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Religious circumcision of kids a crime - German court

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Buddy in UK it is no problem, I can't speak of all of Europe but in England everyone is equal the UK Gov even provide funds to Sikh and Hindu schools from Tax payers paisa.

Not cool....thats why I see France as our role model.
Segregation based on faith in childhood is another reason why UK is going to face more problem in future.

That is not true as the ISKCON school in Harrow permits children from other religious background and bear in mind it is top ranked with really high GCSE results for the students.
None of your concern what Jews do to their children. It is commandment from G-d in Judaism. Not some idiot judge.
Not every god's commandment worth adhering. There are gods which commanded their people to kill and enslave the jews. We dont have to agree with everything god says. :)
Tell me PteX, if a Sikh insists that he carry his Kripan ( dagger) to an airplane as it is his religious right (it is) , will you allow that in Israel.
You're comparing carrying a knife to cutting the foreskin of a child for religious reasons? Was the foreskin replaced with a machine gun?
None of your concern what Jews do to their children. It is commandment from G-d in Judaism. Not some idiot judge.

It's our concern because those babies doesn't have the intellectual ability to take such decision. So every religious argument is subject to this common sense. You don't have the right to molest your children and then come up with all kinds of fairy-tale based arguments.
That is not true as the ISKCON school in Harrow permits children from other religious background and bear in mind it is top ranked with really high GCSE results for the students.

But its still a faith based school.
That is not true as the ISKCON school in Harrow permits children from other religious background and bear in mind it is top ranked with really high GCSE results for the students.
I would rather have children of all faith getting education together than have good GCSE scores. Whats the use of such score if it ends in 'broken britain' ?

You're comparing carrying a knife to cutting the foreskin of a child for religious reasons? Was the foreskin replaced with a machine gun?
Right, so your god's commandment is important, whereas other god's commandment is trivial.
Nobody is comparing them, will you accept both then?
None of your concern what Jews do to their children. It is commandment from G-d in Judaism. Not some idiot judge.

If you go to foreskin restoration forums, you see a lot of Jews talking about how they feel they were violated.
You're comparing carrying a knife to cutting the foreskin of a child for religious reasons? Was the foreskin replaced with a machine gun?

Cutting of foreskin is the religious reason for Jews/Muslims and carrying Kripan is the religious reason for Sikhs..but no where in the world Sikhs are allowed to do carry Kripans to airplanes and Sikhs till hadn't made an issue out of it.
Not cool....thats why I see France as our role model.

Religious schools do better in exams compared to normal state schools so as a parent where would u like to send your children? bear in mind the religious schools must be equal and teach about all world religions.
It's our concern because those babies doesn't have the intellectual ability to take such decision. So every religious argument is subject to this common sense. You don't have the right to molest your children and then come up with all kinds of fairy-tale based arguments.
That is your opinion, you can babble about molestation but circumspection has been around longer than you and Germany.
They won't outlaw it.
I would rather have children of all faith getting education together than have good GCSE scores. Whats the use of such score if it ends in 'broken britain' ?

Right, so your god's commandment is important, whereas other god's commandment is trivial.
Nobody is comparing them, will you accept both then?

Why would you say it would result in Broken Britian? the ISKCON school in Harrow permits all backgrounds and is a award winning place now if u compare that with state schools you will see that students achieve higher marks in Religious schools.
Cutting of foreskin is the religious reason for Jews/Muslims and carrying Kripan is the religious reason for Sikhs..but no where in the world Sikhs are allowed to do that and Sikhs doesn't made an issue out of it.
Comparing knives to penises... You can't see the flaw in your logic?
That is your opinion, you can babble about molestation but circumspection has been around longer than you and Germany.
They won't outlaw it.
There are many old practices which have been outlawed, why should this be any special?
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