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Remove Narendra Modi for talks with India to progress: Mani Shankar Aiyar to Pak TV channel

What i am more interested is in knowing how Pakistani's took that statement?? Did they welcome it or laughed it out?? I mean one has to be fool to even acknowledge something like that....Congress had been in power for more than 5 decades and here is a moron saying that they will bring peace?? Also how on earth Pakistan going to help?? Are congis now planning to roap in Nawaz Sharif for election rally's :lol:??

I can understand why he said what he said...but interesting to know what is Pakistan's reaction....
Are you not used to being invited like a gentleman? I know it is hard for you to resist the Hindu mockeries, but pretend to try. :P

To be factually correct, Modi said that people were ashamed of being an Indian. :tup: Subtle 'secular' difference perhaps. :)
So Modi was ashamed before and proud now and Mani Ayyer was proud before and ashamed now?

Anyway relax man, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings!
Mani Shankar Iyer is a necessary evil. India should have such 'cuff me and make me your slave' pacifists as a proof of our diversity.

It is nothing to say about the practical approach to Pakistan though. The present government is on the right track on this subject.
Mani Shankar Iyer and his ilk are very welcome to keep doing and saying whatever they want.

They provide excellent opportune targets for BJP later in any debate regarding national security and patriotism.

They are indicative of the last desperate whore-mongering that is prevalent in INC these days....as they get stomped everywhere.

You would think INC would try to reform and reorganise and project some new ideas.....nope....they are still on full hissy fit mode over LS 2014 and Modi.
When you become a terrorist apologist obviously your Hatered for modi is going to increase.I suggest mani Shankar to help himself for his

Source: Remove Narendra Modi for talks with India to progress: Mani Shankar Aiyar to Pak TV channel
Hes not an apologist. Hes a Realist and I agree with him. That attacks are horrible carried out by in human beings whom should be crushed. But the ani islamo phobia is construct of the late decade aided by the media, the terrorists. Why?
Terrorists get more recruits with the rise of islamo phobia.
Politicians gain vote banks and segregate the undecided for their own objective.
Is the war on Terror real! Yes. And I support it and so does Mani Shankar. But that doesn't mean we are creating history and just re-acting to terrorists. The majority of terrorists are Muslim. Yes. 1 billion plus people are muslim are a great many deal live in banana republics like Somolia, Libya, Iraq, Pakistan etc... there unemployed thugs are taking up Islam's money and cause. Who is to blame? Saudi, Iran, Pakistan and even America.
What matters is that these guys exist with MONEY! whom provides the money?
Follow the money the trail of Paris leads back to ISIS. ISIS was created by Saudi Arabia. For India the LeT gets its money from Pakistani STATE!
As for Kashmir solution. The solution for LOC as the border can be done with Modi's mojority. However, the Pakistanis envy Modi but really hate him too.
So I disagree with Mani Shankar that congress will fix the Kashmir border. If they could, it would have been done.
With Modi, Pakistan can just fall back on hardcore Kashmir line, which is okay, because Modi will do the same.
Ie Bomb us, we bomb you more.
The person who support Modi is directly supporting terrorism and oppression !!!

Oppose instead of support and you have it.. But I can understand terrorist apologists and supporters getting these things mixed up.
Oppose instead of support and you have it.. But I can understand terrorist apologists and supporters getting these things mixed up.

Terrorists Apologists ??? Its very hard to find in Pakistan one but much easy in India behind hindutva mask

Bhai you are a Pakistani, the less you talk about terrorism the better

I am Pakistani but not a terrorists .... and I can talk on anything I want.
NEW DELHI: Barely had the row over his remarks on Paris attacks faded that senior Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar once again courted controversy on Tuesday by asking for the removal of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to solve the Kashmir dispute.

"Hamein le aaiye, inhein hataiye (Bring in the Congress, remove him)," Aiyar reportedly told a Pakistani TV anchor when asked about how his party, the Congress, suggests the bitter India-Pakistan imbroglio over Kashmir be resolved. "That you have to do," was the anchor's response.

The Congress, embarrassed by its senior leader for a second straight day, dismissed the row. "We haven't heard what Mani Shankarji has said, but I can say the position of our party is to have a friendly neighborhood," Congress spokesperson, Tom Vadakkan, said.

Aiyar's remarks on Modi came a day after the Congress had to do some serious firefighting in the wake of the Paris massacre. Reacting to the attacks on Friday which killed 129 people, Aiyar had called for "the anti-Islam phobia" that is being carried out in the western countries "to be stopped immediately", remarks that were seen as his endorsement of the attacks.

"The Muslims living in France should be provided with the assurance that they are also citizens of the country," Aiyar said. He also listed the American government's policy in the Middle East as one of the reasons behind the Islamic State attack in France.

In the acrimonious run-up to the general elections in 2014, Aiyar had stirred a massive row when he had mocked Modi for being a tea-seller once. "I promise you that in the 21st century, Narendra Modi will never become the Prime Minister of the country... But if he wants to distribute tea here, we will find a place for him," Aiyar had said at the All India Congress Committee meeting.

Remove Modi for talks with India to progress: Mani Shankar Aiyar to Pak TV channel - The Times of India

When you become a terrorist apologist obviously your Hatered for modi is going to increase.I suggest mani Shankar to help himself for his

Just ask these same people...Narendra Modi is in national scene for last 20 months..What has Congress done in last 67 years of Indo Pak relation...It is the Congress who messed up so partition happened..It is the poor leadership of Congress due to which Kashmir went to UN and all these non sense is happening now...So without Modi in last 67 years, What has Congress has given us?

Again, one thing for sure, although I am with Modi, i would like to see him to take bold steps in Indo Pak relations and take some steps like providing some concrete roadmap for Kashmir resolution...If also, India has to accept the UN resolution to make plebiscite, I feel Modi should go ahead and go for it...Time has come India and Pakistan and our neighourhood has to come out of the continuous enviroment of war..We have to make every effort where we will also make a good Euro like union where India, Pakistan, BD and Sri Lanka leave like normal nations rather than just talking about who has more nuclear boms than the other one....To do this, if India has to sacrifice something, I think India being a large nation in our sub continent, should go for it....
Bhai ye aajkaal ke ISIS, Al Nusra jis school ke launde hai aap log to uss school ke principal reh chuke hai :tup:

Please don't get me wrong i am just giving credit where it is due, You sholuld be proud of your achievments :-)

Acha .... tou ab aap log us hi school mein addmission le kar kya sabit krna chah rahe hain ?? :omghaha::omghaha:

Go f*** yourself with someone else
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