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‘Remarks on Prophet India’s internal matter…why should we instigate?’: Bangladesh Minister Hasan Mahmud

‘Remarks on Prophet India’s internal matter…why should we instigate?’: Bangladesh Minister Hasan Mahmud​

“First of all, this is an external issue (for Bangladesh). This is the issue of India, not of Bangladesh. We don’t have to say anything,” Mahmud said at an informal interaction with a group of visiting Indian journalists in Dhaka late on Saturday evening.​

This BAL govt should grow balls to criticize India. It is a ball-less party that can say only yes to whatever India does, domestic or external.

Why not send a protest note to the govt of India? Whenever something happens to Hindus in BD, India always shows displeasure at that and protests. Why not Bangladesh under this BAL govt?

‘Remarks on Prophet India’s internal matter…why should we instigate?’: Bangladesh Minister Hasan Mahmud​

“First of all, this is an external issue (for Bangladesh). This is the issue of India, not of Bangladesh. We don’t have to say anything,” Mahmud said at an informal interaction with a group of visiting Indian journalists in Dhaka late on Saturday evening.​

Written by Monojit Majumdar | Dhaka | Updated: June 12, 2022 8:43:49 pm


Bangladesh Information and Broadcasting Minister Hasan Mahmud.

The controversy around the insult to the Holy Prophet is India’s internal matter, and the government in Dhaka need not respond to it, the Information and Broadcasting Minister of Bangladesh Dr Hasan Mahmud has said.

“First of all, this is an external issue (for Bangladesh). This is the issue of India, not of Bangladesh. We don’t have to say anything,” Mahmud said at an informal interaction with a group of visiting Indian journalists in Dhaka late on Saturday evening.

Mahmud congratulated the Indian authorities for having taken action in the matter, and said that he would not “ignite” the issue further.

Asked whether the silence of Dhaka at a time when over a dozen Muslim countries and the 57-nation Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have protested or issued statements of condemnation against the remarks about the Prophet by two former spokespersons of the BJP did not compromise the position of the Sheikh Hasina government domestically and in the Islamic world, Mahmud said:

“We are not compromised in any way at all. We strongly condemn any insult to the Holy Prophet whenever and wherever it happens. But the Government of India has taken action, and we thank them for it. We congratulate the Government of India. Now the law will take its course.”

The insult to the Prophet is not much of an issue in Bangladesh, the Minister said. “So why should I instigate, why should I ignite the issue? Has it not got enough attention (already)? My job is not to ignite,” he said.

There were some protests by Muslim groups in Dhaka on Friday, including one outside the city’s main mosque. Thousands of Muslims protested across several Indian states as well, and two died of bullet injuries in Ranchi, where police fired in the air.

Opposition parties and Islamist groups in Bangladesh have attacked their government’s failure to criticise the Narendra Modigovernment even when the name of the Holy Prophet has been dragged into controversy.

The Bangladesh government has, however, remained firm on its refusal to be provoked; on Friday, Mahmud, who is also a senior office-bearer of the country’s ruling Awami League, had warned in a party meeting in Gaibandha in northern Bangladesh that strict action would be taken against anyone creating “unnecessary confusion or incitement”, local media reported.

“We do not tolerate offending any religion and if anyone tries to create chaos in this country over the incidents of other countries, it will be controlled with iron hands,” The Daily Star quoted the Minister as having said.

In Dhaka on Saturday evening, Mahmud was also asked about the comments made from time to time against alleged Bangladeshi “infiltrators” by senior political figures in India. He replied that these leaders may have their domestic political compulsions, and that Bangladesh was not too worried about their statements.

“Because of domestic politics they may have said… Politicians say many things for reasons of domestic politics. We don’t ask for explanations, we understand… We don’t need to give attention to them,” Mahmud said.

The relationship between Bangladesh and India has reached new heights under the leadership of Prime Ministers Hasina and Modi, the Minister said. He expressed his gratitude to the people and the government of India for standing with Bangladesh during the country’s war of liberation in 1971.

“The soldiers of India shed their blood for the people of Bangladesh. You (India) opened your doors and your hearts to our people. The relationship between the peoples of Bangladesh and India was born out of the ashes of war and forged in our blood. We are indeed blood brothers,” he said.

While some challenges remain, and there is much ground to be covered still to realise the full potential of trade and communication links between the two countries, the “Modi government has always been supportive of Bangladesh in all respects”, Mahmud said.

Asked about the long delayed Teesta water-sharing agreement between the two countries, and whether that might impact the planned visit of Prime Minister Hasina to India later this year, the Minister said: “On Teesta, the problem is the provincial government (of West Bengal), not the central government… So the PM can visit India even if Teesta is not yet done. But I hope the issue will be resolved. We want the problem to be resolved. That it has not been resolved so far is not because of the central government (of India).”

Indira Gandhi should have said the same in 1971.
Like Pakistan is split between pti liberal munafiqs(islamic touch) ,ppp haramis,shareef traitors and muslims. Average ruling elite of today in muslims nation is like this bangladeshi minister ,far from Any love for the religioun but Total loyalty towards their foreign masters.
Aren't you the same guy who opened a thread about brown clean shaved kaffir men? :lol:
All of you are idiots..

No idea of geopolitics or how the world works..

Indian journalists asked him this loaded questions and he replied as any neutral party should.. he played his role as a minister, which is what all of you are missing.

The man and the post are entirely different, everything he says has to be cleared with the government when relating to topics such as these.

All of you are chimping out as If it's his personal opinion as an individual rather than the opinion of the ministry and the Bangladeshi government; which is what it was.

Vast difference between the two.

As for the Punjabis jumping around in this thread using it as a guise to express some of their deep seated hatred of Bangladesh and Bengalis (just look at the insulting and downright racist responses {shows you the general upbringing of such people and a culture that doesn't value etiquette}), you lot of shameless hypocrites have no right to talk about Islam and the duties of Muslims.

Please, stop embarrassing yourselves.. aiding and literally abetting genocide of Muslims in Myanmar by supplying the military junta with weapons, fully knowingly that the junta is carrying out the open extermination of Muslims in Burma is what the height of spinelessness looks like.

The so called saviours of Islam are ironically the worst Islam has to offer, go figure.
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All of you are idiots..

No idea of geopolitics or how the world works..

Indian journalists asked him this loaded questions and he replied as any neutral party should.. he played his role as a minister, which is what all of you are missing.

The man and the post are entirely different, everything he says has to be cleared with the government when relating to topics such as these.

All of you are chimping out as If it's his personal opinion as an individual rather than the opinion of the ministry and the Bangladeshi government; which is what it was.

Vast difference between the two.

As for the Punjabis jumping around in this thread using it as a guise to express some of their deep seated hatred of Bangladesh and Bengalis (just look at the insulting and downright racist responses {shows you the general upbringing of such people and a culture that doesn't value etiquette}), you lot of shameless hypocrites have no right to talk about Islam and the duties of Muslims.

Please, stop embarrassing yourselves.. aiding and literally abetting genocide of Muslims in Myanmar by supplying the military junta with weapons, fully knowingly that the junta is carrying out the open extermination of Muslims in Burma is what the height of spinelessness looks like.

The so called saviours of Islam are ironically the worst Islam has to offer, go figure.

I know you and I got off on the wrong foot.

But this is an excellent intelligent response.

Maybe we can be friends after all?
I know you and I got off on the wrong foot.

But this is an excellent intelligent response.

Maybe we can be friends after all?

Ha, we'll have to see about friends but I'm always open to exchanging views in a civil manner.. it's why we're all here,.. well some of us anyway (you know who aren't).
Why should BD comment on an Indian internal issue?

Separating state and religion is the only way to progress in this world - countries that cannot do so never move into the modern world.

India is setting itself on fire and BD can only watch and try to limit the blowback to itself.
I think u must have advised prophet Muhammed.

What do u do for a living....oh never mind...insignificant
Ha, we'll have to see about friends but I'm always open to exchanging views in a civil manner.. it's why we're all here,.. well some of us anyway (you know who aren't).

I will always reach out to those who want Bangladesh to develop.

Best way to demonstrate that is to focus on jobs and economy like a laser.

And don’t be ashamed to acknowledge that BD is a geopolitical Pygmy. And thank Allah for that!

It means we don’t have to get involved in other peoples’ spats!

I love Hasina because she gets that 100%!
Dude, the reality of how far behind that Pakistan will be behind both BD and India will HIT YOU LIKE A TON OF BRICKS by the mid-2030s.

Pakistanis will no longer be able to hide behind the fact that rest of S Asia is 3rd world like them then.

You would still be insignificant even then and Indians would still call you termites even then

Nothing would change
Dude, India is already realising that BD is an economic equal to it. Realise what is happening now in 2022 and thus is not 2012.

By 2035 BD will have built up an advantage in GDP per capita over it and far richer than the areas of India that surround it.

Pakistanis will be left wondering what went wrong since 1947 then.

No actually they call you termites. Facts

And have built concentration camps for its Bengali speaking Muslims calling them illegal Bangladeshis

Now you can do anything about it? Obviously no. See? Termites
Dude, the reality of how far behind that Pakistan will be behind both BD and India will HIT YOU LIKE A TON OF BRICKS by the mid-2030s.

Pakistanis will no longer be able to hide behind the fact that rest of S Asia is 3rd world like them then.
This is too far in the future to predict. While the macro economic indicators may not favor Pakistan today, a lot can change in a decade. It is also very optimistic to assume that India or Bangladesh will not hit a slump in the next decade :unsure:
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