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Religious circumcision of kids a crime - German court

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Circumcision is not a persons choice, because a baby doesn't have the intellectual ability to make such choice.
the child also don't have any say in his birth ?
in case that some one is minor and is not capable to decide for himself its his / Her Guardian duty to make the decision .

Legal guardians doesn't mean that they have right to disfigure the child's body.
the why they have the right to cut the umbilical cord , I assure you by doing so the child will lose more blood than by doing circumcision , in circumcision the first thing we do is to ligate the only artery that give blood to the foreskin , and we only loose several drop of blood
Well done, next should be baptising little babies. That, too, should be forbidden because it's an infringement of the right of the child. People should decide what faith they choose when they are mature enough and not forced upon them when they are unable to decide for themselves.
The the head of the penis is not exactly skin. It's similar to your eyes, it is sensitive and on an intact person it appears to be smooth and wet. Like the eye, it has a cover to protect it's sensitivity.
all the researches shows that there is no difference between sexual pleasure in circumcised and not circumcised persons , but there is a significant difference in the rate of UTI between these peoples
Well, both above arguments do not hold here. cutting umbilical cord is a medical neccasity and baptising does not do any irreversable damage or changes into a childs body. Once a child is an adult, it can change his belief the way he likes. But he cannot undo his circumcision.

Again, I am not trying to suggest in or against favour of circumcision just trying to correct arguments.
never knew foreskin makes the genital less immune.

Still, no circumcision.

This thread has me more disturbed than any gore violence movies. :bad:
Maybe not this decade, but eventually, after the Second World War is out of the minds of the new generations, they will.
and by doing so they'll manage to move it from certificate medical facilities to underground non-medical ones . don't forget its a procedure that in old day was done by barbers
Actually, they way currently these circumcision s are mostly carried out, is pretty brutal. For example, see this video of some Dr. in India:-

This even sounds a bit gentle but in rural Pakistan,, Nayee or hair dressers do this,, without any anesthesia..... and after cutting they just put ashes on it.

Didn't have the balls to watch this video fully.
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There are 2 sides to every coin. Is the medical procedure safe? Yes, it is. However, I can understand a court ruling that a baby or a child can't be tattooed - if that is disfigurement, so is circumcision. By theory - a court's job is to uphold universal rights even if itgoes against the grain of religion. But this is a legal landmine. I guess both the court as well as the parents are right. I really am stumped on who to side with - but if I was on the jury, I would slant towards the court and let the kid decide at perhaps 16 or 18.
such decisions will help develop relations btw muslims and jews
Well, both above arguments do not hold here. cutting umbilical cord is a medical neccasity and baptising does not do any irreversable damage or changes into a childs body. Once a child is an adult, it can change his belief the way he likes. But he cannot undo his circumcision.

Again, I am not trying to suggest in or against favour of circumcision just trying to correct arguments.

Physical harm are as bad a psychological harm. To indoctrinate a child with a religious belief has long term implications into the adult life. I'm the lucky few to have grown up in a secular and liberal family. I have many friends who, although left the church, but are still haunted with feelings go guilt. Some of them even became occultists. :sick:
Well, both above arguments do not hold here. cutting umbilical cord is a medical neccasity and baptising does not do any irreversable damage or changes into a childs body. Once a child is an adult, it can change his belief the way he likes. But he cannot undo his circumcision.

Again, I am not trying to suggest in or against favour of circumcision just trying to correct arguments.

I think it is actually possible to undo circumcision through foreskin restoration. I doubt most circumcised people would believe it is worth the effort tough and I am not sure how effective its is.
I think there is no harm if an adult decides to get circumcised by a qualified doctor under proper hygeinic conditions.

Doing this to under age boys by barbers should be forbidden, everywhere, including Pakistan.

I think it is actually possible to undo circumcision through foreskin restoration. I doubt most circumcised people would believe it is worth the effort tough and I am not sure how effective its is.

Maybe it is possible somewhat way. But I dont think the skin can be fully restored in its original shape.

But the question in the court was, should parents be allowed to interfere with their childs body on any grounds other than medical neccasity?
so does this apply to JEWS too? because jews also do it apparently....

they should make it compulsory FOR ALL to circumcise! it is the same thing as getting injection at birth! YOU can't say let him decide if he wants to get vaccinated at 18!!! can you?
so does this apply to JEWS too? because jews also do it apparently....


Now with this ruling they are active with their anti-sementism card in Germany.

so does this apply to JEWS too? because jews also do it apparently....

they should make it compulsory FOR ALL to circumcise! it is the same thing as getting injection at birth! YOU can't say let him decide if he wants to get vaccinated at 18!!! can you?

Getting injection at birth or getting vaccinated is an medical neccasity that helps the child to stay alive and fight the diseases and doesnt removes any natural part of body.
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