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‘Regional imbalance’ rising from US tilt towards India

What about Mughals that ruled India for the most of its history?
Sir, when Mughals and Britishers ruled India, the Present Pakistan and also The Bangladesh was part of India. So it means that India Pakistan and Bangladesh were slaves of Mughals and Britishers. India and Bangladesh learnt their lessons and don't give their land to any foreign country and hope Pakistan also learn their History lessons.
Isnt it fairly common to pass on such reservations, does India not do the same? Trolling ki be koi had hoti ha.:disagree:
It is a legacy of Mughals. How long did India exist? You just got your independence with Gandhi. Before that you got ruled by foreign powers for centuries.

Do you habitually talk out of your *** or is it linked to some stimulant use??

India has existed for thousands of years.. Ever heard of the Mauryan empire?? Read up on some history before you make sweeping statements (lest they give away that great intellect. NOTE: SARCASM).

Well, maybe not the most but definitely the golden period. Look at India now.

Again.. read up on History.. The Gupta period is the Golden Age of India.
and don't troll with your nonsense about India now. It's growing rapidly and we're poised to become one of the leading and more influential nation states in the world.
Worry about little Turkey and the mess that erdogan has got you into.
If Indians have an ounce of brain left, they will be careful with betting on the Farangis. US is the same country which has threatened to nuke India twice.

Rightly said....But you should also see one more thing US invaded Vietnam they were bitter enemies for nearly three decades....now they are helping each other....Thanks to China...all US's enemies are becoming friends....
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