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Reloaded Arjun Killed At Birth?


Apr 4, 2012
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As the Arjun Mk.2 rumbles at the Pokhran field firing range (the prototype is understood to have arrived there on May 10), warming up for user trials from the first week of June, a combination of factors may have killed the tank at birth.

First, the trials in June will test the following performance parameters of the tank: acceleration, turning radius, stab performance, ergonomics, static fuel consumption, cruising fuel consumption, tilt driving. The trials will also involve firing of primary and secondary ammunition, consistency and rate of fire, firing at night using thermal imagers, and of all new equipment. The prototype does not have the mine plough as depicted in the CAD image above.

Consider the following facts:

* The Army has already begun to speak unofficially about the Arjun Mk.2 (in the coming days, you'll see reports about this in newspapers), talking of how trials may take as long as the protracted trials on the Arjun Mk.1, including comparative trials. This only means one thing -- the Army already has its mind made up, and we saw what that meant with the Mk.1. The changes the Army has asked for on the Mk.2 include several major modifications and offensive capabilities and extensive additions. This doesn't augur well for timely delivery. According to information supplied to Parliament, the Arjun Mk.2 is to begin deliveries in 2015, costing Rs 37-crore per tank. The blacklisting of IMI, a technology partner in the programme, has only made the Army more nervous.

* The Army wants the DRDO to get on with the FMBT programme. Legacy opposition to Project Arjun has boiled down to abject disregard for anything pertaining to the programme -- and perceptions that transacting on a programme that was commissioned just after the 1971 war is plainly foolish.

* As I'd indicated earlier, I can now confirm that a Russian delegation, which included officials from Uralvagonzavod and Rosoboronexport met with the a team from the Army's Mechanised Forces at Sena Bhawan in the second week of March this year. The scheduled meeting was to present information about the T-90MS that was to be unveiled at the Defexpo show a fortnight later. The meeting was a casual one -- the inviduals involved have met many times before on the expansive T-90 transactions. My sources tell me that it was conveyed at the meeting that if India chose to license-build more T-90s, the cost of transferring any additional technology would be waivered. The offer is a direct hit at the Arjun Mk.2. The upcoming trials also came up at the meeting. The Russians are understood to have offered to assist in the Indian FMBT project (and is in talks separately with DRDO about this) and that it was time to let the Arjun go.

* It is a fact that the Army has already told the Department of Defence Production that it will not expand its existing indent for 124 Arjun Mk.2s, as it does not need more heavy tanks. The Arjun Mk.2 is over 60 tons. This has been taken up even at a personal level by the Army's DG Mechanised Forces with Minister of State for Defence, MM Pallam Raju. The DRDO has said that any order below 500 tanks (in a mix of Mk.1 and Mk.2) makes Project Arjun a dead loss. This is precisely what it is likely to be, which is why products based on the Arjun chassis (bridge-layer tank, self-propelled artillery) or Arjun turret (Tank-X) are being pushed too. A total of 248 Arjun Mk.1/2 tanks in Army service is the maximum the programme can hope for.

Livefist: Reloaded Arjun Killed At Birth?
Another BS sensationalised article by Mr Aroor. He has time and again got it wrong when it comes to Indian defence procurement programs. He bet on the EFT for MMRCA after "inside information"- either his "inside informer" is lying/wrong or he is making it all up (most likely). He really is an amateur and this comes out in his reporting (especially his televised pieces!).

AFAIK the IA as ordered 248 Mk.I and 124 Mk.II to date. There is also the likelihood of the DRDO's SPG being based on the Arjuni turret as will the bridge laying and recovery vehicle variants.

Once again he is trying to sell us a crock of **** based on his personal bias and flawed logic.
Im not sure how accurate our dear Shiv is about his inside info..Let us see what he has put here

Point 1: Mk1 was all but the first product, it had difficulties with a lot of things but saying the trials will be as protracted as the Mk1 there is nothing to suggest for Mk2 is an Improvement and not a new development.

Point 2: How will DRDO learn from user feedback when they cant even have a decent number of tanks in service.. how will they add the experience in the FMBT, Army has either acted a B**** or DRDO has screwed up Arjun badly.

Point 3: No comments might be true to sell a tank which they themselves do not use..

Point 4: I simply do not understand why the number was restricted to 248 and why the Army give a spec for Mk2?? IS our defence and R&D orgs going crazy.. what the hell is Saint Antony doing?
It has been proved that Arjun is good then why cannot MoD force it down Army's throat? Indigenous products start crude mostly, they are refined overtime, is it so hard to understand! God help these goons!

Lastly, I don't believe Shiv and his inside info..
It can be said now as a fact that as far as defense industry is concerned we have more trust for imported material (T-90 in this case) than our indigenous product (MBT Arjun). Actually other countries are more in favor of our product than we are (some news that Columbia is interested in Arjuns). I can say for sure if it was possible to sell LCA, Arjuns, Brahmos etc. to Pakistan they would have taken it at once but not our own armed forces.:angry::angry: How can than we achieve the 70% indigenisation target when we don't have the will for it.
A first: Foreign interest in Arjun tank - Hindustan Times

As per the above link we are reluctant to export high tech military equipment & our military is reluctant to buy it than where the hell our defense manufacturers go:hitwall::hitwall:
I don't think it's true. Still wait and watch.
Army is impressed with mark 1 so most likely they will get mark 2 too. Last I heard about the mark 2 trials was good but army want some modifications and few extra changes. So if they don't want to buy it they will just say NO. Why the hell they keep DRDOs hands busy ???
I don't think it's true. Still wait and watch.
Army is impressed with mark 1 so most likely they will get mark 2 too. Last I heard about the mark 2 trials was good but army want some modifications and few extra changes. So if they don't want to buy it they will just say NO. Why the hell they keep DRDOs hands busy ???
Where did you hear about mk2 trials?
I don't think it's true. Still wait and watch.
Army is impressed with mark 1 so most likely they will get mark 2 too. Last I heard about the mark 2 trials was good but army want some modifications and few extra changes. So if they don't want to buy it they will just say NO. Why the hell they keep DRDOs hands busy ???

army is not happy with the weight of Arjuns, where Mk 1 was 58.5 tonnes Mk 2 is greater than 60 tonnes, also its power is 1400 HP whereas in the FMBT army has stated a requirement of 1800HP, clearly army seems more interested in T-90s than Arjuns, than why we blame DRDO for everything.
see the link below for details on FMBT

Lets give the benefit of the doubt to Mr Shiv.. and take it that the IA is very unhappy.
What will happen next? will the Arjun be scrapped? or just bought in small numbers like its airborne counterpart the Tejas(although more successful)?
Is there a possibility to do a JV with Russia on the rumoured black eagle??
army is not happy with the weight of Arjuns, where Mk 1 was 58.5 tonnes Mk 2 is greater than 60 tonnes, also its power is 1400 HP whereas in the FMBT army has stated a requirement of 1800HP, clearly army seems more interested in T-90s than Arjuns, than why we blame DRDO for everything.
Dude please get your facts right, the tanks was meant to be that heavy.. also the ground pressure is what matters and Arjun is excellent in that area only 0.84 i guess.. anyone can correct me if im wrong..

Lets give the benefit of the doubt to Mr Shiv.. and take it that the IA is very unhappy.
What will happen next? will the Arjun be scrapped? or just bought in small numbers like its airborne counterpart the Tejas(although more successful)?
Is there a possibility to do a JV with Russia on the rumoured black eagle??
Oscar, on Arjun a better source would be Ajai Shukla... all the contradictions so not fit in. There is something very wrong in the case of Arjun.. conflicting reports are abound and I don't want to give a benefit of doubt to a guy like Shiv..
Where did you hear about mk2 trials?

I do have long ears :D
( I have better ears than Shiv :D )
I can't tell you in specific but I can tell you one thing this trial ( actually pre trial check )was good and definately wasn't a failure. You will read it in few weeks in News or DRDO press release after the test :D
Lets give the benefit of the doubt to Mr Shiv.. and take it that the IA is very unhappy.
What will happen next? will the Arjun be scrapped? or just bought in small numbers like its airborne counterpart the Tejas(although more successful)?
Is there a possibility to do a JV with Russia on the rumoured black eagle??

If the Arjun project is scrapped at least DRDO would have gain a good experience with Arjuns which can be utilized in the FMBT project. Also i am of the opinion that army will give orders for at least 500 Arjun MBT(of course because of pressure from the MOD:)).
I do have long ears :D
( I have better ears than Shiv :D )
I can't tell you in specific but I can tell you one thing trial was good and definately wasn't a failure. You will read it in few weeks in News or DRDO press release :D
That is awesome, you know what when I have heard reliable people talking in forums that Arjun is one heck of a Tank, the army claims otherwise.. god knows what is happening.. Shiv is sometimes a moron..
How can somebody give result before test...

He is talking about the weight and power requirement and all the other logics which don't need the actual TEST :D
It's covered in Pre-test checks. Actual test is yet to take place

That is awesome, you know what when I have heard reliable people talking in forums that Arjun is one heck of a Tank, the army claims otherwise.. god knows what is happening.. Shiv is sometimes a moron..

It's not only Shiv. IA or some people in Indian army don't like Arjuna even when it outrun and outgun T90 in past test (mark 1)
So they just start the feel bad mill.
The result of actual test will shut them up. So wait :D and watch.

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