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Reliance Jio announces made in India 5G network

Here it is from horse's mouth.

actually many ppl dont understand... In hardware plate-form 5G is just an incremental update for which with enough investment and off the shelf tech buy existing infra of 4G can be upgraded in quick time, but the real jump from 4G to 5G are software solutions which are much harder to optimise...

JIo has deep pockets of Reliance which gives it plenty of buying power to quickly adapt hardware inputs and in house software R&D which is second to none...

From what it seems once in India 5G spectrum is allocated JIO will shortly become one of the biggest 5G provider if not the Biggest provider of 5G services ...
I say one of the defining moments of Indian economy a Made in India 5G open doors for India to leapfrog in digital age will immensely benefit Indian masses and economy in long run.

Union of India Establishment will not let Privatisation of the Defense Sector and Licenses will be Given after seeing the Track Records !!!!

You look into 'to' and 'will' when companies sign MOUs for investing here Google is buying a stake in Reliance Jio...

Union of India Establishment is not thinking about Providing Transponders to any Country because of the Current Ongoing Situation. National Emergency is placed in Union of India.

United States of America is Under Continuous Cyber Attacks because of the European Cyber Cells and Chinese Cyber Cells. This is even one of the Reason that Union of India Citizens who are going to United States of America are seeing that burden and are being attacked by Cyber Cells.

Union of India Establishment has studied the Pattern of these Cyber Attacks inside United States of America and has already placed a Mechanism to stop United States of America type of Cyber Attacks inside Union of India.

What is this nonsense. How can it be made in India 5G? Which 5 technology chip etc does reliance has invented.Even America is struggling to manufacture all 5g parts.

Inside Union of India Chip Making Technology is Good there and thats why Union of India Establishment has decided to Restrict Wireless Technology such as Bluetooth; Car Locking Technology etc and has Limited Wireless Technology as well as Chip Making Technology.

If any Union of India Citizen is trying to bring these Technologies from Aboard that is even Violation of Union of India Establishment Law !!!! Union of India Establishment Develop Own Technology with Own Solutions !!!


We have US & EU struggling to keep up with China and create their own 5G ecosystem and here come the Indians with their usual nonsense.

Union of India Establishment League is Different !!! Indians Avoids Nonsense and even Dont Listen others Nonsense !!!
What is this nonsense. How can it be made in India 5G? Which 5 technology chip etc does reliance has invented.Even America is struggling to manufacture all 5g parts.

There is no Sharing of Technology on 5th Generation Technology between United States of America and Union of India !!!!!
At least you don't see Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bengalis coming up with this type of absolute crap.

Indians are a different breed.

Indians are Ins of Hindu Civilisation !!! Humans comes in Seeds/ Nufta !!!!!

India claims to have invented internet 1000 years ago, why are they still at 5G?

Those were Very Interesting Debates between Religious and Irreligious Debaters !!! Human Communication with Angels/Istun/Ishu in the Ancient Hindu Civilisation by the Aryas and the Arabs !!!! Again the same Holy Scriptures !!!!


Were you not the Indian diplomat in Scandinavia that got tortured and went insane?

No !!! I was in the Baltics !!!!
When the worlds 6th richest person says something, it will, going to happen no doubt he has money and leading tech companies in his side, so he can achieve what he wants, and also help other poor countries in neighbourhood, Remember India has the cheapest Internet rares in the world and the poor is able to afford it.
When the worlds 6th richest person says something, it will is going to happen no doubt he has money and leading tech companies in his side, so he can achieve what he wants, and also help other coutries poor countries in neighbourhood, Remember India has the cheapest Internet rares in the world and the poor is able to afford it.

Money cannot buy tech.

What Indians are surely capable of is re-branding 2G as 5G. All you have to do is flip the 2 to get to 5. :rofl:
Money will get you a finished product not Tech. No one is going to sell their hard earned tech for a few dollars.

You need to invest huge amounts of money into R&D to create Tech.

Or you can buy out the whole company with the patents and IPs, like Lenovo did with IBM Thinkpad, and Motorola Mobility. Both Nokia or Ericsson is not outside the realm of acquisition or acquiring majority stake.
Union of India Establishment will not let Privatisation of the Defense Sector and Licenses will be Given after seeing the Track Records !!!!

Union of India Establishment is not thinking about Providing Transponders to any Country because of the Current Ongoing Situation. National Emergency is placed in Union of India.

United States of America is Under Continuous Cyber Attacks because of the European Cyber Cells and Chinese Cyber Cells. This is even one of the Reason that Union of India Citizens who are going to United States of America are seeing that burden and are being attacked by Cyber Cells.

Union of India Establishment has studied the Pattern of these Cyber Attacks inside United States of America and has already placed a Mechanism to stop United States of America type of Cyber Attacks inside Union of India.

Inside Union of India Chip Making Technology is Good there and thats why Union of India Establishment has decided to Restrict Wireless Technology such as Bluetooth; Car Locking Technology etc and has Limited Wireless Technology as well as Chip Making Technology.

If any Union of India Citizen is trying to bring these Technologies from Aboard that is even Violation of Union of India Establishment Law !!!! Union of India Establishment Develop Own Technology with Own Solutions !!!

Union of India Establishment League is Different !!! Indians Avoids Nonsense and even Dont Listen others Nonsense !!!

So much hard work at trolling.
Or you can buy out the whole company with the patents and IPs, like Lenovo did with IBM Thinkpad, and Motorola Mobility. Both Nokia or Ericsson is not outside the realm of acquisition or acquiring majority stake.

Its best not to waste time with the false flagger. It has plenty of time to waste because it has no basic brains.

Creature literally doesn't understand how anyone got anywhere tomorrow compared to yesterday.

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