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Reports of Noshki FC HQ under attack

Iranis are Haramees, They does not matter to me, I am not Shia, not irani,

I am Pakistani, I was Sunni Barailvi, i learned Quran in Deobandi Maslak (Wahhabi Sect) madrsahs,
Now, i am just Pakistani, i hate all Mullah they all are gutter especially Wahhabi who more sectarian and violent. I do not like any mullah even Labaikye who are Barailvi. Same, Shia mullah who seems stupid and same gutter but less violent...

Just so u know deobandi and wahabi are totally different, they have even labelled each other kafir. Wahabi are ahle hadees in Pakistan, few in numbers and the rest SSP, TTP, haqqania, TJ are all deobandi.
Cant agree more.

Musharraf has fked up our establishment, military, civil institutions. My near and dear one was given choice between his beard or military career, he stepped aside gracefully. All you see now, as you put it, liberal pacifist garbage moving up the hierarchy.

I call these liberals a proper Azab on our country. BC poray mulk ko khasi bana diya hai.
This is the first I have heard of "liberals" as Pakistan has no liberals. We only have conservatives of different shades.

As far as I am aware, with quite a few relatives in uniform, nobody has been booted on account of a beard but the beard in or out has been a theme in the army since the 1980s. By the way, the current Corps Commander Lahore has a proper "sunnat" beard so I am not sure beard has been a big deal since the 1990s.

Lt Gen Muhammad Aziz:

Also the one officer who made a significant difference in FATA was none other than Lt Gen Tarique Khan (not a beard) who as per your definition would be considered a liberal (and as per my definition, a 10% conservative ;-)

On the other hand another beard who did wonders in KKH was none other than Lt Gen Javaid Nasir.

In summary, whether liberal or conservative, the key is to be competent on the job. I don't think this issue in Balochistan has anything to do with liberal vs. pacifist vs. conservative angle.
Having gone down the rabbit hole 3 times in Balochistan before, people in the military know that application of too much force is also detrimental and plays into the hands of Pakistan's enemies.
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Seriously dude, how you turks are dealing with these leeches? They dont mess with you lot for sure.

I am of opinion that Pakistan needs to go full mental mode in dealing with IRGC. Even tactical nuke these fkers if needed be. Caring for shia "sentiments" within Pakistan is long over.
Understanding Iran is no easy job! Lord Curzon was one of the most accomplished statesman in the British Empire; yet, he failed to fully figure out Persia*! Now, how come Iran help India/West to destabilize Baluchistan, which is pivotal to the BRI? And, seek help from the Chinese-Russian axis at the same time when their fissure with the West is peaking?? Some Persian might explain it....

*Persia and the Persian Question by Lord Curzon
**As per the Last Shah, he was undone by the CIA via a Communist-Islamist combo ops
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This is the first I have heard of "liberals" as Pakistan has no liberals. We only have conservatives of different shades.

As far as I am aware, with quite a few relatives in uniform, nobody has been booted on account of a beard but the beard in or out has been a theme in the army since the 1980s. By the way, the current Corps Commander Lahore has a proper "sunnat" beard.

Lt Gen Muhammad Aziz:
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He’s also hafiz ul Quran.
India previously extensively used Afghanistan to it's advantage to target Pakistan and continues to use Iran, UAE, and to a relatively limited extent Afghanistan to attack Pakistan while conventionally, it has also kept Pakistan occupied on it's Eastern front at LoC and IB.

It was widely reported India allocated funds to target CPEC, around 500 million dollars, and despite our excellent efforts to contain the actions, we are adversely affected by their operations. With Money, you can buy thugs, sell-outs and even common people from population.

On electronic front, leaving aside cyber attacks on by known and unknown countries, India is brain-washing masses through propaganda and false information through it's media outlets and unfortunately, more than half if not majority of people are not smart enough or wise to recognize the truth from falsehood.

In Short, we are fighting continuously on 3 fronts; a. kinetic insurgency b. conventional threat (including skirmishes from time to time) c. electronic warfare (OSINT, fake news, cyber attacks)

Currently, we are disadvantaged in all three and only our trump card fares well (Nuclear) which can only be counted or utilized in limited extent ( all-out war? etc)

Some immediate course correction steps are needed by military and political planners.
1. Aggressive Posture: Canceling all peaceful gestures with India including sharing sweets etc. Show public the resolution that we are not on good terms. I am even open to planning operations inside India despite not succeeding in operations in the past (1965, Siachin 1980s, Kargil 1999). Our strategy afterall is offensive-defence and PAF has worked well on such strategy.

2. Part of point 1, expand networks within India and especially in IoK and raise the temperature. There is little to no room to work any other way with the incumbent government of India and it's military other than to hit them back inside their territory and inflict damage. Otherwise, it is a losing game for Pakistan as we are witnessed to it until now.

3. Continue IBOs while start changing traditional information and PR. ISPR, Govt institutions need to be on offense and sharing declassified past and active current information to public including sometimes intelligence, graphical images of dead terrorists etc. We need to counter Indian propaganda with better propaganda of us. (Def of Propaganda: Propaganda is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion).

4. Invest in EW, conventional and sub-conventional warfare. Modernization is going good as of now.

5. Man up to Iran and UAE. We have good military and intelligence contacts with UAE and we need to work with them to kick out Indian operations running from there.

We will see results in both short-term and long term if we start acting on these from this moment.

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We wil get FATF ban.. If we found supporting anything in India. Internal chaos will increase due to inflation and economic constraints. India is nowadays darling anyway to the west. Just clean up the area and curb the corruption.
This is the first I have heard of "liberals" as Pakistan has no liberals. We only have conservatives of different shades.

As far as I am aware, with quite a few relatives in uniform, nobody has been booted on account of a beard but the beard in or out has been a theme in the army since the 1980s. By the way, the current Corps Commander Lahore has a proper "sunnat" beard so I am not sure beard has been a big deal since the 1990s.

Lt Gen Muhammad Aziz:
View attachment 813278

Also the one officer who made a significant difference in FATA was none other than Lt Gen Tarique Khan (not a beard) who as per your definition would be considered a liberal (and as per my definition, a 10% conservative ;-)

Pakistan have no liberals? Dude which world you are living in? This country is run by them since its independence. You can call them mental slaves if that easier to understand. Their lack of inclination towards religion, though totally personal choice, comes as a side effect of mental slavery.

Good on your relatives. Mine fought kargil, deep inside enemy controlled territory, ran courses in cherat (you should know who resides there) . He was given the choice of beard or career. Funny thing is, guy is not even a Mullah, just someone who want to lead his life in the way he chose. I am talking about height of chutiypa during Musharraf era when our state was hell bend on making us enlightened moderates. I guess you might not remember.

Gen Tariq fought a war which should have never been there at first place, had the liberal lot not dragged our country into one becuase of their mental slavery to the west.

Not many people know, the damage to the enemy nations (not fighting internal wars wars caused by own stupidity) was done by this man.


It's a different mindset. On one hand, you have those who are passive and content on fighting our wars within our borders, happy and content that our strategic depth have now shrunk inside our own territory, imposed by enemy nations. And on the other hand, you have those who find solutions to our problem within enemy territory, fighting our wars, away from our border. Unfortunately, the later are no longer decision makers.
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Understanding Iran is no easy job! Lord Curzon was one of the most accomplished statesman in the British Empire; yet, he failed to fully figure out Persia*! Now, how come Iran help India/West to destabilize Baluchistan, which is pivotal to the BRI? And, seek help from the Chinese-Russian axis at the same time when their fissure with the West is peaking?? Some Persian might explain it....

*Persia and the Persian Question by Lord Curzon
**As per the Last Shah, he was undone by the CIA via a Communist-Islamist combo ops

I think, It's a hereditary itch, to put finger in every hole regardless if there lives a snake.

Question remain, how you turks have managed to tame them? Dont have to deal with Shia sentiments at home?
I think, It's a hereditary itch, to put finger in every hole regardless if there lives a snake.

Question remain, how you turks have managed to tame them? Dont have to deal with Shia sentiments at home?
Here are my points:
  • Sultan Selim established a sort of truce with Shah Ismail. It's been holding to some extent till now.
  • Turkey has Alevi folks, who are more secular than the communists, having almost ZERO interest in religion of any sorts.
  • The Turkish nationalism supersedes everything else by an infinite margin.
  • Etc.
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Here are my points:
  • Sultan Selim established a sort of truce with Shah Ismail. It's been holding to some extent till now.
  • Turkey has Alevi folks, who are more secular than the communists, having almost ZERO interest in religion of any sorts.
  • The Turkish nationalism supersedes everything else by an infinite margin.
  • Etc.

The bold part. I wish I could see and boost the same about my people before my time comes.
We wil get FATF ban.. If we found supporting anything in India. Internal chaos will increase due to inflation and economic constraints. India is nowadays darling anyway to the west. Just clean up the area and curb the

You do know, your never going to get off this fraud FATF list . And let’s forget it that if we to play by there rules they will reward us by removing it , well forget that. This ain’t going to happen for us as no lifting fraud FAFT of Pakistan is planned by them . No point now for us crying about it , or worrying. We have enough intel to show these west why we justify our attacks on Iran snd india uae now , See and deal with the outcome we should have never had let our b astard neighbours to have gotten away with this terrorism on us
That's US three colour desert cammies

Killed terrorists’ picture clearly indicate that they are using state of the art weapons & equip. M-16s,7D rifles (foreign origin), foreign manufactured NVDs &other equipment during the operation raising serious Questions about who are providing this logistical support to them.

View attachment 813181
Oh look FN markings
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