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Remote sensing(spy) Radar Imaging Satellite(RISAT 1) launched successfully

How come none of our good neighbours and well wishers have not congratulated us yet??

If the launch had failed, it would have been a troll-fest in here by now..

India Vs Pak: at birth, and now - 7 - *


No. of satellites launched 50 NA
Space mission (moon) Chandrayaan I NA
Major satellite system (for communication services) INSAT NA
Major satellite system (for natural resource management) IRS NA
Major Satellite system ( military purpose) RISAT NA
Launch vehicles for IRS PSLV NA
Launch vehicles for INSAT GSLV NA
Indigenously developed satellite system INSAT/IRS/GSAT/RISAT BADR

Did you see the NA under Pakistan ? so dont mind them, we have got nothing to prove to anyone except to ourselves.
great job, its done clinicly, now next job is to launch GSLV succsesfully.
India Vs Pak: at birth, and now - 7 - *


No. of satellites launched 50 NA
Space mission (moon) Chandrayaan I NA
Major satellite system (for communication services) INSAT NA
Major satellite system (for natural resource management) IRS NA
Major Satellite system ( military purpose) RISAT NA
Launch vehicles for IRS PSLV NA
Launch vehicles for INSAT GSLV NA
Indigenously developed satellite system INSAT/IRS/GSAT/RISAT BADR

Did you see the NA under Pakistan ? so dont mind them, we have got nothing to prove to anyone except to ourselves.

How come you forgot ISRO`s one f biggest project..navigation satellite system: GAGAN and IRNSS ..:angry:.its a crime..now say sorry
How come you forgot ISRO`s one f biggest project..navigation satellite system: GAGAN and IRNSS ..:angry:.its a crime..now say sorry

how about advanded tech vessel program to validate scramjet engine.
rlv program.

upcoming mars mission, heavy launch systems and much much more.
India Vs Pak: at birth, and now - 7 - *


No. of satellites launched 50 NA
Space mission (moon) Chandrayaan I NA
Major satellite system (for communication services) INSAT NA
Major satellite system (for natural resource management) IRS NA
Major Satellite system ( military purpose) RISAT NA
Launch vehicles for IRS PSLV NA
Launch vehicles for INSAT GSLV NA
Indigenously developed satellite system INSAT/IRS/GSAT/RISAT BADR

Did you see the NA under Pakistan ? so dont mind them, we have got nothing to prove to anyone except to ourselves.

i am hoping to see RazPak comments. He is the one who can't keep his hands away from keyboard if anything fails.

Where are you RazPak, any comments on this? I could just imagine what you would have done by know if this was a failed mission.

it is also funny how the same kind of argument RaZpaK, Aryan B, Hafizzz gives when asked for their anti India stands...
All maintain they were positive about india and became anti india after coming here... although they have ZERO instances to show where they supported India and almost all of their tonnes of posts are ZILCH value and propagate hate and malice only..
^^^^ forget them and enjoy the moment... and look for new things coming out from ISRO's stable
ISRO has done it again. The nation is proud of ISRO. :tup::tup::tup:

it is also funny how the same kind of argument RaZpaK, Aryan B, Hafizzz gives when asked for their anti India stands...
All maintain they were positive about india and became anti india after coming here... although they have ZERO instances to show where they supported India and almost all of their tonnes of posts are ZILCH value and propagate hate and malice only..

Forgive these clowns, they can do nothing other than this as they cannot have something like these of their own. But it is specially amusing how they rant when India successly launch Agni-V or Radar satellite.
relax boys we dont need to prove our point to anybody.
The simple stand India is we need to prosper, which can not be achieved unless our borders secured and peace in the nation.

And its well said by some one that " If You Have critics Around Rest Assured That You Are Progressing Well"
so all the troll and criticism is actually the certificate of our progress in securing our borders.
Top 10 facts about RISAT-1, India's own 'spy satellite'

New Delhi: After a highly successful launch of the Agni V, India today successfully launched its own 'spy satellite' RISAT-1. It was powered by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) from Sriharikota at 5.47 am this morning. Here are the top 10 facts on RISAT-1:

1. Weighing at 1528 Kg, RISAT-1 is the heaviest satellite ever launched by India.

bro thanks for sharing these special info. but something wrong with the first point, weight of RISAT-1 is 1858 kg and it is not the heaviest satellite launch by India but the heaviest RS sat launched by India and heaviest by PSLV. India launched much heavier GSAT-4CR and EDUSAT satellites.
Looking the past record of PSLV launch i knew this would be a succesful launch.Another feather in ISRO cap.

kudos to isro:tup:
i am hoping to see RazPak comments. He is the one who can't keep his hands away from keyboard if anything fails.

Where are you RazPak, any comments on this? I could just imagine what you would have done by know if this was a failed mission.


i guess its not a good day to be pakistani in PDF :)
... you might feel your heart burning and skin turning green in jealousy :)
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