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Religious circumcision of kids a crime - German court

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Yes, under EU law - I don't think any EU nation can make religion specific laws.

but then what about vaccinations? do they decide if they wish to get it later too?
so does this apply to JEWS too? because jews also do it apparently....

they should make it compulsory FOR ALL to circumcise! it is the same thing as getting injection at birth! YOU can't say let him decide if he wants to get vaccinated at 18!!! can you?

Use some common sense! Getting circumcised or not does not harm the child, not getting vaccination may kill the child.

Now with this ruling they are active with their anti-sementism card in Germany.

Getting injection at birth or getting vaccinated is an medical neccasity that helps the child to stay alive and fight the diseases and doesnt removes any natural part of body.

umbilical cord is also a prt of body then! why remove it keep it stuck to you till 18
umbilical cord is also a prt of body then! why remove it keep it stuck to you till 18

That is a medical neccasity. that cord is not an organ or is part of body. It is a pipe to get feed from mother. If they do not remove it, it will automatically dry out at its own but may also can cause infection to the baby.
Götterdämmerung;3111974 said:
Use some common sense! Getting circumcised or not does not harm the child, not getting vaccination may kill the child.

we just accepted that it gives you UTI and all! so it does HARM a child! now you use some common sense!!
Are you dor real Aryan B?
Can u pls provide us a link tht circu... actually prevents AIDS??
if any thing the Gland will be better exposed to the virus when in the reproductive organ of a female... dont believe in everything U read... try to reason it too bud ;)

hence delayed ejaculation ;)
when penis is erect and it enter its target the foreskin will be retracted and the glans will be in complete contact with female secretion , but the difference is after intercourse , then the foreskin again will cover glans and provide a wet, warm and sheltered environment for germs to penetrate the skin and multiply there .
Actually that is also not an issue since it todays age everybody can wash themselves everyday properly.
As I said - the court is doing what is its job to do. It sees the welfare of the child without being blinded by religion. In any court of law - the right of the child is more important that of a parent imposing their religious beliefs on the child. If it was an Indian court - I doubt such a ballsy decision would be taken.
Well, both above arguments do not hold here. cutting umbilical cord is a medical neccasity and baptising does not do any irreversable damage or changes into a childs body. Once a child is an adult, it can change his belief the way he likes. But he cannot undo his circumcision.

Again, I am not trying to suggest in or against favour of circumcision just trying to correct arguments.
as a matter of fact cutting umbilical cord is not a necessity , but as a medical doctor I suggest you to cut the umbilical cord
by the way its called lotus birth
The Lotus Birth Campaign
Lotus Birth
Adults circumcision is not objected anywhere. Like in zimbabwe they are doing this:-

Zimbabwe Lawmakers Get Circumcised in AIDS Fight :: EDGE on the Net

Can somebody do vasectomy of Pakistani lawmakers so that they cannot buy multiple womens?

but as a medical doctor I suggest you to cut the umbilical cord
by the way its called lotus birth

So why do you suggest to cut that? and it that a natural organ of baby and that if not cut, baby will have it for his whole life?
Circumcision of an adult male is the real crime...

Whoever disagrees is obviously not either an adult or a male.
as a matter of fact not everybody

Atleast it does not holds in Germany.

And those who cannot afford to wash themselves daily, I doubt they will get it done under proper care, unlike barbers in Pakistan who use one knife for whole town without sterilizing it.
If parents don't have the rights to circumcise their boy then I think they shouldn't have the right to name their children either. That too goes against the freedom of personal choice, and too lasts for life for most people.
If parents don't have the rights to circumcise their boy then I think they shouldn't have the right to name their children either. That too goes against the freedom of personal choice, and too lasts for life for most people.

No, any ault can change his name. It is possible and it doesnt removes any part of childs body against his will.
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