have had automotive industries before BD became a country. Not to mention they are far ahead to even compare. What I am saying is more people can afford motorbikes today....which doesn't get along with the narrative that people's life has worsen.
So yeah, not a real argument here either.....especially when the base majority of your people according to BBS are eating less calories (being well below 2500 kcal already) than 2010 because of the inflation your elite is imposing on them. Remember something like 50% of average BD household income is spent on....FOOD.
Why do you think calorie intake data of 2010 is correct while you disregard other datas mostly calling them fake by BBS?
That is exceedingly simplistic analysis. Inequality can increase its fine, but not at the cost of the poorest through dumping inflation on them so they cant even eat as much as they did 6 years ago supposedly. This shows something extremely rotten past the inequality argument, it shows there is a troubling supply side intervention by the BD govt and elite to "grow" at any cost even if the inflation makes way more ppl starve more.

Look....in 2010, nominal household income 11479 BDT
1 USD = 68.5 taka in 2010
Household income = 167.6 USD

In 2016, nominal household income 15945 BDT
1 USD = 78 taka in 2016
Household income = 204.4 USD

Internal inflation of taka has always been high.
Inflation was around 9-11% back in 2008-11....but now it has come down to 6% according to IMF.

They never grew while reducing calorie (end consumption) to their population.
Like I said, the 2010 data could be wrong...it's just one thing.....in overwhelming majority of indicators BD does better now than 2010......say corruption...although very slow, but score still improved....say ease doing buseness rating(which totally sucks for BD) BD's rank slipped up by 1 but score still improved....that calorie consumption data certainly looks off.
Still the samples are larger than Pakistan's....so it shouldn't be less accurate than Pakistan's results.

Pakistan did a large scale survey much much more recently and the trend suggests it will do one again shortly.

BD has completely went on hiatus since 06. Uncomfortable to ask why?

I am talking trends, its stupid to say one country is more accurate on one-off year....when the GHI you are quoting does not use 1 off year results but a broader decades long compilation with appropriate weighting.

Agreed....but not like our neighbors are Denmark or New Zealand

The distance between India and Bangladesh is about the distance between India and south korea (in score) and India and France (in rank) on the issue.

That is a vast difference by any comparison. You don't have to rank the best to have massive difference in play.

Score of Bangladesh is 28...where Pakistan's is 32.

Pakistan was just 1 point ahead of you in 2012 (27 vs 26), now they are 4 points ahead (32 to 28). Those points count for a lot as you can see just 1 or 2 points puts a country a lot ahead in the overall ranking (i.e point sensitivty is high).

What wories mme about Bangladesh is very slow improvement on the scores....Bangladesh scores 28 in 2017...improving just 2 points from 2012.....While Pakistan went from 27 to 32...Myanmar went from 15 to 30...

Yah. And BD seems to be fluctuating as well (so no way to say if the current recent increase is permanent or not).

Btw Bangladesh is just one point below Russia..

Russia is a very corrupt country. It is who you know rather than what you know to large degree there (and a number of other ex Soviet countries too). Deutsche Welle did a pretty good 4 part documentary on the USSR breakup and the Russia inheritance from it (and the underlying vein of deep, increasing corruption) if you have some time later and it interests you:

Sigh......not gonna read a 272 page report...

I was just posting the survey results (look at the pictures) to contrast actual TV ownership (40%) "in every slum" that you were asserting. 40% TV household ownership is not a "every slum household owns one" kind of figure sorry to say.

Before you quote assertions, you might want to look up the relevant content and page from that survey (you certainly dont need to read every single page) first is all I am saying.

What I am saying is more people can afford motorbikes today....which doesn't get along with the narrative that people's life has worsen.

But how to discern if only people that already had one are buying another mostly...rather than actual more people being able to afford and buy their first one? BBS survey + Taslim CPI analysis suggests more of the former happening if household income is indeed shrinking. As does the very marginal change in Motorcycle ownership by household (bottom arrow):


Definitely its quite possible for more (given its not that much more than before) motorcycles and cars to be bought by the wealthy + upper middle class largely and the overall real household income (economic base i.e poor and near poor and low middle class) going down. They are not mutually exclusive results conceptually....in fact BBS + Taslim article suggests it yet again (if nominal increase of BD economy happened to extent claimed by BBS but with inflation applied, its income decline for households....it means the rich got all the dividends and definitely will have to invest in assets like transport, houses etc more than before). Consumption markers like calorie intake etc are what really concern the vast majority of BD people and its not looking good.

Why do you think calorie intake data of 2010 is correct while you disregard other datas mostly calling them fake by BBS?

I'm not saying anything is "correct" or "fake"....have you looked at the title of this thread? We are ascertaining if BBS is a credible entity.

Either it is or it isn't....or some spectrum of both.

If it is, there are now some clear indications that BD "growth" is nowhere near reaching the broad base of its population (to even how other developing countries have managed).

If it isn't, then why are we to believe the growth in first place?

If its a spectrum, how are we to ascertain the credible and non-credible stuff without the whole organisation first meeting a good global reference like SDDS and meet even basic threshold frequency for data dissemination?

You can't make a narrative first and then cherrypick to suit it (which far too many BD members here do). Consistency has to start with BD people if they are to expect and hold the same for the BD govt over time. Everyone largely gets the rulers that they are themselves.

Look....in 2010, nominal household income 11479 BDT
1 USD = 68.5 taka in 2010
Household income = 167.6 USD

In 2016, nominal household income 15945 BDT
1 USD = 78 taka in 2016
Household income = 204.4 USD

Only matters if BD people use USD (and not Taka) extensively for day to day stuff that represents like 95%+ of BD economy. How much you overvalue/undervalue your currency on forex market (esp given BD does not trade broadly or deeply) has nothing to do with what BD people see locally when it comes to things as basic as food....given they earn and consume with Taka.

If you look from high enough, you can't spot the sewage in the river. That is the disingenuous argument of converting to nominal USD in a nutshell.....convert very small activity imprint to represent the 100%.

Hence M A Taslim analysis is spot on, and likely the reason BBS did not apply a CPI index (it would have been a very negative result) to the raw nominal amounts of income.

in overwhelming majority of indicators BD does better now than 2010

How? If BBS is credible, it just showed things are getting worse for majority of BD people on the ground. If BBS is not credible, then how do we know anything about better or worse in first place at macro level?

Every country could technically reject the ESCAP assessment and start disallowing large survey results form being conducted to get better filtered data....but not every country is interested in: very slow corruption "improvement" (that could be mere fluctuation like before) and shockingly low credibility....for the sake of bipolar party structure and massive entrenched nepotism chains.

Inflation was around 9-11% back in 2008-11....but now it has come down to 6% according to IMF.

Hence why its important to add the overall combined effect from the years being compared...i.e what Mr. Taslim did. Using a CPI index base at 2005 for 100, 2010 was 141, 2016 was 220 etc.

that calorie consumption data certainly looks off.

Again who are you to decide if it "looks" on/off at any year? Again you are forcing a narrative first and trying to make the data fit it....when it should be the other way around (and if the data collection needs to be improved or achieve more underlying credibility, that should be the message all around extensively for every socioeconomic topic in BD, which it clearly isnt).
Pakistan did a large scale survey much much more recently and the trend suggests it will do one again shortly.

BD has completely went on hiatus since 06. Uncomfortable to ask why?

I am talking trends, its stupid to say one country is more accurate on one-off year....when the GHI you are quoting does not use 1 off year results but a broader decades long compilation with appropriate weighting.

The distance between India and Bangladesh is about the distance between India and south korea (in score) and India and France (in rank) on the issue.

That is a vast difference by any comparison. You don't have to rank the best to have massive difference in play.

Pakistan was just 1 point ahead of you in 2012 (27 vs 26), now they are 4 points ahead (32 to 28). Those points count for a lot as you can see just 1 or 2 points puts a country a lot ahead in the overall ranking (i.e point sensitivty is high).

Yah. And BD seems to be fluctuating as well (so no way to say if the current recent increase is permanent or not).

Russia is a very corrupt country. It is who you know rather than what you know to large degree there (and a number of other ex Soviet countries too). Deutsche Welle did a pretty good 4 part documentary on the USSR breakup and the Russia inheritance from it (and the underlying vein of deep, increasing corruption) if you have some time later and it interests you:

I was just posting the survey results (look at the pictures) to contrast actual TV ownership (40%) "in every slum" that you were asserting. 40% TV household ownership is not a "every slum household owns one" kind of figure sorry to say.

Before you quote assertions, you might want to look up the relevant content and page from that survey (you certainly dont need to read every single page) first is all I am saying.

But how to discern if only people that already had one are buying another mostly...rather than actual more people being able to afford and buy their first one? BBS survey + Taslim CPI analysis suggests more of the former happening if household income is indeed shrinking. As does the very marginal change in Motorcycle ownership by household (bottom arrow):


Definitely its quite possible for more (given its not that much more than before) motorcycles and cars to be bought by the wealthy + upper middle class largely and the overall real household income (economic base i.e poor and near poor and low middle class) going down. They are not mutually exclusive results conceptually....in fact BBS + Taslim article suggests it yet again (if nominal increase of BD economy happened to extent claimed by BBS but with inflation applied, its income decline for households....it means the rich got all the dividends and definitely will have to invest in assets like transport, houses etc more than before). Consumption markers like calorie intake etc are what really concern the vast majority of BD people and its not looking good.

I'm not saying anything is "correct" or "fake"....have you looked at the title of this thread? We are ascertaining if BBS is a credible entity.

Either it is or it isn't....or some spectrum of both.

If it is, there are now some clear indications that BD "growth" is nowhere near reaching the broad base of its population (to even how other developing countries have managed).

If it isn't, then why are we to believe the growth in first place?

If its a spectrum, how are we to ascertain the credible and non-credible stuff without the whole organisation first meeting a good global reference like SDDS and meet even basic threshold frequency for data dissemination?

You can't make a narrative first and then cherrypick to suit it (which far too many BD members here do). Consistency has to start with BD people if they are to expect and hold the same for the BD govt over time. Everyone largely gets the rulers that they are themselves.

Only matters if BD people use USD (and not Taka) extensively for day to day stuff that represents like 95%+ of BD economy. How much you overvalue/undervalue your currency on forex market (esp given BD does not trade broadly or deeply) has nothing to do with what BD people see locally when it comes to things as basic as food....given they earn and consume with Taka.

If you look from high enough, you can't spot the sewage in the river. That is the disingenuous argument of converting to nominal USD in a nutshell.....convert very small activity imprint to represent the 100%.

Hence M A Taslim analysis is spot on, and likely the reason BBS did not apply a CPI index (it would have been a very negative result) to the raw nominal amounts of income.

How? If BBS is credible, it just showed things are getting worse for majority of BD people on the ground. If BBS is not credible, then how do we know anything about better or worse in first place at macro level?

Every country could technically reject the ESCAP assessment and start disallowing large survey results form being conducted to get better filtered data....but not every country is interested in: very slow corruption "improvement" (that could be mere fluctuation like before) and shockingly low credibility....for the sake of bipolar party structure and massive entrenched nepotism chains.

Hence why its important to add the overall combined effect from the years being compared...i.e what Mr. Taslim did. Using a CPI index base at 2005 for 100, 2010 was 141, 2016 was 220 etc.

Again who are you to decide if it "looks" on/off at any year? Again you are forcing a narrative first and trying to make the data fit it....when it should be the other way around (and if the data collection needs to be improved or achieve more underlying credibility, that should be the message all around extensively for every socioeconomic topic in BD, which it clearly isnt).

It is between 11:29-15:59 in Canada right now.

Would it not be a better use of your time to look for a job during the daytime?
It is between 11:29-15:59 in Canada right now.

Would it not be a better use of your time to look for a job during the daytime?

I'm at work :P ...making in a day what you make in a year probably (collecting used toilet papers like a good bong janitor, and now you have learned to enjoy your work and reference it everywhere haha).
I'm at work :P ...making in a day what you make in a year probably (collecting used toilet papers like a good bong janitor, and now you have learned to enjoy your work and reference it everywhere haha).

What happened to your showing off what you have and your girlfriend?
What happened to your showing off what you have and your girlfriend?

You are the only one clamouring for it (obv because you have nothing going on in real life than to beg to others to show theirs), why would I indulge just one single crushing? Tell me when you have a crowd so its worth it.
You are the only one clamouring for it (obv because you have nothing going on in real life than to beg to others to show theirs), why would I indulge just one single crushing? Tell me when you have a crowd so its worth it.


You were "threatening" us with this a while back.

Talking big when you have nothing after all?

You were "threatening" us with this a while back.

Talking big when you have nothing after all?

You are not worth the time ...."us" hah, pretty sure I was talking just to you (but you have an ego well beyond your toilet paper picking up means...that sucks!). So first show that you have a large enough bong janitor comittee interested in it here, because I ain't giving up my identity (because there are enough ppl in forum that probably could figure it out esp if they live in Canada) for just one random toilet cleaner stuck in some bong ghetto lol. Needs to be lot more worth it....and I decide that, not you....right now its good to just keep you talking about me instead of actual issues....because it shows everyone passing by what you are inherently.

Now shoo, there are plenty of clogged toilets for you to unclog where you are and make some good money and feed your fetish at same time.

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