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Report: U.S. Gives Israel Green Light to Assassinate Iranian General Soleimani

I meant to put "on the verge of", I edited it originally then removed it. They are hardly in control of their own country with terrorists running around everywhere etc. Their control of their borders is almost non existent (on Iran's side anyway). To me any government/country that has this little level of control and security cannot be classed as a functioning state.

After the murder of 75,000 of our people by foreign proxies while we were led by three ineffectual governments, we are in full control of our border, have united our people, and have effectively gotten foreign forces out of Afghanistan, while maintaining military equivalence and deterrence to a neighbor 7x our size.

Even though Arabs and West have been pressuring us to go against Iran, we have always supported Iran’s sovereignty and aided Iran during Saddam’s invasion. Currently we refuse to let others determine our policy with Iran or anyone else.

We have been your friend and ally through your most difficult times.
After the murder of 75,000 of our people by foreign proxies while we were led by three ineffectual governments, we are in full control of our border, have united our people, and have effectively gotten foreign forces out of Afghanistan, while maintaining military equivalence and deterrence to a neighbor 7x our size.

Even though Arabs and West have been pressuring us to go against Iran, we have always supported Iran’s sovereignty and aided Iran during Saddam’s invasion. Currently we refuse to let others determine our policy with Iran or anyone else.

We have been your friend and ally through your most difficult times.
Ignore my post bro.

Pakistani people in general have a favourable view towards Iran, but sadly you can see there are some rotten apples that try and act subservient to these saudis. Pakistan so far has been reluctant to get involved with saudis against Iran, that's quite commendable.
Pakistani people stand with Iranians in fact compared to the ((cucked)) Iranian diaspora in the West Pakistanis are the probably the most people who admire the Iranians and its real government not the fake *** ((Persians)) in LA

dont judge our shitty past governments and idiot sectarian tards on PDF Iran after like Turkey and China is probably the most favoured country I think Iran should be the most because we are neighbors plus culture and language we have many links with Iran relations since 1979 have been topsy turvy due to Pakistani leaders licking WASP Yankee and Petro Arab *** for too long but thats changing
what are you blabbering about? Iran is humiliating these other so called "regional players" and frankly the only reason the likes of saudi arabia etc are still around is because of the Americans protecting them. Once they leave, who will protect them?

What is there to blabber about? Don't waste my time, just look at history. Where was Iran both in greater ME and Afghansitan before the American military intervention in these regions? No where.

If it wasn't Yankees and their terrorist petro Wahhabi dictators in the ME Iran could establish Persian empire long ago... Perhaps not a phisycal empire but we could dominate all western Asian countries by our culture and since we're a oil rich country they would obey us easily. The taliban and all terrorists orgnazations in the world are actually created by Yankees and their godfather British.

Don't care about the House of Saud. They have pretty known and well established history on how they came about. That is not the argument.

Iran on the other hand, before American Military intervention in Iraq and Afghansitan, was very much inside it own shell. America broke the status quo in these regions to let you come out of your shell. And these are the facts and ground realities. Americans are very clever, they will play both sides to keep the pot boiling. Don't not for once think you lot are all that. You are nothing.
What is there to blabber about? Don't waste my time, just look at history. Where was Iran both in greater ME and Afghansitan before the American military intervention in these regions? No where.

Don't care about the House of Saud. They have pretty known and well established history on how they came about. That is not the argument.

Iran on the other hand, before American Military intervention in Iraq and Afghansitan, was very much inside it own shell. America broke the status quo in these regions to let you come out of your shell. And these are the facts and ground realities. Americans are very clever, they will play both sides to keep the pot boiling. Don't not for once think you lot are all that. You are nothing.

Iran wasn't in it's own shell. Iran had South of Lebanon Hezbollah, Lybia, Syria plus the shadow cabinet of Iraqi government inside Iran. I think it was the Pakistan in its own shell waiting for Saudis and Yankees for new order....

Iran wasn't in it's own shell. Iran had South of Lebanon Hezbollah, Lybia, Syria plus the shadow cabinet of Iraqi government inside Iran. I think it was the Pakistan in its own shell waiting for Saudis and Yankees for new order....

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Spare me the BS, Iran was nowhere before the American desert storm, with Sadaam Hussian firmly in control of Iraq and giving Iran bamboo. In Afghansitan, you were with the Farsawani lot in a rathole called Panjsher valley, before the 9/11. This is what your true influence looks like. You needed American military interventins to get out of your shell. That's about it. These are the facts.

Iran is not even the equivalent to the dirt on Pakistani shoes. Pakistan scrweed over the soviet union on its own, and did the same to America, while Iran do all the rubbish talk, "down with America" non sense.
united states actually saved iranian general.iran should end this hostility towards washington.i don't think that washington wants destruction of iran.israel have superior monitoring systems and this story might be true.washington wants truce between israel and iran and not war.united states supports israel but at the same time,they control israeli actions.israel will never attack any iranian target without american permission.i think it's time for iran to think positive and end all proxies including in syria.assad wins,iran wins.now it's time for progress,not war.israeli intelligence is well known and they actually monitor every iranian action.they believe that iran is a threat but washington wants to maintain the balance.i think irani leaders should end hostility.washington can be their best friend.
Spare me the BS, Iran was nowhere before the American desert storm, with Sadaam Hussian firmly in control of Iraq and giving Iran bamboo. In Afghansitan, you were with the Farsawani lot in a rathole called Panjsher valley, before the 9/11. This is what your true influence looks like. You needed American military interventins to get out of your shell. That's about it. These are the facts.

Iran is not even the equivalent to the dirt on Pakistani shoes. Pakistan scrweed over the soviet union on its own, and did the same to America, while Iran do all the rubbish talk, "down with America" non sense.

You guys can't even defeat terrorism in your country. End of discussion ....
What is there to blabber about? Don't waste my time, just look at history. Where was Iran both in greater ME and Afghansitan before the American military intervention in these regions? No where.


Obviously your low IQ is the problem here. Just because Iran is smart enough to use American's actions to its benefits does not mean the entire US presence in the region is something good for Iran. Like I said earlier, were it not for their protection of the saudis ranging from general support to specific supports in places like Yemen, the saudis would probably be in the history's bin right now.

Do not push your luck with big words. Not many of the Ziggurats are standing these days.

Iran has been around from thousands of years mate, unlike some it's neighbour that were created by the British a few decades ago. :lol:
Just a friendly advice dear. These dates are not from academics but from colonial story tellers and mostly approved by the Great Satan himself.

Now on the hand you can try building one right now and we shall see how far you go with that.

If there was a single pakistani pyramid in that list I am sure you wouldn't say this.
Iran has been around from thousands of years mate, unlike some it's neighbour that were created by the British a few decades ago. :lol:
Iran came about in 1924. British propagated
Islamic Iran sprang up in 1979. French propagated

Both do not make the thousands and thousands of years chapter.
If there was a single pakistani pyramid in that list I am sure you wouldn't say this.

We have one in Balochistan which is likely older than anything you got but i am certain you will be claiming that as well.
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