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Refrain from cow slaughter on Eid, clerics appeal to Muslims.

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Dude,you know more than Senior BJP leaders or what?:lol:

I do not give a rat's *** about senior BJP leaders as for me this is a matter of faith and like millions of other Hindus we will not rest until Lord Ram's mandir is rebuilt one way or another, i know politics is a dirty business people make promises and backtrack when they come to office this is to be expected but we here for the long game.
or me this is a matter of faith and like millions of other Hindus we will not rest until Lord Ram's mandir is rebuilt one way or another,

Read that again. Thats why its irrational. Cuz its not based on reason, not even on history. Its based on FAITH. Of all things FAITH. A notion! You guys are just as bad as the Islamic mullahs.
I do not give a rat's *** about senior BJP leaders as for me this is a matter of faith and like millions of other Hindus we will not rest until Lord Ram's mandir is rebuilt one way or another, i know politics is a dirty business people make promises and backtrack when they come to office this is to be expected but we here for the long game.

No Hindutvavadi gives a rat's arse; nothing unexpected.

Why even bother with a constitution and the rule of law? Let's just riot around; the bigger mob gets to do its thing.

Sometimes this kind of logic really winds me up.
It looks more as a warning by hindus...

nyways this poor muslims choose to stay in india now they have to bear the torture......
No Hindutvavadi gives a rat's arse; nothing unexpected.

Why even bother with a constitution and the rule of law? Let's just riot around; the bigger mob gets to do its thing.

Sometimes this kind of logic really winds me up.

Too much blood has been shed we are not going to compromise on this matter, those innocent victims that were burnt alive in the Godhra train were returning from none other than Ayodhya that was the sole reason why those mobs decided to burn them alive that day on 27 February 2002.
It looks more as a warning by hindus...

nyways this poor muslims choose to stay in india now they have to bear the torture......

How did you get that? And why don't you fly the saffron flag of the BJP, since you believe in an exchange of population, just like them?

Now all the trolls start coming out.
It looks more as a warning by hindus...

nyways this poor muslims choose to stay in india now they have to bear the torture......

Dude stay out of it. And dont derail the topic. For every Hindu that parrots some form of intolerant ideology you will find 5 more calling him out for it. Even on PDF. As you can see from the article, even Muslims are ready to extend a friendly hand, although I believe they should just do what they want, its their right. But I am willing to look at it positively. So stop this bleeding heart facade you are trying to put up on here :rolleyes:

Too much blood has been shed we are not going to compromise on this matter, those innocent victims that were burnt alive in the Godhra train were returning from none other than Ayodhya that was the sole reason why those mobs decided to burn them alive that day on 27 February 2002.

So the people that were massacared in Naroda pattiya arent innocent people? What about the 35 kids that were burnt alive by monkeys on adrenaline? aka Hindutva goons? Dude get real.
She is trolling and inviting hatred by posting these things. And everyone is falling for it.

For people like her, the day passes by on doing politics over Hindu-Muslim unity in India and creating mess at every thread.

Report her and move on. :enjoy:

/conspiracy theory mode On...

Reporting her does not help.. She is part of the Forum conspiracy to keep the bickering (and the traffic) up :)

/conspiracy theory mode Off...
Too much blood has been shed we are not going to compromise on this matter, those innocent victims that were burnt alive in the Godhra train were returning from none other than Ayodhya that was the sole reason why those mobs decided to burn them alive that day on 27 February 2002.

I am talking about your wonderful statement about it being your faith that Ram's birthplace was there, at that spot, with not a particle of evidence, not even from within Hindu scripture, to show that. You do realise that there are a large number of Americans who still don't believe in evolution and refute Darwin. These statements put you fairly and squarely in their camp, along with Palin and that pack of clowns.

Well done.

You can't be Muslim and a cleric at the same time.

What's a Maulana?

Dude I am a hindu, I respect your wishes but you are exagaretting things to much.

Whatever muslim invaders did in past cannot be reversed by doing same with by replacing muslim mosques by original hindu mandir/temples now.

We now live in a secular democratic country not A HINDU STATE.

All your logic & reasoning fails when we turnFirst page of Our constitution. So whatever you are expecting from BJP or any hindu organisation is just a wet dream.
I am talking about your wonderful statement about it being your faith that Ram's birthplace was there, at that spot, with not a particle of evidence, not even from within Hindu scripture, to show that. You do realise that there are a large number of Americans who still don't believe in evolution and refute Darwin. These statements put you fairly and squarely in their camp, along with Palin and that pack of clowns.

Well done.

What's a Maulana?

Joe we are never going to agree on this one but there is a whole heap of evidence which supports the claim that Ayodhya and more important that exact spot is where Lord Rama was born.

Summary Of Archaelogical Evidence:

1. The Babri structure had 14 pillars made of 'Kasauti' black stone with Hindu images. Also inside the Babri compound was a piece of a door jamb with images of 'Mukut-dhari Dwarpal' and 'Devakanyas'. Iconographical evaluation of these pillars and the door jamb by Dr. S. P. Gupta (former Director of Allahabad Museum) showed that these belonged to a Hindu temple of the 11 th Century A.D. period when the Garhwal Kings of Kanauj ruled Ayodhya.

2. Between 1975 and 1980 Prof. B. B. Lal (the then Director General of Archaeological Survey of India) conducted an excavation behind the Babri structure and even touching it. The excavation showed pillar bases of burnt bricks (of the preexisting temple). The most beautiful pottery dated around 8 th-9th Century B.C. was also found.

3. On June 18 th 1992, when the ground near the Ram Janma Bhoomi was being levelled, at a depth of 12 ft, several beautifully carved buff sandstone objects were found. These objects included images of Vaishnav divinities with one 'Chakrapurush' sculpture also showing 'Parashuram' and 'Balram', an image of 'Shiv-Parvati' (largely broken) and many carved stones such as corner were terrecotta Hindu images of Kushan period (1 st to 3 rd Century A.D.).

These and other objects found during subsequent excavations during July 1992, were found to be members of a Hindu temple complex of about 11 th Century A.D. by a team of 8 eminent archaeologists and historians. The team included Dr. Y. D. Sharma, former Deputy Director General of Archaeological Survey of India, and Prof. B. R. Grover, Director of Indian Council for Historical Research.

4. The destruction of Babri structure on Dec. 6, 1992 revealed many archaeological remains which irrefutably prove that Mir Baqi had incorporated parts of the preexisting temple in the construction of the Babri mosque. The remains include a temple bell, several intricate and detailed carvings, an image of Vishnu, and several other Hindu images.

The principal amongst the findings however is a 2 ft wide by 4.5 ft long buff sandstone tablet 'SHILA LEKH' bearing an inscription in 'Devanagari' script and Sanskrit language. The 'Shila lekh' describes an ancient Ram Mandir existing at Ram Janma Bhoomi at least since the 12 th Century A.D. which was built by a Garhwal king Raja Govindachandra.

The 4 th line of this 'Shila lekh' specifically describes a temple of Lord Vishnu (Hari) at the 'Janma Bhoomi Sthal'. The 15 th line describes it as a massive, magnificent temple dominating the landscape, and with steeples 'shikhar' adorned with gold 'Kalash'. The 17 th line specifically mentions the location as Ayodhya and the 'Saket Mandal', while the 19 th line mentions the 'Vaman Avatar' and then mentions Ram as the destroyer of evil Ravan. net, it was a temple! Brief History - 1528 thru 1934 :

As per historians, since 1528 there have been at least 76 armed conflict in which over 300,000 Hindus sacrificed their lives to restore the Ram Janma Bhoomi temple.


Dude I am a hindu, I respect your wishes but you are exagaretting things to much.

Whatever muslim invaders did in past cannot be reversed by doing same with by replacing muslim mosques by original hindu mandir/temples now.

We now live in a secular democratic country not A HINDU STATE.

All your logic & reasoning fails when we turnFirst page of Our constitution. So whatever you are expecting from BJP or any hindu organisation is just a wet dream.

We do not want or expect anything other than our holy places to be rebult that is all we seek. The father of our nation Gandhiji died saying the words Ram-Ram.
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