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Repository for BD Statistics (BBS) quality/credibility

Oh so UNDP itself made this powerpoint thing now LOL. Clearly you don't understand how non-original content hosting works :D (Please check the whole powerpoint if you want to see if and where UNDP states its authorship, or anyone else does for that matter).

I will give you a cpl "not typical LDC guy" points if you are able to find through your frantic googling what the "NASA" watermark on top right is :D.

a) I am not talking about statistical raw (theoretical) capacity, I am talking specifically about quality and credibility.
b) Check more recent years at world bank site even on this raw theoretical capacity, specifically the trends BD is seeing now...you are doing the opposite of improving, esp in "methodology" component :P. Why is that?

Yet refusing to accept the ESCAP assessment (which is simply as easy as ticking a box and admitting you have a deep set problem and accepting the policy recommendations and subscribing to a timeline to address it with further auditing to prove it). Its only been 6 years now....yet this simple thing not done.. Tick friggin tock.

But obviously BD has nothing to hide at all :D This is btw a huge reason why BD does not progress on corruption and institutional indices...and stays in the lower accounting standard of the IMF (GDDS as opposed to SDDS)...which leads in turn to such strange things as Bangladesh still not being listed in say The Economist magazine weekly appendix of major world economies (even though The Economist lists Pakistan and even covered an article of BD surpassing Pakistan in per capita nominal GDP due to recent Pak pop census). Something is really lacking in BD then, because Pakistan is also in same GDDS category as BD in IMF.

Thanks. BD should look to create and harness dedicated set of ministers purely on their merit with addressing business needs in concert with specific World Bank input/standards. Indian federal and state govt (esp in MH given bombay is one of two cities surveyed) put harsh deadline on various ministers to implement everything needed 1 month before the world bank submission deadline so that there was enough time for the World Bank enterprise surveying to flow back into its analysis. There is also good follow up process now using this iteration results for further improvement in the subcomponents we are still doing badly.

Competitive federalism (state vs state competition) is something starting big time in India, maybe BD needs to look into how it can also promote it (i.e not just be reliant on Dhaka, but have major hub cities and their districts compete more with each other in good way). I dont think 170 million, long term 200 million people can rely on just Dhaka and CTG....you need like 6+ cities and their major districts all competing and experimenting with policy....i.e some solid decentralisation. But of course the institutional credibility (courts, bureaucracy, finance conduits etc) needs to be addressed in systematic way with specific (transparently + 3rd party) measurable goals before this can really help....otherwise maybe more noise than help is created. I simply not sure what the incentive for BAL/BNP is to do this, BD people need to demand much much more, they cant rely on just 1 or two political parties based on emotions over delivery....because neither will seek to rock the bureaucracy boat too much given guaranteed short and mid term buffers from RMG etc.

To get economic diversification and broad base crediblity that it requires, BD needs to be churning through major reform pre-emptively right now (rather than token here and there stuff)...in preparation for graduating from LDC status in 2021 (if indeed it starts the process in 2018 which is very likely) and losing major tariff/quota advantages in many of its biggest clients in say Europe....but I am seeing mostly lackadaisical approach to it from BD....the BAL still cares more about whats good for its politics than the country economics...maybe that specific ratio is better than BNP but its still pretty bad. BD people should stop believing that their aspirations at this stage can be met by just 2 identity politics parties....again this feeds back into having more federal decentralised environment. Political "stability" was ok when you have 1 ticket (RMG) model that needs longer periods of known policymakers....to get more diverse economy, you need more diverse set of politics in play and more transparent way to harness the winning ones and let the losing ones atrophy. Even in developed economy a major traditional behemoth in say energy (a parallel to say BAL/BNP in RMG driven economy) is no good for competing/capturing internet/social media market and myriad of other new tech sectors (a parallel to more diverse future BD economy). But in end it depends on BD people to create new paradigms and shift to better system of politics and bureaucracy....even if it means losing some gains on paper (they only exist on paper after all, the added honesty and transparency is well worth it in long run).

Boy get a life

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