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Relationship with mutual consent cannot be termed rape: SC

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If something becomes common, does it also become legal or permissible?
Did half the country went to the court admitting their crime?
Did Allah say just punish them only when they are less in numbers?
by the way where did you gets your stats of exact 50% for urban and 10% for rural?

The context of case matters and the judge doesn’t initiate complaints. It is public prosecutor that does so.
Zina is now as common in Pakistan as drinking coffee(and has been to an extent, just not out in the open as such).
Will you lash half of the urban population and 10% of the rural one?
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Now this is a stereotype as well.

Virginity is not difficult to figure out if you know a thing or two about a woman's biology. Yes, bleeding is not a solid criteria but it make assessment easier.
You seem to have a lot of experience in this field :lol: Or are you a gynecologist ?
Well if by birth hymen is absent or a girl lost it by doing some athletic exercises like cycling then there is no way one can determine virginity.That so called finger test by using a wax by doctors is also bullcrap.That just shows how tight she is not how virgin she is :D .And these days its quite common and easy to buy a hymen surgery which will even make sunny leone virgin :lol:
I hope someday our society will become open minded ,get rid of stereotypes and start respecting women by not doing such harassing tests and expecting too much from them.
Well, she stayed with in physical relation over a year without being forced so that means she consented. I hope proper Islamic hadd is implemented on both of them for their own benefit and for the society otherwise we are moving towards destruction. Both the Zani and Zanyia should be administered the full punishment.
It is still rape since it was done by fraud.

Knowingly committing an immoral act and SIN just because an offer of marriage is on the table is not fraud.

Only Morally Weak or with Low Moral values would call it fraud.
If something becomes common, does it also become legal or permissible?
Did half the country went to the court admitting their crime?
Did Allah say just punish them only when they are less in numbers?
by the way where did you gets your stats of exact 50% for urban and 10% for rural?
Look at combined honor killings and abortion rates for rural along with court cases. Urban is easy to see if you aren’t burying your head in the sand.
I am not burying my head anywhere, a person only sees what's around him and then creates an image of the society based on his own experience. To be honest, I came across only one single person (not a friend, a 54-year old senior colleague in the office) in my whole life who used to openly brag about it, and since he was a habitual liar, I never took him seriously. Maybe the friends I kept came from good homes and were raised by GOD fearing parents and were not into this kind of activities or if they were, they kept it to themselves. Based on my personal experience I think hardly anyone except whores and kids raised on haram ka maal engage in pre-marital sexual relations, but then I neither claim to know 220 million Pakistanis nor to be an expert on changing social behaviours.

But all that aside, regardless of if one Pakistani is doing it or all 220 million Pakistanis, Allah's laws do not change, so your argument about how many you want to/can punish is flawed. If you confess a crime in a court while trying to wrongfully accuse another person (also a partner in the crime) of a very serious and seriously punishable crime, then a warning is a joke. A person wrongfully accuses another of a crime, should get the same punishment as the accused if the crime can be proven and in this with the addition of the crime (Zina) that she confessed to.

By not punishing them both for Zian and her for the wrong accusation, the judge has made a joke of himself, the court and the judiciary system in Pakistan.

Look at combined honor killings and abortion rates for rural along with court cases. Urban is easy to see if you aren’t burying your head in the sand.
Seriously guys how can you say she got raped?
In the western world many men and women get dumped and relations finish after a few weeks, so many engagements get broken after a few weeks, people have bf and gfs but still cheat on them with other people, people say I love you one minute and then say I hate you the next, people get married and divorce after a week. Nobody considers it a rape unless you force yourself on her despite she says no and then rape her.

Rape is a very serious crime which destroys a person for life. Definitely a criminal act. Accusation of false rape is also a great crime.

I agree the guy is a scum for using her for over a year but she enjoyed herself too. She should have said marry me first and then you can have me.
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There is no forced sex in nikah. What are you talking about! Please read translation of surah buqrah and nisa.

The woman gives consent by signing nikah. She cant refuse. Thats Allah's will not mine.
Signing nikkah is not license of forced sex i.e treating your wife in a sexually demeaning manner i.e dragging her on bed whenever you want irrespective of her mood , sickness or tiredness . Would you enjoy it if your partner forced you into something? Men should recognise the honour , dignity and respect of women as well before behaving like animals

read this


3. Men and our society justify the act under the banner of religion;
This is another reason why marital rape isn’t perceived as a crime. Many people justify it using verses about how angels curse a woman all night if she refuses physical intimacy with her husband. However, it needs to be noted that no religion allows for physical abuse against women, and no religion asks women to endure such torture.

4. Doctors have reported numerous cases where women have come in with injuries and complications as a result of marital rape
Vaginal tears and infections are amongst the most common complaints registered. Most women are advised a rest period of six to seven weeks before they can engage in sexual intercourse again, but their husbands refuse to comply.

6. The laws against rape were amended in 2007 to allow marital rape to be considered as an offense, but no cases have been reported so far.
Rape was defined as the act of forceful sexual intercourse with a woman other than a man’s wife, in the legislature. Although the clause ‘other than a man’s wife’ was removed in 2007, there have been no known reported cases.
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