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Rehman Malik Doesn't even know 'BISMILLAH'

good for you. Hate mongerers like you end up with high blood pressure.

Not really, I'm not the one screaming on top of my lungs when going kaboom or telling my followers to kill infidels.
Personally I rather have him then those 5 time praying Mullahs like Bin Laden and Mullah diesel . Rehman Malik's job is of a Interior Minister not a Imam at some mosque.

I thought it was the other video where he forgets some other surah or something. But still its funny he doesn't know Bismillah maybe he's not religious. The state does not have to interfere in his life.

No Pakistan's solution is in the hands of OBL type people :D
Not really, I'm not the one screaming on top of my lungs when going kaboom or telling my followers to kill infidels.

Waow you sound so cool now... what have you been smokin these days that made you soo cool?
Not really, I'm not the one screaming on top of my lungs when going kaboom or telling my followers to kill infidels.

There many youngsters like you eho sit all night in front of their satellite box and blindly beleive whatever CNN tells them. Have a guitar but dont have a Quran. Never been to a mosque.Never read any islamic book. Nobody in their house ever told them the basics of islam.Their parents were the same. What the hell luld you know ablut islam and an *Aalim* or mullah.
You can make ignorant comments about something you dont know nothing about.
Keep puking away your gener frusteration in the form of Islam-Mullah-Aalim hatered.
Waow you sound so cool now... what have you been smokin these days that made you soo cool?
Afghan Kush

There many youngsters like you eho sit all night in front of their satellite box and blindly beleive whatever CNN tells them. Have a guitar but dont have a Quran. Never been to a mosque.Never read any islamic book. Nobody in their house ever told them the basics of islam.Their parents were the same. What the hell luld you know ablut islam and an *Aalim* or mullah.
You can make ignorant comments about something you dont know nothing about.
Keep puking away your gener frusteration in the form of Islam-Mullah-Aalim hatered.

And there are many mullis like you that sit in front of their tvs watching naughty movies but outside their house they are all Alllah Allah. Hypocrites I must say. Why is that all these 5 time hajj going big bearded people are found guilty for rape, murder, kidnapping, robbery, fraud etc? Looking for halal meat shop with their haram money.

Why are you telling me to be a Muslim and involving my family in this? What I do with my life is none of your concern. Im not hurting anyone am I ? But the religious bigots that you look up to are hurting many innocent people. I hate people who try to shove their religion down my throats and I hate extremists. That doesn't mean I hate Islam or all Muslims.

btw your right I don't go to the mosque often and don't read the Quran often either. But that's my problem not yours. I was brought up to respect other people regardless of faith or race because my family is multi religious. My mom is one religion and my dad is of another religion.
The only Islamic thing about me is that I have a Muslim last name and my father is muslim.
Afghan Kush

Why are you telling me to be a Muslim and involving my family in this? What I do with my life is none of your concern. Im not hurting anyone am I ? But the religious bigots that you look up to are hurting many innocent people. I hate people who try to shove their religion down my throats and I hate extremists. That doesn't mean I hate Islam or all Muslims.

btw your right I don't go to the mosque often and don't read the Quran often either. But that's my problem not yours. I was brought up to respect other people regardless of faith or race because my family is multi religious. My mom is one religion and my dad is of another religion.
The only Islamic thing about me is that I have a Muslim last name and my father is muslim.

So by your own admission you know nothing of islam snd not interested.Fair enough.Then why bother frothing about something you dont have nothing to do with? This thread was not about terrorism , why youngsters like you feel the need of asserting their slogans of 'burn the mullah' every time when idlam is mentioned in whatever context.
The thing is that people like you who are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. have infinite supply of money.in perfect health and nobody watching over them dont have time to look for a God or religion.you dont have time for these things. you saw no trouble in life ever You never suffered a disease. you never needed to reach out to a powerful being and pray for help.
Do yourself a favour. enjoy your girls and booze and stop wasting your precious time in hating and being paranoid of 'bigots' who beleive in Allah.have spent years in a religious school leaning a great religion islam in detail
Further more you repeatedly say in yout post that whatever you do is your business no one elses? why not try thinking the same way about the 'mullis' you mentioned. You and many like you wont listen to a mullah but dutifully keep a sharp eye on everything they do.How do you know that the man looking for halal meat earns haram money? just hate fueled assumption? If 'mullis' commit crimes . so do non mullis. Why clean shaves should have the immunity to do all bad things. boozing . womanizing. drugs and all and nobody critisizes them. but a bearded man if does the least of mistakes. he is rediculed and insulted over and over again'

To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction?

If you hate somebody.they will hate you yoo too. and nobody will benifit from this circle of hate.
Bro, He is a dude who lives in "CANADA" and probably jokes about Islam with his white friends to impress them and to just look and sound cool. Its a new trend among many wanna be cool pakistanis to make fun of Islam.

ur right, some kids here dont really care about their religion and sometimes joke about it,
Bro, He is a dude who lives in "CANADA" and probably jokes about Islam with his white friends to impress them and to just look and sound cool. Its a new trend among many wanna be cool pakistanis to make fun of Islam.

sorry mate,these 'Wanabe Confused Desi Goras' peeve me big time.
So by your own admission you know nothing of islam snd not interested.Fair enough.Then why bother frothing about something you dont have nothing to do with? This thread was not about terrorism , why youngsters like you feel the need of asserting their slogans of 'burn the mullah' every time when idlam is mentioned in whatever context.
This thread should not have even been created. I don't know why you must ridicule Rehman Malik because he doesn't know some surah or bismillah. His job is to be an Interior Minister not some religious leader. Please keep religion out of politics. No wonder why this country is in a mess. You guys seem to drag religion into every little thing. Religion is a matter between you and god.

The thing is that people like you who are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. have infinite supply of money.in perfect health and nobody watching over them dont have time to look for a God or religion.you dont have time for these things. you saw no trouble in life ever You never suffered a disease. you never needed to reach out to a powerful being and pray for help.

Umm no I wasn't born with a golden spoon in my mouth. I actually consider myself a struggler. Lol I don't know what class system and health have to do with religion but ok what ever floats your boat.

Do yourself a favour. enjoy your girls and booze and stop wasting your precious time in hating and being paranoid of 'bigots' who beleive in Allah.have spent years in a religious school leaning a great religion islam in detail

Ok I will enjoy the girls and booze, don't worry about me. I made it clear in my previous posts I don't hate religious people, I only hate religious extremists who shove religion down other people's throats. Unfortunately the sad part is that even after spending years in madarsahs you couldn't learn respect and kindness to other people of different faith and race.
Further more you repeatedly say in yout post that whatever you do is your business no one elses? why not try thinking the same way about the 'mullis' you mentioned. You and many like you wont listen to a mullah but dutifully keep a sharp eye on everything they do.How do you know that the man looking for halal meat earns haram money? just hate fueled assumption? If 'mullis' commit crimes . so do non mullis. Why clean shaves should have the immunity to do all bad things. boozing . womanizing. drugs and all and nobody critisizes them. but a bearded man if does the least of mistakes. he is rediculed and insulted over and over again'

Majority of these terrorists, fraudia type people etc are 5 time praying people. I know clean shaved people do bad stuff too but atleast they are open about it. These mullis are pure hypocrites. Please don't try to make these extremist mullahs sound like they are angels and completely innocent.

To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction?

If you hate somebody.they will hate you yoo too. and nobody will benifit from this circle of hate.

Yeah we know how extremist mullahs are hating on people different from them. Some mullis are coming on tv and saying by killing Ahmadis they will be doing a great job and Allah will be pleased. Result of that, the next day 5 Ahmadis were slaughtered. Some mullis are going on the mosque's loudspeaker and shouting to kill kaafirs. The result of that, thousands of innocent Christian homes burnt in Gojra, dozens of Christians killed, hudnreds wounded.
Bro, He is a dude who lives in "CANADA" and probably jokes about Islam with his white friends to impress them and to just look and sound cool. Its a new trend among many wanna be cool pakistanis to make fun of Islam.

I shouldn't even bother to reply to you. You openly called Quaid e Azam a evil man following freemasons in numerous threads. In your small mulli brain Jaamat e Islami are the true saviours of Pakistan.
This thread should not have even been created. I don't know why you must ridicule Rehman Malik because he doesn't know some surah or bismillah. His job is to be an Interior Minister not some religious leader. Please keep religion out of politics. No wonder why this country is in a mess. You guys seem to drag religion into every little thing. Religion is a matter between you and god.

Umm no I wasn't born with a golden spoon in my mouth. I actually consider myself a struggler. Lol I don't know what class system and health have to do with religion but ok what ever floats your boat.

Ok I will enjoy the girls and booze, don't worry about me. I made it clear in my previous posts I don't hate religious people, I only hate religious extremists who shove religion down other people's throats. Unfortunately the sad part is that even after spending years in madarsahs you couldn't learn respect and kindness to other people of different faith and race.
playing the same old boring broken record over and over again. arent ya.Dont repeat same things in every comment. come up with new arguments and i might enjoy this convo.
actually i do know how to respect other religions and races,but not everybody deserves it. and stereotypes like you deserve the least.
connecting 5 times prayers to riots and killings is stupidity at its best...or may be worst.
Anyway i should stop wasting my time on a kid who has got issues. cheerio ;)
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