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Remembering failed US military operation against Iran

OW MAN !!!
Opration praying mantis !!!
i searched about it .... it was just ..... Embarrassing :confused:
yea melika i dont see the even one good reason to
talk and reason with you you are not a truthfull person
you msut know that in navy, the thing that is more important than the ships, is air support but we didn't have a good air support so we were "F"ed , but there was a bigger failure for USA , once they were supporting Kuwait with 4 great fully armed ship and when many journalist were showing the us naval power to the world suddenly the Kuwait ship was explode and then the usa ships hide next to the ship that was sinking ! they thought that iranian missles destroyed it, but it was sea mines that just 2 boats put them in the sea ...! they did it because imam khomeini told them : STOP it. he said that and the US naval power was "F"ed in that day, i will show you the pictures of that day in future . now i have calculus class. for 4 hour bye bye
I don't believe in that, but I do believe that the righteous will always end up victorious. Those who try to harm other beings always end up falling on their ***.

The United States is no different than a man with a drug habit. The drug user will get a high for a very short period of time, but he will end up feeling **** 10 times over after a certain period, and this will continue until he destroys himself. The US never tried to help humanity after it became a super power. All it ever did was dictate, destroy and kill to please itself like a short sighted drug user.
you msut know that in navy, the thing that is more important than the ships, is air support but we didn't have a good air support so we were "F"ed , but there was a bigger failure for USA , once they were supporting Kuwait with 4 great fully armed ship and when many journalist were showing the us naval power to the world suddenly the Kuwait ship was explode and then the usa ships hide next to the ship that was sinking ! they thought that iranian missles destroyed it, but it was sea mines that just 2 boats put them in the sea ...! they did it because imam khomeini told them : STOP it. he said that and the US naval power was "F"ed in that day, i will show you the pictures of that day in future . now i have calculus class. for 4 hour bye bye

Thank you for proving that Iran was extremely and is still is hostile to us. And thus our worry against Iran is extremely justified as well.
whats the deal with you guys ?
when ever you dont want to keep the conversation on
you just start to talk sh.it !!!

khafesho bisharaf. Hala karet bejai reside ke dari az ye wahabie haroom zade defa mikoni? Hey az in thread mire oon thread faghad zere moft mizane.

2 rooz omade inja, sab khoone shode. To asan ino mishnasi?
khafesho bisharaf. Hala karet bejai reside ke dari az ye wahabie haroom zade defa mikoni? Hey az in thread mire oon thread faghad zere moft mizane.

2 rooz omade inja, sab khoone shode. To asan ino mishnasi?

khafesho bisharaf. Hala karet bejai reside ke dari az ye wahabie haroom zade defa mikoni? Hey az in thread mire oon thread
translation : shut up baster.d now your defending a SOB wahabi ? your moving from this thread to that thread
faghad zere moft mizane.
translation : only talking shi.t.
2 rooz omade inja, sab khoone shode. To asan ino mishnasi?
Translation : your here only about 2 days and acting like host . do you even know who he is?

1. i dont care who he is iam here only for answers and coversation . if he says the truth whats the diffrent ?
2. if you are telling the truth please please show me the truth iam just lost with this kind of thouths !!!
3. and if you have any thing to say please in english so others undertand it as well
I'll bet everything in my bank account that you're an Afghan. The fact that you're living in Mashhad is even more proof.

What's wrong, lived in Iran for 2-3 decades and you still aren't a citizen so you wanna take it out on actual Iranians?
I'll bet everything in my bank account that you're an Afghan. The fact that you're living in Mashhad is even more proof.

What's wrong, lived in Iran for 2-3 decades and you still aren't a citizen so you wanna take it out on actual Iranians?
yea first of all iam not afghan
2nd you started to talk sh.it again because you dont want this conversation to keep going
3rd surely you are a muslim , dont you know betting is haram ?
4th why your tune is allways rude? arent you civillaized?
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