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Remembring the Brave 24 PA Heros martyred in Somalia 5/5/1993


May 3, 2009
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Pakistan's Somalia Operation.


The U.S. Army component of UNITAF was Task Force Mountain, initially commanded by Brig. Gen. Lawson William Magruder III, the Assistant Division Commander, Maneuver, of the 10th Mountain Division, based at Fort Drum, New York. He remained in command until 22 December when the division commander, Maj. Gen. Steven L. Arnold, replaced him.

TF Mountain was built around the 2d Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, and at its peak consisted of approximately 10,000 soldiers including two infantry battalions, an aviation brigade, and division artillery and support assets. It was a sizable and effective military force that overawed the poorly armed Somali militia.

Coalition forces including large components from France, Italy, Belgium, Morocco, Australia, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Canada soon joined U.S. forces. During the course of RESTORE HOPE, some 38,000 soldiers from 23 different nations and representatives from 49 different humanitarian relief operations worked together to put food into the mouths of the starving people of Somalia.

Massacre of Pakistani troops the hunt for Aidid.

June 05 1993 (Somalia)

During an inspection of a Somali arms weapons storage site, 24 Pakistani soldiers are ambushed and massacred.

The next day, the UN Security Council issues an emergency resolution calling for the apprehension of "those responsible" for the massacre. Though Aidid is not specifically named in the resolution, it is, in effect, a call to apprehend him.

Twelve days later, Admiral Howe orders Aidid's arrest, offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to his apprehension

frontline: ambush in mogadishu: chronology

It quickly became apparent that Aideed had little respect for the new organization, the UN, or Admiral Howe. On 5 June 1993, his Somalia National Alliance forces ambushed and killed 24 Pakistani soldiers assigned to UNOSOM II. Another 44 were wounded. The following day, the United Nations Security Council approved Resolution 837 adopting a more aggressive military stance toward Aideed and asking member states for more troops and equipment.

In Mogadishu, Pakistani and Italian forces conducted heavy armored patrols throughout the city, concentrating on the areas near the ambush site. Also on 6 June, General Hoar asked the Joint Staff to send four Air Force AC-130 gunships, special C-130 cargo planes modified for direct ground support, to carry out air strikes against the Somalis. The gunships deployed on 7 June and remained until 14 July, flying a total of thirty-two interdiction, reconnaissance, and PSYOP missions in support of UNOSOM II.

Eight of those missions were combat sorties flown over the streets of Mogadishu between 11 and 17 June. As part of the initial strike against Aideed, three gunships flew over Mogadishu on 11-12 June and used their 105-mm. and 40-mm. cannons to demolish two weapons storage facilities and cripple Radio Mogadishu, Aideed's propaganda station, by destroying its transmission capability.

On 13, 14, and 17 June several additional AC-130 missions concentrated on destroying weapons storage areas and vehicle compounds belonging to Aideed and his key supporters. On 17 June Admiral Howe issued a warrant for Aideed's arrest and authorized a $25,000 reward. This only served to harden the political lines in Mogadishu.

Skirmishing between UN and U.S. elements and Aideed's Habr Gidr subclan continued, and on 12 July, in a direct challenge to Aideed's leadership, the American QRF attacked a major Aideed compound with helicopter gunships. After the raid, a hostile crowd near the compound killed four western journalists covering the action, displaying their bodies for the world to see.

Salute to our Brave Men who laid down their lives in service of the Humanity and Ensuring Global peace.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
1mn Salutes to our Brave Men . god bless them . and yes look shaheeds we forget you.no wat we never
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I remember that time---after the death of pak soldiers the american news media was bashing the pak army---pak army's incompetence---martial law's etc----

And guess what---a few days later the americans got snagged into the trap----now the media was saying how preofessional thje american troops were and all the rarara-----then guess what when the americans got stuck----who came to their rescue----the pak armour----sopme times----pay back is a bi-tch.
A very good movie on this topic was also made by Hollywood………..Blackhawk Down……though the movie revolves only around the American’s inexpugnable army’s (in)competency…….
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I remember that time---after the death of pak soldiers the american news media was bashing the pak army---pak army's incompetence---martial law's etc----

And guess what---a few days later the americans got snagged into the trap----now the media was saying how preofessional thje american troops were and all the rarara-----then guess what when the americans got stuck----who came to their rescue----the pak armour----sopme times----pay back is a bi-tch.

One of my cousin was a Captain at that time and his unit was involved in ex filtrating the Americans during that operation and he said the Americans were literally crying when we had them back and few other things also, and he said the movie made by the Americans is pure BS, they glorified their operation and soldiers, but reality was something else.
Yup salute to all the martyrs and heroes of PA. You are our heroes.

An ex Italian soldier told me about Somalia and what happended in those days.

He also told me when Pakistani troops were under ambush by the terrorists the italian contingent was near and desperately asked permission to intervene from the general headquaters but they recieved a negative call in return as the orders from Rome were to stay and watch bcz the rules of engagement were those issued by UN. 4 italian soldiers were also wounded in that ambush as they rushed into gunfight without waiting for the orders and were court marsialed later.

He said that later they were ordered to clear the zone and rescue the Pakistani contingent and take the dead bodies. He said that he was really upset and sorry for what happened, espescially bcz they were watching and weren't able do anything bcz of some meanless engagement rules.

Further he told me that at one afternoon they were travelling with a convoy suddenly they have stop bcz the militry veichles above them stoped suddenly, he was on the front with the driver, immediatly they were on alert and get on their positions to engage any possible gun fight, he was shocked when he saw the italian major who was crying in the veichle behind him bcz he had a family back in Italy and didn't want to die, seeing all this he feeled ashamed and slaped him! according to him there were many western contingent men and also U.S. men who were often crying.....what a shame for a soldier who cryies on the battle field and spescially for the commanders who are also experienced the a simple soldier like him.

He said that among the few soldiers who he really admire, the Pakistani contingent were on the TOP of his list, the way Pakistani soldiers behaved and their courage was admirable!:tup: He was really angry on how the U.S. media described that mishap and they shaped the hole story......and later when the U.S. soldiers got killed they get the right answer! These americans always want to be the heroes and underestimate everone else.....what a rude attitude by them!:tdown: At last it was Pakistani contingent which saved their A*SS!

All this makes me feel even more proud of our brave soldiers and those martyers who gave their lives for the sake of PEACE. Salute to them!:police:

Pak Armed Forces & Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:
^ and those Black Hawk Down assholes made the Pak Army look like waiters.

No they were Santris and Pak Army was which saved US Delta force and Rangers a$$;)

In our culture its hospitality to give water to the thirsty:azn:
What's a santri? And why were they wearing turbans? lol

That is called "Pagri" & usually santris from Punjab regiment wear that , its a piece of white cotton cloth which saves you from getting heat stroke in hot temperatures as well as Sandstorms & winds - ever wondered why Arabs wear the head scarf?

One of my cousin was a Captain at that time and his unit was involved in ex filtrating the Americans during that operation and he said the Americans were literally crying when we had them back and few other things also, and he said the movie made by the Americans is pure BS, they glorified their operation and soldiers, but reality was something else.


So true----there was a clip on tv news in the U S----showing american troops coming on the beach from their ship---the news caster was showing how the americans were taking charge and every civilian watching was searched and frisked by the americans---and made to lie face down---the american soldiers were acting like american cops---. They wanted to show that the americans were securing the beach head---just in one picture---a corner shot----a pakistani soldier was already standing on watch with his weapon.:cheers:

That video was so stupid
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