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Refreshing Memories; Crimean Tatar Genocide by Soviet Russia (1944 )

Idiot ouldnt you read the title?
We are talking about Crimean Tatars.
And dont worry your grandfather russians suffered did not suffer only Crimean Tatars, also Miskheteens, Altay Tatars, Uzbeks, Azerbaidjanes, Chuvashs, Bashkurts were suffered.
When Tatars were deported, they left houses and lands some of which costs million dollars.
Today rich Russians stay at their lands by the sea , for example Yalta.
I know a lot of Tatars have Soviet document on houses. But nobody turns back houses.
Tatars still live in terribly bad conditions. When The Crimea belongs to Ukraine, Ukraine allowed them built houses on public lands. But local Russians werent happy with this situation.
Crimean Russians always blamed Tatars that They occupied public lands. But Tatars have right to occupe to public lands. Because noone has turned back theiir houses and lands and fields from Grandpa's, grandmums.

Russians the most rasist nation which hate Tatars. Poor Taatars are being assumilated under Putin.

The Crimea has never been Russian , They are occupands.

Ukranians and Tatars hate them. It is the most clear fact.

Read my first few posts before spewing hate towards Russians for something they did not do. The people responsible for the mass deportation of Tatars were not even Russians. The Soviet premier and head of the NKVD were both Georgians yet somehow idiots always blame Russians :lol:

Also look at the history of the Tatars. What did you expect to happen to Nazi collaborators? Russians that collaborated with Nazis just got shot. The Tatars had it good. Stalin which was Georgian mostly fed Russians to die fighting the Germans, ones that surrendered or fled were often killed or imprisoned by Stalin.
Sovietsky soyuz and Communism are the other names of Russian Imperialism.
Why do your people still show the picture of Stalin in prorussian spatriotic meeting? Why was the red star put in the middle of the Lugansk city yesterday?

Why do Russian separatis use Soviet Symbols in Ukraine? Every DonBass wall has Stalin Picture.

In Russia meetings patriots show picture of Stalin.

Because lifestyle of your USSR made everyone as a russian . Dont try to explain, we know evrything verywell.




Russians still hate Tatars as Stalin!!!!!!!
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Tartars living in the Tartarstan region seem to be better integrated into Russian society.
We don't hear about any problems regarding them as we do about Chechnya/Dagestan.
Tartars living in the Tartarstan region seem to be better integrated into Russian society.
We don't hear about any problems regarding them as we do about Chechnya/Dagestan.
Half of them were assimilated when Petr 1. occupied their land.
%50 of Kazan Tatars are Christed. And the others have only name of Muslims. Today all Kazan Tatars live as a cristian russian.
If they all together totally wanted to live as a real muslim which has ihlas, Russia would suffer.
Half of them were assimilated when Petr 1. occupied their land.
%50 of Kazan Tatars are Christed. And the others have only name of Muslims. Today all Kazan Tatars live as a cristian russian.
If they all together totally wanted to live as a real muslim which has ihlas, Russia would suffer.

I have very limited knowledge on the subject.

Just remembered a news report when the Crimea takeover took place, about a delegation from Tartarstan visiting Crimea to convince their fellow Tartars about Russia.
Yes, as i said they are assimilated, they are like a russian.
Poor Taatars are being assumilated under Putin.

That's great, in fact. Powerful civilization nations are assimilative by nature. That has been the case in China for thousands of years.

That what makes a group of wandering people a nation.

Without integration, there is no nation state. Look at Turkey. Would you like to live there now?
Nowadays armenians have been terribly nervous and jealous. Because they feel to be left by parents.
Second child has just been born and first child has lost his popularity.
Actually they are not first child of family. Because first child is the The Jews:)

Im sorry but facts hurt: Armenians fvcked by USA and EU. :) Europen and Americans arent disregardful of Armenians.

They understood that "Actually there wasnt genocide, it was deportation of terorists.
I believe ones who live in house of glass should not throw stones at others.
Armenian genocide did exist and was a t a much bigger scale than the one in this thread.
@Oublious No it,s your fetish to give blowjobs to NATO and on a daily basis.
@ptldM3 you are trying here these morons are trying to score points and know very little about history.Here they are trying to show crimean muslim tatars as victims when they don,t know the amount of Crimean tatars was no where the russians killed by stalin and the russian Christians he killed.
On topic :That jamala looks like a annoying tranny who wants to be a singer :lol:

What a stupid logic, but you wher talking about armenian genocide against modern Turkey. So the Tatars are killed in the the time of Stalin so Russia can't be guilty of it. Turks are guilty of armenian genocide. And give russian imperialism blowjob againg today.
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That has been the case in China.
No, it's not the case in China but too much breeding, your massive but poor working class population today proves it. As can be seen in your posts you know nothing on matter so instead ignorantly trolling around, contribute on topic. I am afraid, the other Turkish members, except @Lure , won't have the same mercy on a c*ckroach eater troll like you.
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No, it's not the case in China but too much breeding, your massive but poor working class population proves it.

Historically, China has been an assimilative power through soft measures. Hence, we do not have a similar practice of, for instance, Janissary Army which was attempted to be forcefully assimilated. That backfired, as you eventually had to disband that army through brutal measures.

I am afraid, the other Turkish members, except @Lure , will have the same mercy on a c*ckroach eater troll like you.

I believe Lure is a respected member with a similar Leftist/Marxist approach to historical reality. But, what do cockroaches have to do with other Turkish members' mercy or wrath on me?

Besides, bugs are a potential source of nutrition. That they are small and not so pretty-looking does not mean the are not potentially edible food?


Countries That Eat Bugs
By Miriam B. Weiner | August 11, 2014


Steve Baragona / Wikimedia Commons [more photos]

Slimy, scary, "the size of a Buick" — we use a lot of terms to describe bugs, but "yummy" isn't usually one of them. We associate insect ingestion with reality television shows like Fear Factor, which week-after-week portrays contestants wolfing down everything from live cockroaches to plump caterpillars. But before you add "eating bugs" to the list of things you'll never ever do, consider this: Insects are actually far more nutritious than other common forms of protein, even fish. For example, 100 grams of top sirloin beef contains about 29 grams of protein in addition to a whopping 21 grams of fat, while 100 grams of grasshopper contains 20 grams of protein and a measly six grams of fat. Big difference! Many scientists believe that entomophagy -- insect eating -- will not only benefit our health, but also the planet. In an interview with Countries Where They Eat Bugs]


manbartlett / Flickr [more photos]

Citizens of Thailand are no strangers to entomophagy. In fact, fried bugs are commonly served with beer (like peanuts at a bar). Once more prevalent in the Northern provinces like Isan, snacking on these vermin is now a regular occurrence in major cities like Bangkok, where vendors sell crispy insects from carts at outdoor markets. One of the country's most popular snacks is Jing Leed, a deep-fried cricket seasoned with Golden Mountain sauce (similar to soy sauce) and pepper. Other favorites include grasshopper, woodworm, bamboo worm and Maeng Da, or 3.5 inch-long water beetles. While most insects sold by Thai street vendors are prepared the same way, each variety is said to have its own distinct flavor.

While we normally consider termites to be a pesky (and costly) household plague, Ghanaians see them as a delicious and nutritious snack. However, in Ghana, eating bugs is much more than a lifestyle choice -- it's a means of survival. Other types of food are often in short supply during the country's spring months, when many Ghanaians are busy planting crops. Luckily, the season's heavy rains force winged termites to flee their underground homes. The termites are high in proteins, fats and oils, all of which are needed for a healthy, well-balanced diet. The insects can be fried, roasted and even ground into flour for baking purposes.


Andy Sadler / Wikimedia Commons [more photos]

You probably won't find any creepy-crawlies at your local cantina, but insects have been a staple in Mexican cuisine for centuries. And these days, you'll find that they suit just about every taste. French-fried caterpillars offer a satisfying crunch, while ant eggs are served with so much butter that even Julia Child would approve. Chocolate-covered locusts and candy-covered worms make getting your daily dose of protein oh-so sweet. If the thought of consuming insects still makes you queasy, take some time to drink it in down in Oaxaca (a state in southern Mexico), where a potent alcohol called mezcal is served with a "worm" — the larval form of the moth Hypopta agavis — submerged in the glass.

To us, bugs are nature's practical joke. But in China, they're considered delicacies. The Chinese snack on a wide variety of insects, from water bugs boiled and then soaked vinegar to live scorpions doused in baijiu, a robust liquor. While Chinese citizens eat all sorts of insects, the country's finer restaurants tend to serve its delicacies in the larval state. Chinese gourmands enjoy roasted bee larvae and fried silkworm moth larvae, which are both rich in nutrients like copper, iron, riboflavin, thiamin and zinc. And when temperatures begin to drop, the Chinese keep warm with a steaming bowl of ant soup.


EBKauai / Flickr [more photos]

The Chinese aren't the only people who like ants; in Brazil, içás, or queen ants, are a favorite snack. Although ants were once eaten only by poorer citizens, this tradition is now celebrated. Every October and November, these massive winged ants emerge from underground to the delight of the residents of Australia's indigenous cultures eat insects for protein. Back in the day, preparing creepy-crawly cuisine was a painstaking process: The Aborigines cooked moths in the sand, stirring in hot ashes to help remove the bugs' wings and the legs. Today, Oz's native societies still thrive on insects like honey-pot ants — which use their bodies as a portable pantry — and witchetty grubs, or large, wood-eating moth larvae. Roasted witchetty grub has a crispy skin with a yellowy filling that's said to taste a little like almonds.


Gilgongo / Flickr [more photos]

Bugs have been a staple of Japan's cuisine for centuries due to their abundance. In fact, during rough agricultural and economic times, insects were the main means of survival for many rural populations. Today, bugs are becoming a more common sight on Japanese menus: Restaurants all over the country serve up hearty portions of hachi-no-ko (boiled wasp larvae), sangi (fried silk moth pupae) and zaza-mushi (aquatic insect larvae). The Japanese also enjoy munching on fully grown insects such as semi (fried cicada) and inago (fried grasshopper). And though noshing on insects is still a little taboo here — particularly in the cities — many Japanese people are beginning to broaden their culinary horizons.

The Netherlands
The Netherlands is one of the few European nations beginning to embrace entomophagy. While Dutch insect breeders face a barrier of Western criticism, gourmands like Johan Van Dongen — head of the meat department for the food distributor Sligro, believes that once people learn to sink their teeth in, they'll never go back. The New York Times wrote an more photos]

Eating bugs is now part of the challenge of participating in reality TV shows like Survivor and Fear Factor. But believe it or not, bugs are being consumed on our own home turf when the cameras are off. If you own red lipstick or have ever snacked on red candy, chances are that you've ingested cochineal, an insect native to South America that is used to produce red dye. Bugs are also becoming prevalent in sweets. Many candy shops like Hotlix in Pismo Beach, California, are famous for selling chocolate-covered ants and cricket lollipops. It comes as no surprise that children welcome the concept of entomophagy with open arms, and with such sweet treats at hand, it might be time for us adults to follow suit.


Hotlix [more photos]

Eating bugs is now part of the challenge of participating in reality TV shows like Survivor and Fear Factor. But believe it or not, bugs are being consumed on our own home turf when the cameras are off. If you own red lipstick or have ever snacked on red candy, chances are that you've ingested cochineal, an insect native to South America that is used to produce red dye. Bugs are also becoming prevalent in sweets. Many candy shops like Hotlix in Pismo Beach, California, are famous for selling chocolate-covered ants and cricket lollipops. It comes as no surprise that children welcome the concept of entomophagy with open arms, and with such sweet treats at hand, it might be time for us adults to follow suit.


Back to topic, Turkish members have so far definitely failed to counter-argue/disprove historical facts provided by our Russian partners.
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Expectedly, you haven't contributed anything on topic except your hate and trolling until now.

I have just proven that bugs are a main source of nourishment and leisure food in many cultures, including that of China -- and that's because you raised the issue of cockroach eating in your post #61.

As for hate, it seems that that falls squarely on you. You not only hate China, but also all bug-loving countries.

No, it's not the case in China but too much breeding, your massive but poor working class population today proves it... I am afraid, the other Turkish members, except @Lure , won't have the same mercy on a c*ckroach eater... like you.

On topic, I stated that, what befell upon the Crimean Tatars at the height of the WWII has nothing to do with the current Russian Federation and, looked from the particularities and context of the time such as the alliance of the Tatars with Nazis (for rational purposes, probably), the killings would be strategically rationalized.
I don't have time for trolls and their cheap flamebaits.

Your first post, #32
Crimea is now a better place under Russian control than it was under Ukraine. At the moment, it is a nice tourist destination compared to very unsafe situation in Turkey

Second one, #57
Look at Turkey. Would you like to live there now?

Try harder, troll.
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