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Reject Bollywood/Lollywood and such Media


Oct 20, 2008
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United States

Bismillah Rahman Rahim

To my fellow Muslims,

We must return to the Quran!

Why is it we purchase, accept, indulge in the Kaffir material and Media culture of the Kaffirs our sworn enemies. The people who hate us, the people who endeavor to deride our religion and our Prophets, the people who endeavor to undermine our Nation and our people, the same kaffirs who are hellbent on our destruction. Yet we continue to purchase and/or indulge in their films, their music, their art all sweeped up by the glitzy images of Hollywood/Bollywood/Lollywood and other Kaffir trashy Film Industries.

When will we Muslims wise up and understand the CONSUMPTION OF SUCH THINGS IS HARAM!!!

Look at what Bollywood and Hollywood is doing to young girls and boys. The messages in these films tell young girls it's okay to be a whore, okay to dress indecently and immorality, it's okay to drink alcohol, okay to have free sexual relationship, and that homosexuality is NOT IMMORAL but COOL!

Why Do we Muslims, allow our sisters and our daughters to consume such trash and GARBAGE! While they spend 4 hours watching a Hindu Bollywood Film with sexual content they Spend no time reading the Quran!!!

We Must say, enough is enough! We must reject this garbage, we must prevent this garbage from sweeping into our Nation. We must say NO!

To All my fellow Muslims who also Reject this Kaffir Media Keep up the RESISTANCE Bismillah!
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First of all Pathetic Rap in the video and the guy is thinking he is 50 cents.:rofl:(He won't even get 50 cents for that rap:lol::lol:)Expected video which shows Pakistani film industry's frustration.

Pakistan can't reject Hollywood/Bollywood/Lollywood and other Kaffir trashy Film Industries because a large number of Pakistani population is earning their bread and butter from piracy of these films. Infact Pakistan itself is the hub of piracy.Go to BBC and read about how Pakistan is a hub of piracy.

Indian films are officially banned in Pakistan. Still you guys steal our films(piracy) and then watch. Pakistani government don't take action against these people. Why?:mod:

Let me put another point as far as sexuality is concerned if Indian films spread sexuality, immorality,consuming alcohol and having free sexual relationship then what does Pakistani Mujra videos spread???? Pakistan is the most sex starved country, Shows Google Trend Statistics.

Last thing the actors shown in the video are Indian Actors not Muslim actors. We are proud that these are our stars.Shahrukh and Salman read holy Quran as well as worship Lord Ganesha everyday.

Another one huh, first of all that was not a "rap" more like poetry, in fact Muslims have used this art form of poetry to express ideas...Silly Indian:disagree:

"Let me put another point as far as sexuality is concerned if Indian films spread sexuality, immorality,consuming alcohol and having free sexual relationship then what does Pakistani Mujra videos spread???? Pakistan is the most sex starved country, Shows Google Trend Statistics."-blackcat

All of that is Haram too, no matter where it comes from! Also your claim is false, and you provide no evidence whatsoever, typical Indian game. Just like you don't provide any substantial proof for your accusations that Pakistan was behind Mumbai attacks 2008....Again :disagree:
Mujra are also banned but some asshole corupt people absuing it also? Just like Loolywood movies. But no one watch these **** in familes etc.. they are known to be vulgar it is black market. But I am ashamed to say Bollywood movies are now watched in famlies :( and i dont see anyway to stop it :( I must admit this besharam gandi war Indians have won. They always used muslim to do dirty movies. Look all old movies also, all those bitchs that were doing dirty stuff were either muslim or christians, like parveen booby etc.. and now it continues with man. Look that Fardin Khan all his movies are full of sex. And they say they are muslim no wayy

Now you've played right into my hands...:disagree:

In fact thanks for that post. This proves my EXACT POINT that Kaffir culture is poisoning the people of Pakistan and the so called "Muslim World"...Therefore making it even more important to "Destroy and Reject Bollywood" and Kaffir culture. In fact, I don't mind if you Indians want to watch your trashy, repulsive movies, but it is not okay here. Silly boy think again...
Piracy is bad. A1Kaid, if you these films are against your values, don't watch them. Don't ask for some sort ban. Get people to stop watching their nonsense.
Piracy is bad. A1Kaid, if you these films are against your values, don't watch them. Don't ask for some sort ban. Get people to stop watching their nonsense.

Sir I do not watch these films normally, I have seen them before though, but I am not the "audience" of these films. The fact is these videos are poisoning the culture, the values, and traditions, and the dignity of Pakistan and Pakistanis. These Bollywood Films are already Illegal, but the police have not enforced the ban effectively. Not only is it a piracy problem, but a cultural problem as well...:tsk:

Also I don't really care if Hindus or Christians or other religions wish to watch such films, they can go ahead and consume all the sin they want in the meanwhile. I believe they will have to answer to Allah ultimately.

The fact is this is poisoning Muslims minds, therefore it impacts me because it impacts my community, therefore I will respond to this issue.
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Sir I do not watch these films normally, I have seen them before though, but I am not the "audience" of these films. The fact is these videos are poisoning the culture, the values, and traditions, and the dignity of Pakistan and Pakistanis. These Bollywood Films are already Illegal, but the police have not enforced the ban effectively. Not only is it a piracy problem, but a cultural problem as well...:tsk:

Also I don't really care if Hindus or Christians or other religions wish to watch such films, they can go ahead and consume all the sin they want in the meanwhile. I believe they will have to answer to Allah ultimately.

The fact is this is poisoning Muslims minds, therefore it impacts me because it impacts my community, therefore I will respond to this issue.
Convince them not to watch it.

I think bollywood movies are less of a socio problem than are those saas bahu thi type soaps which have a huge audience in pak. I personally don't watch all these movies because I think they are sub-standard. Lollywood movies are also gaining some ground, with movies like Khuda ke liye, Ramchand Pakistani, etc.

Of course the people who watch these movies really don't have much of a cinema standard anyway. But hey to each his own. If it's destroying our culture, I don't think its so weak that some stupid movies would do it. I think we were always a behind the doors promiscuous society. Just that with the advent of mobile video recorders and youtube, its now all out there.

I think parents need to be educated on how to raise their children better. These days kids are not taught poems in preschool days but are marveled at when they sing the latest song. I remember the chahiya chahiya phase, every girl wanted that doll that could dance to chahiya chahiya.

Parents should use their better judgment as to at what age is it okay to allow their child to watch a hindi movie. Seriously they expose them to these movies with violence, rape and sex scenes (which are there in our movies too).

So to sum it up, I think your approach is wrong to target JUST bollywood movies. You need to approach the Parents, and its the parents job to raise better Pakistanis, and better Pakistanis mean Hindus, Christians and Muslims.
Convince them not to watch it.

I think bollywood movies are less of a socio problem than are those saas bahu thi type soaps which have a huge audience in pak. I personally don't watch all these movies because I think they are sub-standard. Lollywood movies are also gaining some ground, with movies like Khuda ke liye, Ramchand Pakistani, etc.

Of course the people who watch these movies really don't have much of a cinema standard anyway. But hey to each his own. If it's destroying our culture, I don't think its so weak that some stupid movies would do it. I think we were always a behind the doors promiscuous society. Just that with the advent of mobile video recorders and youtube, its now all out there.

I think parents need to be educated on how to raise their children better. These days kids are not taught poems in preschool days but are marveled at when they sing the latest song. I remember the chahiya chahiya phase, every girl wanted that doll that could dance to chahiya chahiya.

Parents should use their better judgment as to at what age is it okay to allow their child to watch a hindi movie. Seriously they expose them to these movies with violence, rape and sex scenes (which are there in our movies too).

So to sum it up, I think your approach is wrong to target JUST bollywood movies. You need to approach the Parents, and its the parents job to raise better Pakistanis, and better Pakistanis mean Hindus, Christians and Muslims.

I have to agree on that.

U are fighting a crusade that is almost impossible to win.This media which u are talking about is very dominant.

So finally on the Judgment Day,only on that day will we have to answer.And then i suppose most would go to hell.:devil:
Well rejecting of all these have been tried, it failed. People will see what they want or like, how can you forcibly stop them from doing. It will not work in a democracy.
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