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Featured Remains of 215 children found at former indigenous school in Canada

we no longer engage in such attrocities, we are reconciling with the tribes of the victims of past generations, and please excuse us for having risen in our current generation to the point where we allow people to advertise for petition-signing on our streets and squares to hopefully prevent such suffering in the now and future where-ever it may pop up in the world.
your source doesn't contradict mine.

Chinese men and women both don't marry out much but Chinese men are as likely to be interracial as South Asian men.

2006 was before kpop exploded and even then Korean men are equally likely to be interracial as South Asian men.

So what's your problem?

According to the American census bureau

162 Pakistani men were with white women

18 Pakistani women were the opposite

1060 Indian men were with white women

325 Indian women with white men

706 Chinese men with white women

946 Chinese women with white men

Pakistanis are conservative so we don't marry out much but its almost 3x more Pakistani men with white women than reverse in both numbers and percentage

Chinese women but numbers and percentage heavily marry out more than Chinese men

Kpop is feminine and not cool for any body
the Chinese government’s claim that Tibet has been part of China for around 800 years isn't supported by the facts.

Tibet was not ruled by the Chinese government prior to the 1950 invasion. In 1912, the 13th Dalai Lama - Tibet's political and spiritual leader - issued a proclamation reaffirming Tibet’s independence and the country maintained its own national flag, currency, stamps, passports and army. It signed international treaties and maintained diplomatic relations with neighboring countries.

From a legal point of view Tibet remains an independent state under illegal occupation, a fact that China wishes it could whitewash from history.
Meanhwile ,whole world acknowledged and never questioned Tibet was part of china even in 1942,so who's calim isn't supported by facts?
The stereotype of Koreans is feminine, short height, small size downstairs, antisocial, no personalities and nerdy generally
I just wanna add some facts ,since your delulu self is denigrating asian race.\

1.You don't have to be hairy gorilla & macho to be manly,manliness is determined by personality and too much macho is sign of stupidity and unattractive to female species.

2. Even Chinese are already taller than all of south Asian,Koreans are even taller than Chinese in average,your ignoramus claim of Koreans being small or" small-sized" is ridiculous.East Asians are tallest species in Asia.




Hes talking about Canada which means hes talking about these statistics

Also even your stat doesn't mention Pakistanis nor is it remotely updated either

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BTS performs before 96k fans therein that's larger than figures for any artist(white/ black) in history of CA,and you claim asians aren't popular in such region?

4.Your so called small eyes,flat face and pug nose Koreans are definitely very popular compared to your kind ,nobody likes gorrila big eyes,or strong horse face or big nose.No plastic surgeon would recommend that. Attractiveness is determined by shape and design and complementary angles not massive eyes or strong face shape .

5.Just because asians are into their own kind of girls while rest of male species are obsessed with superior asian women and poaches asian's girls at a lvl asians themselves would never bother,doesn't mean asian men are falling behind in appeal.Non asian men gladly courts leftover asian women .

For ,the twitter,tumbler,Instagram the most popular topics and tags are all about asian celebs(mostly korean,with some Chinese /japanese in between) and artist with females of all ethnicity spazzing and hyperventilating over them and writing millions of sexual fanfics . Nearly every girl in the world now only have Asian boyband posters according to research done research done by OKCupid .
Nobody really fangirls over Leonardo di caprico,brad pitt anymore everyonee fangirls about bts or some korean actors or some Chinese actors like xiao zhan .
You sound mad because your white cacausiod overlord isn't popular as they once were when East asia was too poor to project their own soft power appeal .

Y'all aren't even in same league,as those koreans in soft power and appeal.
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The difference between Canada and certain other countries is that Canada doesn't shy away from its horrific past and teaches about it in schools, so that the next generation can make sure these events never occur again.

Other nations are content to pretend that the ethnic cleansing they're committing doesn't exist.
And memes with emojis in them are the ultimate truth.
I just wanna add some facts ,since your delulu self is denigrating asian race.\

1.You don't have to be hairy gorilla & macho to be manly,manliness is determined by personality and too much macho is sign of stupidity and unattractive to female species.

2. Even Chinese are already taller than all of south Asian,Koreans are even taller than Chinese in average,your ignoramus claim of Koreans being small or" small-sized" is ridiculous.East Asians are tallest species in Asia.

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BTS performs before 96k fans therein that's larger than figures for any artist(white/ black) in history of CA,and you claim asians aren't popular in such region?
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4.Your so called small eyes,flat face and pug nose Koreans are definitely very popular compared to your kind ,nobody likes gorrila big eyes,or strong horse face or big nose.No plastic surgeon would recommend that. Attractiveness is determined by shape and design and complementary angles not massive eyes or strong face shape .

5.Just because asians are into their own kind of girls while rest of male species are obsessed with superior asian women and poaches asian's girls at a lvl asians themselves would never bother,doesn't mean asian men are falling behind in appeal.Non asian men gladly courts leftover asian women .

For ,the twitter,tumbler,Instagram the most popular topics and tags are all about asian celebs(mostly korean,with some Chinese /japanese in between) and artist with females of all ethnicity spazzing and hyperventilating over them and writing millions of sexual fanfics . Nearly every girl in the world now only have Asian boyband posters according to research done research done by OKCupid .
Nobody really fangirls over Leonardo di caprico,brad pitt anymore everyonee fangirls about bts or some korean actors or some Chinese actors like xiao zhan .
You sound mad because your white cacausiod overlord isn't popular as they once were when East asia was too poor to project their own soft power appeal .

Y'all aren't even in same league,as those koreans in soft power and appeal.
First of all, only 6 year old girls like Kpop

Second of all, I didn't say Asians are short. The black and white girls in the video said so.

The average height for Pakistan is 172 cm but Pakistan is in desolate poverty

Most Pakistanis in Britain and in western countries are 175 cm


Also can you name me 1 Asian guy in the western world who is popular. For example in the American or British media with girls?

Can you name me 1 Asian guy with 1 billion followers on his list like Zayn Malik?


Can you name me 1 famous adult white woman or famous black woman married to an East Asian man?

Just Pakistan alone has more famous celebrity western women married to Pakistani men

Imran Khan and Jemima Goldsmith


Princess Diana and Hasnat Khan


Britney Spears and Adnan Ghalib


Pakistani guys without surgery look good but poverty holds them back.

I would never want to look like a plate face, down syndrome face. Even your best looking guys are odd looking. Forget about your average crowd.

Id prefer Imran Abbas type looks


Even our watermelon sellers have better looking faces than your plastic male barbies

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  • punjabi-salwar-suit.jpg
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The difference between Canada and certain other countries is that Canada doesn't shy away from its horrific past and teaches about it in schools, so that the next generation can make sure these events never occur again.

Other nations are content to pretend that the ethnic cleansing they're committing doesn't exist.

And memes with emojis in them are the ultimate truth.

Can you show us the scalp of the Native Indians handed down from your family's ancestry?
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the only ones currently engaging in genocide justification/cover-up are the Chinese.
and the Turks.

you just like to blame the west for everything that's wrong in the world.
and you do so with completely baseless unproven claims
You can't hide your bloody hands anymore. The whole world accuses you of atrocities. Now that China has the power, we will bring you to trial, condemn you and hang you high!
First of all, only 6 year old girls like Kpop

Second of all, I didn't say Asians are short. The black and white girls in the video said so.

The average height for Pakistan is 172 cm but Pakistan is in desolate poverty

Most Pakistanis in Britain and in western countries are 175 cm


Also can you name me 1 Asian guy in the western world who is popular. For example in the American or British media with girls?

Can you name me 1 Asian guy with 1 billion followers on his list like Zayn Malik?

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Can you name me 1 famous adult white woman or famous black woman married to an East Asian man?

Just Pakistan alone has more famous celebrity western women married to Pakistani men

Imran Khan and Jemima Goldsmith

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Princess Diana and Hasnat Khan

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Britney Spears and Adnan Ghalib

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Pakistani guys without surgery look good but poverty holds them back.

I would never want to look like a plate face, down syndrome face. Even your best looking guys are odd looking. Forget about your average crowd.

Id prefer Imran Abbas type looks

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Even our watermelon sellers have better looking faces than your plastic male barbies

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Man we getting real childish here. Let's get real, most Pakistani men don't look like that. I know it, you know it. Many Pakistani men are skinny, short and look 50 in their 30s. They look tired of life, defeated and resigned. No abs, no muscles, no swag. You know this is true, just remember your own parents.

Chinese and Korean men in their 30s still have abs, muscles and are just starting their lives. I could say more but out of consideration for forum rules, I'll leave the descriptors here.

Anyhow for your question:

Daughter of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Jessica Rudd:


Social media influencer Jessica Stegner and Steven Pan:


Twitch star STPeach and Jay Chae:


Actress Jennifer Newman and Grant Imahara:


But you know what's the best thing?

Chinese and Koreans don't need to be rich politicians, athletes or businessmen to pull white women like Pakistanis.


just regular people. Don't need to be cricket players.

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Man we getting real childish here. Let's get real, most Pakistani men don't look like that. I know it, you know it. Many Pakistani men are skinny, short and look 50 in their 30s. They look tired of life, defeated and resigned. No abs, no muscles, no swag. You know this is true, just remember your own parents.

Chinese and Korean men in their 30s still have abs, muscles and are just starting their lives. I could say more but out of consideration for forum rules, I'll leave the descriptors here.

Anyhow for your question:

Daughter of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Jessica Rudd:


Social media influencer Jessica Stegner and Steven Pan:


Twitch star STPeach and Jay Chae:

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Actress Jennifer Newman and Grant Imahara:


But you know what's the best thing?

Chinese and Koreans don't need to be rich politicians, athletes or businessmen to pull white women like Pakistanis.


just regular people. Don't need to be cricket players.


The irony of you calling Pakistanis skinny and short when every Asian guy you posted with a white female looks smaller and skinnier than the white females they're with. All the Pakistani guys I posted with white females are taller and bigger looking than the white females and Princess Diana is close to 6 ft for a woman. Jemima Goldsmith was 5 ft 8. The white females you posted are all 5 ft 5 and the Asian guys still look more feminine and smaller in your photos

Also for the record

Adnan Ghalib is a taxi driver and Britney Spears is a multi platinum artist. Princess Diana was the queen of England and hasnat khan was an average road person. Imran Khan was a cricketer but Jemima Goldsmith was a banking dynasty woman. Most Pakistanis have way more swag than East Asian guys. Can you post me 1 street video of "which race wouldnt you date videos" of white females saying they prefer Asian guys in America or Canada?

All the girls you posted are nobodies compared to the white women I posted.

Heres average road opinion in the UK of white females on the road

There is two guys who get the most hate in Britain

East Asian guys and Somali guys

Pakistani and Jamaican guys get the most likes

Almost all the MMA, boxing and grime music is ran by Pakistanis in the UK

This is a UK MMA poster of 30 year old Pakistani men and 30 year old white British men

Not only are Pakistanis more leaner than you. As you can see, so many are in the heavyweight classes and look as big as any normal British Jamaican or white boy in the photos. All the East Asian guys you posted look smaller than the white females you posted

Look at this poster, all Pakistanis in the superwelter weight to heavyweight division.

The East Asian guys here never make it to heavyweight size nor are good either.

Solid-Impact-Operation-Takeover-poster (2).jpg

I never see East Asian guys anywhere in Europe nor America

Chinese and Korean men have abs and muscles in their 30s? Lol they're all skinny and small. They don't even have abs and muscles in their 20s

This is Pakistani military boys



Also the average Pakistani males penile size is 15.25 cm according to Richard Lynn a study of 113 countries

The average Korean man has a 9 cm erect penile size.

The average Pakistani has a size 3 inches larger than a Korean, 2 inches more than a Chinese and Japanese.

This is why so many white females love Pakistani boys in the UK and hate East Asian guys. Even the East Asian guys you posted look smaller and weaker looking than the white women they're with in those photos.

Richard Lynn stats


This is a British dating show called "is love racist"

Pakistani guys got 3rd on the show and East Asian guys were last place

East Asian guys are always complaining that no white woman likes them because they're small, weak with small penile sizes, no swag, nerdy. Whether in America or Britain or Canada.

I've never seen a Pakistani guy complain about not getting white females. They have brothels in the UK with white females by the millions. Even skinhead white females like Tommy Robinsons leader of the EDL cousin Jeannette was with a Pakistani.

You can walk on any average sidewalk and 98% of white females will either date Pakistani guys or black guys. 98% of white females wouldn't go near a East Asian guy in the UK. Most East Asian guys are small, skinny, weak, feminine, and have small penile sizes. The smallest in the world. Most white females are too big for East Asian men.

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The difference between Canada and certain other countries is that Canada doesn't shy away from its horrific past and teaches about it in schools, so that the next generation can make sure these events never occur again.

Other nations are content to pretend that the ethnic cleansing they're committing doesn't exist.
You are promoting Canadian ethnic cleansing against Asian Canadians and making excuses for it. Already tens of thousands of Asian Canadians have fallen victim to Canadian ethnic cleansing going on right now:

You are promoting Canadian ethnic cleansing against Asian Canadians and making excuses for it. Already tens of thousands of Asian Canadians have fallen victim to Canadian ethnic cleansing going on right now:

I'm doing what now?

Years ago, I talked about racism, people like you told me "their country, their rules".

I don't want to hear anything from people like you on this forum suddenly jumping on this band wagon.

Asian canadians aren't being ethnically cleansed, what a ridiculous statement to make, one that reeks of propaganda and personal agenda.

This is what I hate about certain members on this forum, you all are using racism issues to push your own agenda instead of actually addressing racism itself.
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Can you show us the scalp of the Native Indians handed down from your family's ancestry?
Removing the emojis and making your font bigger doesn't make you right either.

Seriously, fail after fail. I suggest stopping right here.
Man we getting real childish here. Let's get real, most Pakistani men don't look like that. I know it, you know it. Many Pakistani men are skinny, short and look 50 in their 30s. They look tired of life, defeated and resigned. No abs, no muscles, no swag. You know this is true, just remember your own parents.

Chinese and Korean men in their 30s still have abs, muscles and are just starting their lives. I could say more but out of consideration for forum rules, I'll leave the descriptors here.

Anyhow for your question:

Daughter of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Jessica Rudd:


Social media influencer Jessica Stegner and Steven Pan:


Twitch star STPeach and Jay Chae:

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Actress Jennifer Newman and Grant Imahara:


But you know what's the best thing?

Chinese and Koreans don't need to be rich politicians, athletes or businessmen to pull white women like Pakistanis.


just regular people. Don't need to be cricket players.


Not only are white females not interested in East Asian guys. Neither are East Asian women interested in Asian guys. This is why 90% of them run away and date nerdy little white boys in the UK. Even when I went to America and Australia. All the white girls were saying Asian men were small, petite, weak and so were the Asian women too.

It doesn't matter whether you go to Slavic countries

Or in America

Even on shows like Steve Harvey, your chinese men have to read books on "how to date white women"

Also everybody knows you Asians are skinny

Pakistanis just have to walk outside in the UK and thousands of white females like us. Only Jamaican black guys do better than us.

First,BTS fans that create record breaking concerts are mostly 20 29 and 30-39 age group.And kpop is just one part of K orean softpower,it's their drama industry that's equally impressive.
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Secondly,some random video means moot as fact,I wouldn't even bother looking at that in western supremacist society,stats and figures are different thing.

And the average height of pak definitely 167 cm,if you pick some small region to claim avg height is 172 cm than there are regions in countries like china where avg height is 177 cm.

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BTS has more followers than the 1D member.
Your Zayn malik is a western pop star,and a byproduct of One direction,western popstars always gains huge followers because of the reach of western music ;by your logic ,blacks must be the most ideal ,because black pop stars, has some of the largest followers in sns due to western pop influence.
Your man hasn't even filled a 10 k arena on his own.

I wouldn't even bother with the receipt floating around.Tragic ,how you relate the relevance of your kin to matrimony with your cacausiaod overlords;what make you think that any wealthy and attractive East Asian men will go for Western women in marriage? korean even has a term "horse women" reserved for white women.Rich and well of East Asians are so particular about ,marriage,genetic trait and family.

You will not even be able to look like Korean stars even with millions of ps ,so no point of saying it?can you?
No amount of surgery can fix south asian/european/black face. They have to be born with reedemable qualities for that.
Your kins should have done magical ps(which celebs already do) and destroyed hallyu wave if it was about some ps,for PS are just bonus perks.

FYI ,these most popular korean actors globally and are all-natural .
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If so , your man should've been globally popular superstar not korean celebs.
But in reality your man is a watermelon seller nobody cares about while BTS and such are global superstar will millions of fans..and your man may be perceived as a typical asylum seeker from ME /Islamic states with unappealing traits .

In your alternate reality,females from Korea and whole world should've been stanning and worshiping your Pakistani.
But in reality your female worships Korean celebs ,that's the difference.
Karma is fair,imagine the arrogance and self-aggravation if Pakistani was actually popular globally like Koreans. They live in little bubble created by their western cacausioid overlords.

You keep saying females. Literally all the females you're mentioning play with dolls still. Pakistanis just need more western exposure. Zayn Malik is just average looking for us. Dozens of Zayn Maliks in Pakistan

If you let white females judge based on average tik tok users

Milana Coco reaction to average Pakistani boy tik tok

Milana Coco reaction to average chinese boy tik tok

She rates us higher than the Russian guys she saw on tik tok and way higher than the East Asian guys
I never heard of Pakistani MMA or boxing. Must be mostly unsuccessful losers.

How about some actual high ranked Pakistanis in UFC like Li Jingliang, Korean Zombie or Song Yadong?

Anyhow since you think YouTube videos, Steve Harvey and Richard Lynn are reliable (as if Pakistani men have 50% different penis than Indians despite Pakistanis being genetically indistinguishable from Indians) there's not much left to say. We don't operate on the same IQ level as Richard Lynn says.

It's hilarious that you're furiously googling YouTube videos and shit trying to refute me and shit.

Yes they're distinguishable from Indians

There is 43 million Pashtuns in Pakistan, 32 million Baloch, 19 million Sindhi Baloch, 5 million Kashmiris

India has 2% of Punjabis and thats it.

Literally 60% of Pakistanis are Iranic people

Also you never heard of a Pakistani in boxing? Hamzah Sheeraz is the WBO European champion right now. Amir Khan is a 3 time world champion who has beaten 13 world champions. Kash Farooq is the WBA champion right now in Europe.
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